440 Lot Development Planned For Highway 29 Near Cedar Tree Lane

June 30, 2024

A new residential development is planned for Highway 29 between Cedar Tree Lane and Neal Road, west of Highway 29 in Cantonment.

A development proposal submitted by a Pensacola engineering firm with a total of 440 lots on 131 acres to be constructed in three phases.

If approved, plans call for construction to begin in the fall of 2024 on the first phase with 130 lots on 40.5 acres, a second phase to begin the spring of 2025 with 96 lots on 40.2 acres and a third phase started in the summer of 2025 with 214 lots of 50.4 acres. Each phase is estimated to take about one year for completion of construction.

The final application went before the Escambia County Development Review committee last week. The master plan was tabled for the county to meet with the engineers to discuss a few remaining issues, according to the county.

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28 Responses to “440 Lot Development Planned For Highway 29 Near Cedar Tree Lane”

  1. Old Skinny on July 1st, 2024 1:31 pm

    I agree with “Floridian” …. I laugh out loud every time one of these articles pops up, knowing the stink it will raise! It’s not the county or state that sold you out, IT’S YOUR NEIGHBOR THAT SOLD THEM THE PROPERTY!!! If everyone sits on their land, then no one else shows up. Or, as I mentioned some time ago, all of you that want to lock the gates need to form a group and buy up all the remaining land so no one else can move up your way.

  2. Josh Jones on July 1st, 2024 11:55 am


    Did you forget that the entire NW Florida is governed by Republicans? No federal agency had input into this decision.
    Place the blame where it should be.

  3. W. Ward on July 1st, 2024 10:11 am

    Many years ago in this county I believe an ordinance passed that required a minimum amount acreage north of Muscogee Rd. I don’t know what ever happened with that but if it’s still on the books it needs to be revisited. I know expansion & growth will happen but having grown up here I’ve witnessed the beaches that were once pristine turn into concrete jungles, a place where people can no longer visit because there’s no place to park. This county has a tourist driven economy so it has expanded on the south end. The north end of the county, what’s left of it, is rural & if you look at the geographic boundaries you’ll see the choke point & that’s why the roads were laid as they were. The people living in the northern rural area don’t want the north end to look like south end but if we allow it, it’ll happen. Just look at the lots in the picture, it works out to 3 houses on “less” than an acre. Now look at the existing lot layout surrounding this proposed ant colony subdivision. Hwy 29N from Muscogee Rd is a raceway daily, morning & evening. By encouraging this style of development it will only add to the existing problems. The people who live in the north end prefer a rural environment, it doesn’t belong to the developers, the county commissioners or the planning board. So if they are not gonna listen then they need to be replaced. Either represent us or get out of county government. It’s easy, resign! Do what you were elected to do or be fired by your “constituents!” Commissioners are being paid almost a $100K a year, we may be over paying them.

  4. Floridian on July 1st, 2024 8:53 am

    Everybody loves free market capitalism until they have to deal with the consequences.

  5. JJ on June 30th, 2024 10:36 pm

    ECUA should get at least $5000 per lot . Garbage trucks are running on 3 wheels and 5 cylinders. They cost better than $600,000 each and the fleet is crippled

  6. Sad on June 30th, 2024 9:40 pm

    Somebody got a pocket full of money.

  7. Cb on June 30th, 2024 7:29 pm

    Yea let’s just create more crime and problems in cantonment sounds like a plan.

  8. KK on June 30th, 2024 6:09 pm

    I wonder if the water company in the Cottage Hill community can handle all of this new construction that was approved. Almost daily we receive boil water notices by text and email. Are all of its wells up and working now?

  9. EMD on June 30th, 2024 3:38 pm

    Molino Resident: Many MAY abandon our county, state or country if the crowding does not STOP !

    Native: The “decline” will happen from overcrowding.

    If the borders were controlled by Patriots instead of our Communist Demoncrat Party, a LOT of things would be better, even in our over population of criminals and the criminally insane. Maybe our present government is insane. Something is surely wrong. They do not represent the majority. They represent the dregs of society, extreme immorality, and their own greedy or ignorant selves……….IMHO!

    How I wish that money did NOT rule this fallen world. How I wish that politicians would represent the people who voted them into office. Extreme wealth IS NOT the answer to happiness. IT causes the opposite in most cases. Those we vote for need to be honest and FOR the people they are supposed to represent.

  10. Roger on June 30th, 2024 3:23 pm

    Most on here hate traffic as the #1 reason for not wanting more houses built.

  11. LKF on June 30th, 2024 2:57 pm

    I think this is the southern part of the huge development that got turned down by the people and zoning department.. Packed house a I remember.. They were willing to create parks/trails a boulevard down to Quintette, give land for a school, fire/community space and medical services.The developer warned at that meeting that the land had been invested in and it would be developed without working with the county and citizens… Its going to happen, so instead of fighting and crying about it work with it to get more services for the community as a whole..

  12. Molino resident on June 30th, 2024 2:22 pm

    Like it or not, people are moving to Florida in masses to escape the hell holes created in blue states and cities. Infrastructure will be improved to accommodate the added population but we all know that will come last. The developers will get rich off the backs of the people who buy the homes. Even if it were from some of our tax dollars, I would rather it go to that than to all the twits with their gender studies degrees that refuse to pay their own debts. More people in the community will add to the local economy, bringing more money to small businesses and in turn will also force infrastructure improvements that a ton of people complain about not getting all the time. Just be glad that people are coming instead of leaving. The last thing you want is to end up being abandoned like a lot of cities are experiencing right now.

  13. Kris on June 30th, 2024 2:14 pm

    How stupid and greedy are our county administration? Beyond measure!! We don’t have the infrastructure for any more homes to be built in this county! Until that is accomplished (which I don’t see happening), the county can’t handle anymore! Fix the problems first!

  14. Carolyn Bramblett on June 30th, 2024 1:14 pm

    why the rush to make this place a concrete jungle?

  15. Me on June 30th, 2024 1:03 pm

    So the simple fix is to do what should have been done 20 years ago and build an overpass at 29 and Muscogee similar to what is done on Brent lane. The houses are coming whether it’s at that location or another. Population will increase over time. The true tragedy here is the fact that we keep electing the same useless commissioners who often run unopposed that will do nothing when it comes to infrastructure.

  16. C. Grim on June 30th, 2024 12:55 pm

    Highway 29 is the main hurricane evacuation route. 600+ additional cars trying to go North isn’t feasible, not to mention the utility infrastructure isn’t apt to handle this many new residents in that time span. This is not progress, this is greed and the destruction of this beautiful rural area.

  17. Charlotte Bates on June 30th, 2024 11:45 am

    So much for moving out of the city and into the country to get away from all these houses that are so close together, if one catches fire they all go down, not to mention, as W. Ward says all this traffic that is already choking the highways, intersections and so forth. I use to live in Nothern Idaho on 23 acres of land, surrounded by over eight thousands acres of forest, meadows, and my nearest neighbor was a mile over. I regret moving back here, but don’t regret moving back here to take care of a dying sister that had cancer, and a mother that had dementia. I do regret selling the place. I love Pensacola, don’t get me wrong, but I also love not having a neighbor so close you can hear them fart.

  18. Bonnie Exner on June 30th, 2024 11:39 am


  19. EMD on June 30th, 2024 11:36 am

    So sick of the greed in this world. I am sure the animals agree. I guess we will want to kill them when they come into our space, trying to find shelter and food that humans have taken away. We WILL be sorry one day. UGH ! ! !

  20. Sold on June 30th, 2024 11:34 am

    County commissioner sold his soul for 39 pieces of silver

  21. Susie on June 30th, 2024 11:06 am


  22. JJ on June 30th, 2024 9:51 am

    You are joking about protesting at a county meeting of any kind. Planning board meeting for the dollar general at CR196 AND 29. Went mute to the board meeting. Out of a packed room,less than five wanted it and many said put in a traffic lite if you approve it. ONLY REASON BOARD SAID YES, IT MADE CENTS FOR THE COUNTY

  23. Native on June 30th, 2024 9:09 am

    Once again the predictable naysayers object to any development in NWFL while the area continues to decline.

  24. DC Lee on June 30th, 2024 9:07 am

    UGH What a mess!!! Breaks my heart! Take all of the natural habitats and then wonder why the animals are roaming and looking for food!! Take all of the trees down that provide oxygen so people can live roof top to roof top! I never thought I would see the day when our quaint Little town would be bombarded!!!
    It will definitely have Consequences.

  25. John Connor on June 30th, 2024 8:27 am

    The problem is our growth is being ignored by the state. They are sending all the road money to Orlando. So you get constant wrecks, back ups and very dangerous intersections. I mean Blue Angel is dangerous, 97, 297, Pine Forest, Olive Road, US 29, 9 mile, I-10, US 90 (Pace) , Woodbine Rd, Bell Rd, Avalon, US 90 Milton, Hamilton Rd, W. SPENCER rd, 5 points intersection, Chumukla Hwy, EVERY RD in Cantonment, and Sorrento Rd. Where is our infrastructure?

  26. Honest John on June 30th, 2024 8:14 am

    Just figure at least two vehicles or more per household.

  27. W. Ward on June 30th, 2024 8:00 am

    WOW! Sounds like one heck of a deal. So let’s just add an additional 440 single family dwellings to Cantonment & call it a great idea. The developer should fair well, very well. But for the sake of rational thought lets add at minimum 440 vehicles to the Hwy 29 & Muscogee Rd intersection. That’s morning & evening daily to the already congested intersection, the only real available route south. That will be where the problems begin, followed utter chaos.

    But for the sake of reality let’s say 1/2 of the new residences (220) are two car families. Now we can add 660 vehicles twice a day to the intersection. Cantonment traffic will grind to a halt & the intersection will become a living nightmare. At this point we need to consider one train blocking Hwy 29 just twice a week. The intersection is impossible to traverse whether it’s north or southbound. There’s no way one can project the problems because the possibilities for disaster are endless with traffic. Widening the road is not going to happen & wouldn’t help if it were done. Until officials realize that Hwy 29 is the only major artery in to & out of the county, that intersection will choke northend traffic flow. Now if you don’t have to travel this area it won’t affect you but it will affect every resident, visitor, tourist & all commercial traffic entering & leaving the county to & from the north. There needs to be an impact study completed before any further additional major development projects are considered north of Muscogee Rd. that involves traffic flow. Developers are not concerned & won’t be since those requirements were cleared from the books by our county leaders some time ago. Also, the residents of District 5 should have a voice as to whether major developments are considered or denied, not just politicians or an appointed review committee. Last point, none of this addresses infrastructure impacts to the area which must be considered.

  28. brianh on June 30th, 2024 7:44 am

    Goody, 400 more cookie cutter houses to add to the lack of roads. Win win for the developers who get rich off of the backs of taxpayers.

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