Childers Won’t Appeal Order Keeping Him Out Of Supervisor of Elections Race

July 1, 2024

Attorney Bruce Childers announced on social media that he will not appeal a judge’s decision on Friday that will keep him off the ballot for Escambia County supervisor of elections.

Circuit Judge Jennifer Frydrychowicz denied his emergency motion to him back on the ballot after he was disqualified by incumbent Supervisor of Elections Robert Bender for failing to file a full public financial disclosure Form 6 by the close of qualifying.

Childers said he never received a call about any issues, which is something he claims should have been done, according to the Florida statute that states a qualifying officer shall make every reasonable effort to notify the candidate of missing or incomplete items.

“I do not find any basis in law for taking such a bold step as to overrule the supervisor of elections,” Frydrychowicz said as she issued a verbal order.

Childers said he would not appear because, “by the time it got to the appellate court, be a moot issue”.

“While I had hoped for a different result, I must accept this court’s decision and move on with my life,” Childers wrote on Facebook. “I want to say thank you for all of your support, your prayers, your kindness, and for being there with us. It may sound counter-intuitive to say, but right now I feel I am a very lucky man to be a part of this community.

Bender is automatically elected as the only qualified candidate for Supervisor of Elections.

Photo courtesy WEAR 3 for, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Childers Won’t Appeal Order Keeping Him Out Of Supervisor of Elections Race”

  1. Bewildered on July 1st, 2024 6:05 pm

    El duque: i think his dad was longtime time Senator W.D. Childers’ cousin.
    Judge Frydrychowicz should not be a judge if she is afraid to take a bold step. If the Florida Statute says all reasonable efforts need to be made to notify an (ANY) applicant about missing paperwork and this wasn’t done…..ruling should be obvious – no bold steps needed
    A judge influenced by politics – tell me it isn’t so….Wow

  2. JJ on July 1st, 2024 11:16 am

    Really, law not followed. What if I write his name in on my balltand 60000 more did so

  3. el duque on July 1st, 2024 9:55 am

    Question: Just curious. Is Bruce Childers related to W.D. Childers?

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