Neglected Dog Finds Forever Home through Escambia Foster Program

September 10, 2024

When the Miller family opened their home to a severely neglected dog through Escambia County Animal Welfare’s foster program earlier this year – as they’ve done for many dogs and cats before – they had no idea that this foster dog would end up becoming a permanent part of their family.

The dog, now called Rosario or “Rose” by her new family, arrived at the Escambia County Animal Shelter in April, nearly starved to death, covered with fleas, and afraid.

Rose was especially afraid of humans and withdrew from staff, but the shelter’s veterinary team was able to win her over after a couple of weeks and help her gain 2 pounds. Once she was ready, Animal Welfare put out a call for a foster family to help socialize Rose, show her love, and help her gain some weight so she could ultimately be adopted.

The Miller family stepped up to help, taking Rose into their home to nurture her and shower her with affection.

“It was so sad when she first arrived,” said Ashley Ratz, who regularly fosters animals with her husband, Zack Miller, and their three daughters. “She was probably less than half the size she is now. She had a lot of scars and open wounds on her, she was really timid, and she was so shy. It was like she didn’t know how to be a dog yet. When she first got to go in the yard, that’s when we first saw her excitement.”

Over time, Rose grew more comfortable around the Miller family, becoming especially attached to their three daughters and sleeping next to them every night. Rose also got along well with the family’s two cats and their dog, an Akita named Koda.

Once Rose gained enough weight to be eligible for adoption, the Miller family knew they wouldn’t be able to let her go back to the shelter or even to someone else’s home.

“We just realized we couldn’t put her back in any environment that wasn’t our home,” Ratz said. “She just fits in so well. We all love her, and we couldn’t think of it any other way.”

Ratz said the positive changes she’s seen in Rose have been incredible to watch, and she’s truly become part of their family. Rose even waits by the door every weekday, ready to hop in the car and go pick up the girls from school.

“She’s like a completely different dog,” Ratz said. “She’s the sweetest girl. She just has more confidence, and we can actually take her out in public without her getting scared and nervous. She plays with toys now, she plays fetch – she’s amazing. She’s turned into a real dog.”

Even with a full house of two dogs and two cats now, the Miller family is continuing to foster pets through the Escambia County Animal Shelter’s volunteer program, which Ratz said has been a great experience for their family.

“A lot of people I talk to don’t know that you can go to the shelter and just give a dog a freedom for a weekend, they don’t know you can take them out for walks,” Ratz said. “The dogs that are inside the shelter are completely different than when they’re inside your home, and just being able to give an animal some space is so nice. It’s a lot easier than you think it is, and it means so much to them.”

Escambia County Animal Welfare Director John Robinson said families like the Millers are an example of the incredible positive impact volunteering and fostering can make in an animal’s life.

“A little love and attention can change an animal’s life tremendously, and this heartwarming story is a prime example of that,” Robinson said. “We always have a need for volunteers and fosters to help free up shelter space until dogs and cats can find their forever home, and we are so grateful for generous people like the Miller family who step up to help animals in need in our community. I think Rosario’s smile says it all: This foster ‘fail’ is a true win for everyone involved.”


3 Responses to “Neglected Dog Finds Forever Home through Escambia Foster Program”

  1. A.W.Thompson on September 10th, 2024 8:24 am

    Awesome need more feel good stories like this.

  2. Lee on September 10th, 2024 7:52 am

    All of our dogs have been rescue and the rescues, once over their fears and previous memories, are loving and thankful of their new lives. It may take some time, but you will never regret it.

  3. JTV on September 10th, 2024 7:11 am

    I love a good ending.

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