More Details Released: Cantonment Man Charged With Shooting His Brother In The Quintette Community

September 22, 2024

We are learning more about what deputies say happened during an incident last weekend that left one brother shot and another brother charged with attempted murder.

Horace Brown, Jr., was charged with attempted second degree murder and violating a domestic violence injunction by possessing a firearm or ammunition.

The victim, who suffered a gunshot wound to the abdomen, was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital in critical condition following the incident reported around 1:50 p.m. in the 2800 block of Highway 95, just north of Quinette Road.

Shortly after the incident, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said Brown claimed he shot his brother to intervene in an altercation where the brother was allegedly hitting their mother.

According to a recently released arrest report, Brown was in his recording studio, located in a shed in the backyard of the family’s mobile home. He told deputies that his brother has a history of mental issues that cause him to him to have violent outbursts. He told deputies that he heard his mother and brother in a loud altercation inside the resident.

“He ran into the residence and stated that his mother was being attacked and that he ‘boom boom boom boom’ indicating that he shot (the victim),” the ECSO report states. Brown refused to speak further without an attorney present.”

Investigators responded to Sacred Heart Hospital but were unable to speak to the victim because he was undergoing surgery.

The mother told deputies that both brothers are her children and all live together at the residence. She said that the victim became upset, and she told him to go outside to cool off, the report states, and she went outside onto the porch where he punched her in the face. After she was allegedly punched in the face, they went back inside the residence to the kitchen.

She said that a few minutes later, Brown entered the back door, pulled a firearm, and pointed it at the victim, according to investigators. The mother yelled several times for Brown not to shoot his brother before one shot was fired.

The mother stated that Brown “did not need to do that, and at no point was she in fear for her life due to the attack by (the victim)”, the report says. She stated, “that the initial battery between her and (the victim) was separate incident from when Brown, Jr. shot (the victim) as where was no continuation of the initial altercation.”

In 2005, Brown had been served with a permanent domestic violence injunction that contained a condition that he was never to possess firearms or ammunition.”

Investigators located two projectiles and one shell casing in the kitchen of the home.

Brown has entered a not guilty plea in the case through his public defender and is due back in court next month.

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4 Responses to “More Details Released: Cantonment Man Charged With Shooting His Brother In The Quintette Community”

  1. Joni on September 24th, 2024 8:48 pm

    @Greg, if you look it up, it is illegal for someone with a domestic violence offense to own a gun in Florida, whether it’s a felony or not. That’s because both federal and state law prohibits people with domestic violence convictions to own guns. I looked it up after seeing you’re response.

  2. Boo on September 23rd, 2024 12:57 pm

    This is a sad situation this is a great family, the victim ( I have seen him) have done things in (My opinion) to make me think he has some mental illness, he would walk around and act like he was against the world, mumble crazy things , He’s a big dude. I have people in my family that you NEVER know what will set them off or When . Mental issues is REAL, We as a community needs to get involved and try to STOP this Violence ,Gun violence, these young people are hurting and killing each Other! As a mother she is broken both are her Sons, Stay strong Mr and Mrs. Brown your family is in my prayers!

  3. Greg on September 23rd, 2024 4:35 am

    Not to nitpick but a permanent ban on firearm possession for a non-felony domestic sounds unconstitutional to me. A judge cannot say you can never own a firearm again except for a felony conviction.

  4. A mom on September 22nd, 2024 1:03 pm

    So, instead of intervening with calling the police and using his fists, he got a gun which he wasn’t supposed to have and shot his brother. He needs some time. I don’t feel sorry for him.

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