Barrineau Estates Proposed With 305 Lots On Highway 95A

July 10, 2024

A new 305 lot single family residential development has been proposed near Molino.

If approved, Barrineau Estates would be located on 305 acres on Highway 95A between Chipper and Straughn roads, with a proposed density of about one lot per acre.

Each of the lots would have a private septic system, with water provided by Molino Utilities.

According to applicant Hammond Engineering, the project would be constructed in a single phase.

The application for Barrineau Estates has been submitted to the Escambia County Development Review Committee and has not yet been set for a final vote. Following a pre-application meeting, county staff asked for additional information. graphic.


30 Responses to “Barrineau Estates Proposed With 305 Lots On Highway 95A”

  1. W. Ward on July 12th, 2024 6:04 am

    I’ve read the comments & it boils down to the following.
    1. Residents overwhelmingly don’t want it!
    2. Road improvements to accommodate traffic should be the developers responsibility.
    3. This is clearly another attempt at a cookie cutter/anthill subdivision.
    4. These are lots not one acre parcels!
    5. When the timber was harvested it covered the investment cost.
    6. The infrastructure support doesn’t exist.
    7. The final approval should be the decision of the residents of the district, not a county commissioner or a bureaucrat appointed & not elected planning board. If your not a resident, you have no say. To complain about “unimproved” property tax? Wow!

  2. Give me a break on July 11th, 2024 11:24 pm

    If you want to stop the developers, buy the property. It’s capitalism, which y’all claim to ascribe to.

    If I am sitting on 50+ acres and I get an offer I can’t refuse… I’m going to sell.

    Am I supposed to suck the taxes and upkeep so YOU can maintain your “country living lifestyle” on your 1-acre lots at my expense? Do you plan to make me whole by paying those increasingly high taxes that I am subject to?

  3. Grady Smith on July 11th, 2024 5:05 pm

    You people do not vote.

    You keep allowing others to make your choices.

  4. Neighbor on July 11th, 2024 6:49 am

    Hey! Maybe Dollar General will get approved for a new store at the SW corner of 196 and 95A. You think our county commissioners would approve that?

  5. Jacqueline on July 11th, 2024 4:41 am

    How can this be submitted for Development Review already when the Rezoning , the Future Land Use change, and the Barrineau Park Development Agreement just went through the Planning Board on July 2, 2024, and isn’t scheduled for a hearing for approval with the Commission until August 1, 2024?
    Does someone think it is a done deal?

    There is still time to contact the commissioners to talk about adverse impacts and quality of life issues!

    Here is the video for the Planning Board hearings.
    Unfortunately, they hold them at 8:30 am in the morning when most people can’t attend.

    You can see from the development drawing that most of the homes will be on lots much smaller than an acre though there are a few large lot parcels.

  6. Thompson on July 11th, 2024 12:14 am


  7. Me on July 10th, 2024 11:51 pm

    There have been rezoning notices up for a week or so. There are plenty of jobs for this county. I don’t think people realize how large our metro is when you include the three Florida counties, Baldwin and Mobile. They are finally putting shoulders on 196 but I think I light at 29 and 196 is now inevitable.

    People want the road improvements but don’t understand that in order to get the tax revenue to pay for it you have to have more residences. Residences show a need for improvement and their taxes pay for it.

  8. EMD on July 10th, 2024 11:43 pm

    WHY do politicians do what THEY want instead of what the vast majority of their constituants want ??? WHY! WHY? WHY? Money? Power? What else? Sick of it. I think MOST of US are ! ! !

  9. Just saying on July 10th, 2024 11:32 pm

    Who ever purchases the lots next to N Chipper rd. will hear a lot of bumping, it will be Mr Teddy and Merwyn Barrineau rolling over in their grave !

  10. Wizard on July 10th, 2024 9:57 pm

    I want one of the houses in the middle.
    How many folks live in Molino anyhow, maybe 1500?

  11. Jeannine Holley on July 10th, 2024 9:27 pm

    I really thought that area was zoned one house per 4 acres. Someone may want to check that.

  12. Well on July 10th, 2024 8:22 pm

    Try Century. Ain’t nobody moving there.

  13. Kebell on July 10th, 2024 7:23 pm

    Look at the map.. 305 homes on 305 acres? What about the wetlands the roads and the retention ponds?. What about the 11 huge lots on the upper right of the plat map? I live on a 1/4 acre lot with septic. My subdivision has some lots 1/4 acre but most are smaller all septic. So dont let that fool ya.
    As far as roads People… Where do you think money for sidewalks or to build/widen roads come from??? One big one is county gas tax. So if you live rural and drive to the nearest Walmart or work in P’cola then you pay more for roads than I do cause i live about 8 minutes to Walmart and about 15 to work.

  14. Kathey on July 10th, 2024 6:50 pm

    305 homes on 305 acres? So….they won’t all be 1 acre lots. When I look at the drawing, it looks like another cookie cutter sub division with some of the lots in the back larger. The schools are filling up or are full. Wherever this feeds to 29, there needs to be a light, or it will be the source of more accidents.

  15. Carolyn Bramblett on July 10th, 2024 2:02 pm

    Glad to see that with septic they are planning one house per acre….There is no need in our county to rush towards a concrete jungle so this is good news.

  16. Mrs Ellis on July 10th, 2024 1:56 pm

    Can Jim Allen Elementary handle more students from ANOTHER subdivision off 95A?

  17. Roger on July 10th, 2024 11:51 am

    The roads are too small for the traffic now. Dont build till that is addressed and there are ZERO side walks to get anywhere if you wanted to walk.
    Bike lanes are a joke as there is zero safety factor when placed next to a 8k pound vehicle doing 80mph…

  18. JJ on July 10th, 2024 11:10 am

    Molino Utilities:
    I have a fire hydrant across the street, fire department cant use it. The main is 4″ and its a 5″ hydrant.
    State/federal law prohibits the The use!!!

  19. Pace native on July 10th, 2024 11:06 am

    You guys see what happened to Pace. They didn’t keep up with the infrastructure, especially roads. It’s a nightmare over here.

  20. EMD on July 10th, 2024 11:02 am


  21. One Acre Lots on July 10th, 2024 10:53 am

    I am impressed that it is a 1 acre per residence neighborhood. Most of the time they are trying to get a variance to cram 5-7 houses per acre or even worse, a multistory apartment complex. Considering the alternative, perhaps folks in the area should count their blessings.

    Now I doubt that was because the developer/builder was a kind caring person but rather public sewer is not available in the area and private septic systems have to meet State laws which limit building density.

  22. Current resident of Barrineau Estates on July 10th, 2024 10:37 am

    How can have two Barrineau Estates? One already exists in Barrineau Park!

  23. Kay on July 10th, 2024 10:16 am

    I know no one wants to see more congestion and traffic on those roads. But these are going to be relatively spacious 1-acre lots (or nearly). In this economy, a lot of people can’t afford to buy acreage and build a house on it. But the quarter acre or less lots that most neighborhoods are designed with are just not attractive if you want your kids to be able to run around or maybe actually grow some food in the backyard. Lots this size hit the middle with affordability and space. I wish developers would design more neighborhoods like this.

  24. John Connor on July 10th, 2024 8:26 am

    It was only a matter of time before it reached Molino.
    They can only go north with development, yet we only have one viable 4 labe rd going North and South.

  25. Kevin Vickrey on July 10th, 2024 8:21 am

    This is going to be a giant traffic problem. Molino utilities better up their game. Barry better vote no on this. Unless they have lined his bank account. Pray for a housing crash. We don’t need all of these house up here.

  26. Neighbor on July 10th, 2024 7:39 am

    Glad we’ve that new DG to help take care of these new homes needs. And that new shoulder in 196 should be enough to carry the extra automobile load. Don’t worry, the whole number will be reduced by the attrition of stupid ones pulling out at 196 and 29.

  27. 196 & 29 on July 10th, 2024 7:32 am

    Well let’s talk about the white elephant Hwy 29 and County RD 196 will have an increased traffic flow as well as 95A. Before anything happens we need to address this issue first. Look at the recent accidents at 29 and 196(Barrineua) now look a mile south at Quintette Rd and 95A how heavy the traffic gets there. Now let’s not forget about the curve at the corner of 196 and 95A. Increased traffic flow before the infrastructure is updated. Also can Molino Water Department even handle the added growth? All questions that need to be answered before the board says yes. What other environmental studies are being skipped.

  28. Willis on July 10th, 2024 7:32 am

    That’s how everyone there when you moved in felt.

  29. LAS on July 10th, 2024 2:39 am

    Great! We so needed more people in an area we moved to be be away from people!

  30. Barrineau on July 10th, 2024 2:23 am

    The housing CRASH that is inevitably going to happen in our area in the next few years is going to be a doozy. With these THOUSANDS of homes and dozens of neighborhoods going up in breakneck, record speed where are all these folks employed? There is definitely not that many jobs in this area. Mind blowing !