Here’s An Update On K-9 Streeter, The ECSO K-9 That Chased Suspect Off Bridge

June 27, 2024

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Streeter is continuing to recover from injuries he received when he jumped off the Highway 90 bridge over the Escambia River in pursuit of a suspect Monday evening.

“Streeter is doing very well! He had some rib bruising and other minor injuries from the impact of his jump, but he is excited to let everyone know he will be cleared soon and back to chasing the bad guys,” the ECSO said Wednesday.

K-9 Streeter and his handler Deputy Stimmel stopped by the ECSO to see Sheriff Chip Simmons Wednesday.

Three suspects and a Streeter jumped from the bridge following a drive-by shooting and subsequent police chase.

One of the suspects was killed, one remains unaccounted for, and 19-year-old Jaquarius Trayquan Etheridge, has been charged with murder while engaged in a crime for the death of the suspect, attempted murder for the drive-by shooting, fleeing and eluding, and a weapons offense. He is jailed without bond.

For more details on the incident, click here.

Photo for, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Here’s An Update On K-9 Streeter, The ECSO K-9 That Chased Suspect Off Bridge”

  1. Rex Parrish on June 27th, 2024 2:20 pm

    We all are so proud of Streeter. He did not hesitate to jump over the bridge in pursuit of the bad guy. I know his handler feels blessed that Streeter survived and will be returning to normal duty shortly. Great Job Streeter.

  2. Debbie Lininger on June 27th, 2024 2:17 pm

    K9 Streeter, I have never seen a K9 literally jump off of a bridge before. You are fearless!! God Bless You K9 Streeter, and law enforcement officers. Ask for extra treats

  3. Captain Willard on June 27th, 2024 12:25 pm

    The best deterrent to crime is swift, harsh and severe punishment. The police can bring them in, but it is the courts, prosecutors and those who care more about the criminal feelings and treatment than the pain, lost, and suffering of the victim and those that love them, not to mention economic lost that criminals cause to those who take jobs and accept responsibility are the culprits. Who you gonna blame? I know the answer, but I don’t think the editor’s of these letters will permit unspoken truths to be printed.

  4. Tina on June 27th, 2024 11:42 am

    Thank you for your service Streeter and Deputy Stimmel!

  5. David Huie Green on June 27th, 2024 11:29 am

    “These type crimes could be stopped if the parents were more involved in their child’s life”

    Maybe, but each has free will and can reject the best teaching in the world.
    Some can reject the worst examples in the world.

    Just in case, try to set the .best example you can.

    David for spreading the blame

  6. tg on June 27th, 2024 10:01 am

    Third suspect may have met up with Dark Gator King of Escambia River.

  7. Bewildered on June 27th, 2024 9:27 am

    I wonder if law enforcement knows the identity of the missing 3rd guy? Got away unscathed from the jump

  8. fisherman on June 27th, 2024 9:21 am

    These type crimes could be stopped if the parents were more involved in their child’s life.They are too busy trying to be their friend instead of being a parent.Sometimes kids can get totally out of line and parents can’t control them.Our justice system won’t help with problem children to prevent bad behavior.

  9. JTV on June 27th, 2024 7:37 am

    Thanks again K9 Streeter and Deputy Stimmel. God Bless you all in our Law Enforcement Community.

  10. Whisperjet on June 27th, 2024 6:32 am

    Where are all these gangbangers coming from in Escambia county..daily shootings , gangs running amuck
    shooting up neighborhoods , old ladies and teenagers..
    There is obviosly not a lot of good parenting taking place
    somewhere. The videos seen this week of car chases and people jumping off bridges will be on every cop show for years..

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