Take Stock in Children Announces 40 New Students Selected for Scholarship Program

September 12, 2024

Take Stock in Children of Escambia County recently welcomed 40 new scholars at the annual Take Stock Kickoff Dinner.

There are now 166 students in grades 7-12 in Escambia County’s program. Students will receive a college scholarship upon high school graduation as long as they maintain good grades, attendance and citizenship, remain crime and drug free, and meet weekly with a volunteer community mentor.

Take Stock in Children is a statewide non-profit organization operating locally under the Escambia County Public Schools Foundation. Take Stock provides “scholarships, mentors & hope” to deserving young people selected at the end of their 6th or 7th grade year through a need-based application process.

Scholarship donations from local foundations, organizations, businesses, and individuals are matched dollar-for-dollar when scholarships are purchased from Florida Prepaid College Foundation each year and are held until students graduate from high school.

The new students were selected from the following schools:

  • Bailey Middle – Catalia Molina, Emma Willits
  • Bellview Middle – Daniel Finley
  • Beulah Middle – Crystal Gutierrez, Azaleah Ramos
  • Brown Barge Middle – Jade Bardoo, Ameria Jordan, Faith Lawson, Janiyah Roberson
  • Dixon School of Art & Science – Helen Cummings, Naomi Cummings, Amaya Hooper, Zalayvia Jones
  • Ernest Ward Middle – Amanuel Dubose Jr., Logan McClurg, Nevaeh Tidd
  • Ferry Pass Middle – Jordan Bain, Thomas Bain, Harmony Farrington, William Jemison, Sophia Palmer, Sariyah Washington
  • Florida Virtual School – Kydriah Badilishamwalimu
  • Montessori School – Reed Erb
  • Ransom Middle – Kaylynn Grzejka, Desiree Hicks, Abbie Huynh, Khale Moorer
  • Warrington Prep – Billy Dorsey, Dumarian Hawkins, Logan Kerr, Christian Rivera Jr., Tevin Robinson, James Smith, Arhianna Watts-Riley, Ja’Nae White
  • Workman Middle – Journey English, Harmoni Epps, Mahayla Epps, Trinity Marvray

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Take Stock in Children Announces 40 New Students Selected for Scholarship Program”

  1. Willene Bryan on September 12th, 2024 9:01 am

    Congratulations to you all.

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