Escambia Man Charged With Repeatedly Abusing Kitten

July 28, 2024

An 18-year-old Escambia County man has been charged with repeatedly abusing a three-week old kitten.

Eli Adrian Lee McIntyre was charged with felony animal cruelty. He remained in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $100,000.

McIntyre’s roommate provided the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office with four videos he alleged showed McIntyre abusing the kitten.

The first video reportedly showed McIntyre wrapping a phone charging cord around the neck of the kitten and pulling it up. Another showed the kitten having a seizure on the floor after McIntyre allegedly threw it against a wall. The other videos showed McIntyre grabbing the kitten by the neck and placing it inside a 12-pack box, and taking it in and out of a freezer, according to an arrest report.

The roommate told deputies that these were not the only abuse incidents, and McIntyre became aggressive after attempts to make him stop.

There was no update provided on the kitten’s condition in the arrest report.


6 Responses to “Escambia Man Charged With Repeatedly Abusing Kitten”

  1. JTV on July 28th, 2024 8:37 am

    This is what serial killers do before they start killing humans. This one isn’t done.

  2. Pacegirl on July 28th, 2024 8:18 am

    This punk needs to have the same thing done to him. Anyone that injures animals should have the crap beat out of them in the same done to them to see how it feels. I have no sympathy for him.

  3. AB on July 28th, 2024 8:08 am

    Obviously this boy needs alot of mental help. How can someone be so cruel to something so innocent? SICK!

  4. Jr on July 28th, 2024 7:36 am

    Five minutes is all I need. I would throw your butt against a wall, and when I got done with you, you wouldn’t ever even want to see another cat . Punk a## kid.

  5. Citizen on July 28th, 2024 5:08 am

    This kind of evil mental depravity in a person predicts the onset of other criminal violence as well as a very evil spiritual issue. If you’ve ever thought you’d seen a “RED FLAG” to worse behavior, this is it. He is not the type person we need in our society. I hope the courts see this as well.

  6. Big D on July 28th, 2024 5:00 am

    This almost makes me want to get into trouble to goto jail to give to pay back for that kitten should of been no bond if there videos don’t let him kite out like a little boy keep him in population and spread the word he will get what he deserves the punk has some issues to do that to something that young and little sick sick what if it was a baby human

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