Escambia County Commits $1 Million For Safety Improvements On Highway 4, Highway 4A

September 6, 2024

The Escambia County Commission Tuesday night committed $1 million for safety improvements on Highway 4 and Highway 4A in North Escambia.

Escambia County Engineering has contracted with civil engineering firm Jacobs Engineering to provide an assessment of the condition of both county roadways.

“We have an engineering firm looking at Highway 4 and Highway 4A right now about doing some improvements,” District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry said at the Tuesday night commission meeting.. “It was not gauged to be as narrow as Highway 164 in the north end, but both roads are also narrow. In some of the areas where we have curves, they are specifically looking at some of the more dangerous turns and curves on those two highways in the north end.”

Jacobs Engineering expects to complete their analysis by January 2025, and Escambia County engineering and traffic divisions will review the report and identify the sections that are the most cost-effective to widen while considering the need due to lane departures. The focus will turn to rebuilding those areas immediately. The remaining portions of the study area will go through a formal design process considering right of way and drainage needs
along the corridor.

The commission voted 4-0 to transfer $1 million from the Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) IV District 5 Discretionary Funds for the project.

Highway 4A is just under seven miles from Highway 4 in Byrneville to Highway 29 in Century. Highway 4 is about 13.5 miles long from Highway 97 near the Davisville Community to Century.

The third and final phase of an Escambia County project to widen portions Highway 164 across the northern part of the county is currently underway. When completed later this month, 2.16 miles of the dangerously narrow roadway will have been widened.

Pictured: Widened roadway on Highway 164 just east of Highway 97. photos, click to enlarge.


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