FWC Law Enforcement Report: Alcohol At The Pipes, Fishing Violations

September 15, 2024

The Florida FWC Division of Law Enforcement reported the following recent activity:


Master Officer Hahr was patrolling at the Pipes Recreation Area in Perdido River Wildlife Management Area when he observed subjects in possession of alcoholic beverages. While attempting to identify them, one subject provided a name and date of birth that turned out to be her sister. A record check on her real name showed a warrant for failure to appear. She was arrested on the warrant and charged with giving a false name to a law enforcement officer.

Master Officer Hahr was patrolling the Wilson Robertson boat ramp when he encountered a subject with an outstanding felony warrant for larceny. The subject was arrested and taken to Escambia County Jail.

The FWC received information of a possible derelict vessel located in the Santa Rosa Sound. Officer Wilkenson located the vessel, which was grounded near residence properties on Pensacola Beach. The owner was located and cited for the violation.

Investigator J. Pifer was on patrol when he observed a vessel returning from the Gulf of Mexico with several individuals and fishing gear on board. Upon conducting a resource inspection, Investigator Pifer located an undersized red snapper and an undersized scamp grouper on board the vessel. The owner/operator of the vessel was issued a citation for harvesting/possession of undersized red snapper and a warning for undersized scamp grouper.

Investigator J. Pifer was on patrol when he observed a charter fishing vessel in Pensacola Bay with several individuals and fishing gear on board. During a resource inspection, six undersized red snapper were located on board. A check of the charter captain’s history with the FWC revealed he had been cited multiple times this year for fishing violations. The captain was issued a citation for harvesting/possession of undersized red snapper.


Officer Lewis responded a complaint from the Florida Forest Service about a subject camping at a primitive campsite in Blackwater River State Forest for more than the allowable 14 consecutive nights in a 30-day period. Officer Lewis and Officer Roberson located the subject and subsequently cited the subject for the camping violation and for littering.

Officer Wilkenson conducted a compliance check of an authorized gopher tortoise agent who was relocating gopher tortoises off private property, pursuant to a permit issued by the FWC. Upon inspection of the site and contact with the agent, several permit violations were discovered. The agent was cited for the violations.

Officer Lewis was on patrol in Blackwater River State Park when he observed a vehicle speeding in the park. Officer Lewis motioned for the driver to slow the vehicle. The driver of the vehicle slowed the vehicle then came to a stop to ask the officer a question. While the officer was answering the driver’s question, he observed the vehicle’s tag had been expired for about two years. A computer check for the tag and driver showed the subject’s driver license was suspended, there was a seize tag and seize order for the vehicle. The officer issued the driver citations for the traffic violations, seized the vehicle’s tag, and impounded the vehicle.

This report represents some events the FWC handled during the time period; however, it does not include all actions taken by the Division of Law Enforcement. Information provided by FWC.

NorthEscambia.com photo.


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