Former Pensacola High Assistant Principal Arrested On Additional Video Voyeurism, Child Porn Charges

September 17, 2024

Additional voyeurism and child porn possession charges have been filed against the now former assistant principal of Pensacola High School .

In August, Sean Clark Roby, 55, was charged with felony video voyeurism by an offender age 19 or older. He was released from jail two days later on a $15,000 bond.

Now, Roby has been arrested again on new charges of:

  • five counts of video voyeurism by person 19-years-old or older
  • four counts of video voyeurism by person 24-years-old or older on child less than 16-years-old
  • 20 counts of child porn possession

He remains in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $520,000.

The victim in the initial case, who is now 23, alleged the crime occurred back in 2019 when she was 17-years-old. According to reports, Roby allegedly video recorded her nude while she was inside her bedroom.

According to new court documents, investigators discovered the child porn files following Roby’s first arrest.

Regarding the charges of video voyeurism on a child younger than age 16, the documents state that two of the counts stem from incidents in December 2016 when the child was age 15. The other two counts stem from incidents in January 2017 when the child was age 15.

Regarding the new charges of video voyeurism by person 19-years-old or older, the documents state the five incidents took place on these dates:

  • 3 counts – May 2018
  • 1 count – June 2018
  • 1 count – January 2020

No further details have been released about the new charges.

Escambia County Public School released the following statement after Roby’s August arrest:  “We can confirm the arrest of one of our employees yesterday, and are fully cooperating with our partners in law enforcement as their investigation unfolds. Out of respect for their investigative process, and in accordance with our policies as negotiated in our Employment Master Contract, we will not be able to provide further information at this time, other than to say this individual is suspended pending the outcome of the investigation.”

The school district said Monday that he has now been fired.


3 Responses to “Former Pensacola High Assistant Principal Arrested On Additional Video Voyeurism, Child Porn Charges”

  1. Jim Rockford on September 17th, 2024 9:53 am

    “….Roby allegedly video recorded her nude while she was inside her bedroom”

    How did this dude even get access to her bedroom? Through a window? Where’s her parents/guardian?

  2. Bill T on September 17th, 2024 9:31 am

    I think they got ya!!!!might as well tell them how sick you really are and you can’t be helped ever !!!!! Go ahead and spit it out !!!!

  3. Pop on September 17th, 2024 8:50 am

    Bow tie should of been first clue!

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