State Conducts Random Inspection of Escambia County EMS. Here’s What They Found.

May 7, 2024

The Florida Department of Health (FDOH) conducted a random inspection  of Escambia County EMS recently, reviewing the department on multiple compliance topics.

EMS passed the Bureau of Emergency Medical Oversight’s Compliance Monitoring site survey with no deficiencies found, with the Bureau praising Escambia County EMS for its exemplary service and organization.

The inspection marked Escambia County EMS’s second state inspection since 2021, both of which were passed with zero deficiencies.

Escambia County EMS was reviewed on the following:

  • Employee training records and certifications
  • Compliance with controlled substance medication storage, how medications are distributed for use by EMS, and tracking of medication administration by EMS
  • How EMS orders, stocks, distributes, and replaces medical equipment and supplies
  • Random ambulances were selected for complete inventory inspection in compliance with state requirements
  • Patient care records and storage of records
  • Quality assurance and quality improvement measures with patient care and patient care reports
  • Training and in-service records for all EMS employees
  • Compliance with state requirements for medical direction

The inspector noted Escambia County EMS vehicles and records were “outstanding” and considered EMS a “role model of excellence as an EMS provider.”

“This is a tremendous honor to receive this recognition, and it speaks volumes of our team at EMS,” said Escambia County Public Safety Director Eric Gilmore. “These site surveys are held at random, meaning our facilities, ambulances, service and training records, and equipment must always be at their best. I’m thankful to our men and women at EMS and extend my congratulations for their outstanding work and dedication to the citizens of Escambia County


11 Responses to “State Conducts Random Inspection of Escambia County EMS. Here’s What They Found.”

  1. Kevin in Bratt on May 7th, 2024 6:40 pm

    I needed an ambulance to come out to my home here in Bratt. The crew was very professional. Had I have known Atmore hospital was the furthest thing from professional I would have had them take me to Jay or even Baptist 9 Mile.

  2. Tommy on May 7th, 2024 6:30 pm

    I think it’s funny how everybody thinks that everybody needs a raise. I don’t think the problem is that everybody needs a raise; I think the problem is that everybody needs to learn how to spend what they make. It’s not what you make, it’s how you spend it. We have an entire population that has no idea how to budget their money.

  3. John on May 7th, 2024 4:37 pm

    Great job, The EMS was great 20 years ago when I needed them and they are still doing a good job and they do deserve a Raise. And they can train the state now on how to do a good job

  4. MT on May 7th, 2024 4:16 pm

    Thank you for all you do! Great Job to all involved. Keep the Good work.

  5. Jimmy Brantley on May 7th, 2024 2:40 pm


  6. Chuck on May 7th, 2024 2:24 pm

    Proof that the numbers dont tell the full story. Escambia EMS has been losing employees at an astronomical rate due to mismanagement at the top levels. On any given day Escambia EMS is holding emergency calls due to management giving priority to more lucrative routine intra facility transfers and not enough units on duty. Meanwhile, our firefighters are being dispatched and are stuck on scene waiting long periods for EMS to finally show up tying up valuable fire supression equipment and resources. Asking for the EMS Chief’s resignation was a good start but plenty more needs to be done.

  7. Jules Roberie on May 7th, 2024 2:16 pm

    Thank you for doing a job it’s good to know someone cares kept up the good work

  8. Beandon on May 7th, 2024 1:32 pm

    Trucks in great shape? What checks did he check out? Those thing are band aid together. Ask yourself why are the new ambulances not on the road yet! I’m curious to know what the delay is. Over worked and underpaid those guys and girls derserve to be treated better than they are. Oh and good riddance to EMS Chief and his retaliatory rule.

  9. EMD on May 7th, 2024 11:08 am

    Awesome………….and seeningly rare in today’s world. Thank you for caring enough to do your job. It is appreciated very much.

  10. Ashley on May 7th, 2024 10:41 am

    That’s fantastic for them! Now my thing is if they are on their job doing everything they are supposed to do and keep up with and is being told “outstanding” and helping to save lives daily…… When do they all get a pay raise?? EMT’S aren’t paid enough for what they do and what they go through on the job. They definitely deserve the pay for what they do. Escambia county EMT’S are paid poorly. My aunt became one for e.c and after a yr. She had to quit because she just wasn’t making enough money to live on. Loved her job just wasn’t making ends meat. I give much praise to all the EMT and The firefighters as well! They also don’t get paid enough for putting their lives on steak everyday saving lives! God bless you all and thank y’all very much for all the hard work you guys do.

  11. CDPJR on May 7th, 2024 7:49 am

    Hope I never need to use y’all but good to know you are ready!!!!!