Pete The Cat Wins ‘Kids Votes Count’ Poll At West Florida Libraries

September 3, 2024

Pete the Cat was named the overwhelming winner of the 2024 Kids’ Votes Count poll at the West Florida Libraries.

“It was not even close,” Assistant Director of Library Services Christal Bell-Rivera said.

The program was designed to help engage kids of all ages in the voting process by encouraging them to exercise their right to vote for their favorite literary character. The voting coincided with the August Primary early voting period for adults.

Over 600 kids voted during the event, choosing from a field of candidates that included:

  • Eragon
  • Groot
  • Harry Potter
  • Luffy
  • Pigeon
  • Nancy Drew
  • Amelia Bedlia
  • Pete the Cat
  • Katniss Everdeen

Pigeon fished a distant second in the voting, while Harry Potter came in third.

Pictured top: Reading Pete The Cat at the Molino Branch Library recently were: (L-R) Molino Library Branch Manager Rachel Kahalley, WFPL Assistant Director of Library Services Christal Bell-Rivera, and Director of Library Services Todd Humble. photo, click to enlarge. Pictured below: The 2024 Kids’ Votes Count at the Century Branch Library.


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