ECUA Considering Water, Sewer And Sanitation Rate Increases

July 22, 2024

The Emerald Coast Utilities Authority is considering rate increases for water, wastewater and sanitation customers.

The ECUA Citizen’s Advisory Committee recommended a 3% across the board for all three services.

The proposed 3% for water and wastewater rate increases would be a moderate increase for customers. For an average mainland customer using 6,000 gallons, the increase will be just under $1 per month for water and under $2 for wastewater. (Pensacola Beach water and wastewater customers pay a higher rate.)

A 3% increase or sanitation rates is also proposed.

For residential customers with a 90-gallon on smaller container, the rate would increase from $29.82 to $30.56, increasing by 78 cents. The senior citizen rate with a 60-gallon container would increase 62 cents from $24.98 to $25.60.

“Other changes include an increase so the initial delivery charge for non-compaction rolloff containers in the commercial division, the resolution states. “The (fiscal year) 2024 budget included changes to commercial rates to become more competitive with the private sector.”

Resolutions to be considered by the ECUA board this Tuesday would set public hearings on the proposals for 2 p.m. on Tuesday, August 7.


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