Santa Rosa Plastic Surgeon Charged With Death Of His Wife

June 17, 2024

A Santa Rosa County plastic surgeon has been charged with the death of his wife last November following a procedure.

Ben Brown, 41. surrendered at the Santa Rosa County Jail Monday morning on a charge of second-degree felony homicide – manslaughter by culpable negligence.

His wife, 33-year-old Hillary Brown, died a week after a procedure at her husband’s Restore Plastic Surgery office in Gulf Breeze. The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office opened an investigation into her death at the time.

On May 12, the medical examiner ruled Hillary Brown’s cause of death as “complications following lidocaine toxicity.” In early May, the Florida Department of Health issued an immediate restriction to Dr. Ben Brown’s medical license.

An arrest report state Hillary Brown was scheduled to undergo several procedures, including liposuction, lip injections and ear adjustments, and Dr. Brown documented that she took valium, tramadol, Zofran, and other substances. The report states she assisted in her own procedure by suturing the skin back together.

The report states Dr. Brown continued injecting lidocaine and xylocaine in Hillary’s face. Soon after, she became unresponsive and began to have a seizure, according to the report. An investigation found that a medical assistant asked Dr. Brown multiple times if they should call 911, but he replied “no” or “wait”. The call to 911 was eventually made, and Hillary Brown was transported to the hospital. She never regained consciousness and died a week later, according to the report.

The medical examiner found Hillary Brown “did not overdose by means of self-administered substances”.

The arrest report states, “In conclusion, witness interviews all corroborated that when the victim began to show signs of overdose, Brown continues injecting unknown amounts of lidocaine and did not stop until the victim went into a seizure and cardiac arrest. When this occurred, Brown delayed the reporting of the incident to 911 and used his status as a doctor to do so, when it is required by law. Brown showed a history of allowing unsafe practice to occur and took no precautions for the well being of human life, even after an incident where he could not wake the victim during a procedure in January 2023.”


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