Escambia Man Sentenced To 150 Months In Federal Prison For Drug Possession

June 27, 2024

An Escambia County aman was sentenced to 150 months in federal prison on drug possession charges.

Darnell Devaughn Burnett, 40, previously pleaded guilty to possession with intent to distribute 50 grams or more of methamphetamine, 500 grams or more of a mixture and substance containing methamphetamine, 100 grams or more of a mixture and substance containing heroin, a quantity of fentanyl, and a quantity of cocaine.

On June 13, 2023, a state search warrant was executed at Burnett’s residence in Escambia County. During the search of the residence, law enforcement located and seized 829 grams of methamphetamine, 137.9 grams of heroin, small quantities of fentanyl and cocaine, a digital scale and bags used for drug distribution. Evidence introduced at the sentencing hearing established that at the time the search warrant was executed at his residence, Burnett was on state probation for drug distribution charges.

“Our local, state, and federal law enforcement partners work tirelessly to keep us safe and serve a critical role in removing addictive and deadly controlled substances from our communities,” said U.S. Attorney Coody. “Through their efforts, this defendant – a prior offender currently serving a probationary sentence – will face the significant consequences of his continued criminal conduct. We will continue to support our law enforcement partners as we work together to investigate and prosecute criminals distributing drugs in North Florida.”

Burnett’s prison sentence will be followed by five years of supervised release.


5 Responses to “Escambia Man Sentenced To 150 Months In Federal Prison For Drug Possession”

  1. Bob on June 28th, 2024 10:01 am

    @Bill T

    So it’s not that you’re frustrated that prison becomes a revolving door for people who broke the law, and that felony convictions make gainful employment virtually impossible driving people into poverty and forcing them to commit more crimes in order to survive.

    You’re just frustrated that our country (that already has the highest number of incarcerated prisoners in the world) doesn’t incarcerate people for a longer time.


  2. Bill T on June 27th, 2024 7:46 pm

    @BoB apparently you missed the point completely and seems like you need a better understanding of the way a sentence is handed down !!! He should have gotten minimum of 25 years so the crazy thought dealing drugs would probably be less likely if he alive !!! I hope this answers your ridiculous question !!!!!

  3. Bob on June 27th, 2024 4:06 pm

    @Bill T

    …so what would you propose as an alternate solution for anyone arrested for drug possession?

  4. Bill T on June 27th, 2024 1:31 pm

    So he got 12.5 years when he get out he will go right back to where he left off !!! And not miss a beat !!! People like this don’t quit they take breaks and continue !!!

  5. elmer on June 27th, 2024 11:08 am

    one question where did all these drugs come from

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