Florida Forest Service Announces $2 Million For Florida Landowners To Improve Forest Health

July 26, 2024

Thursday, Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson and the Florida Forest Service announced $2 million is now available to Florida landowners through the Florida’s Future Forests Program to improve forest health. In its fourth year, the program offers landowners cost-share opportunities to help enhance the capacity of Florida’s forests, which provide clean air, clean water, wildlife habitat, recreation, and thousands of essential products.

“A majority of our state’s forests are privately owned so Florida landowners are key to maintaining and conserving our forests and natural resources for future generations,” said Simpson. “This important program helps landowners offset the initial cost of site preparation, seedlings, and the planting of seedlings.”

The Florida’s Future Forests Program is open to non-industrial, private landowners, local governments, and registered nonprofit organizations. To obtain an application and learn more about the Florida’s Future Forests Program, visit FDACS.gov/FutureForests.

Applicants may request funding for tree establishment practices on a minimum of 10 acres and up to 250 acres. Since 2021, the Florida Legislature has appropriated approximately $14 million for this program. These funds have already been used to create 26,000 acres of healthy forests in Florida.

The Florida Legislature funded the program with a total of $4 million this fiscal year. In addition to the initial $2 million offering, an additional $2 million will be released later this fiscal year to fund future site preparation and planting.

To learn more in Escambia County, contact Escambia County Forester Cathy Hardin at (850) 587-5237 or Cathy.Hardin@FDACS.gov.


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