Fifth Candidate Prefiles For Escambia Commission District 5

June 4, 2024

A new candidate has prefiled to seek the Escambia County Commission District 5 seat in the 2024 election.

Joshua Stephens Roberson  pre-filed Monday with no party affiliation (NPA).

Incumbent Steven Barry (REP), Rafael Lopez (NPA) James Hilburn (REP) and John Taylor, Jr (REP), have also prefiled for the position.


One Response to “Fifth Candidate Prefiles For Escambia Commission District 5”

  1. An interesting race! on June 4th, 2024 5:34 pm

    With a field of three Republicans and two NPA’s to draw voters out to the primary in August, this race becomes quite interesting.

    What gets more interesting is the potential for a two way race in the general election in November. If the Republican who wins the primary doesn’t get a majority, NPA’s, Democrats dissatisfied with a weak Republican candidate, along with many Republicans.

    Could District 5 get an NPA commissioner elected by a majority of very dissatisfied voters?