Joint Beulah Master Plan, Frank Reeder Road Improvements Meeting Is Thursday

May 20, 2024

District 1 Commissioner Jeff Bergosh and Escambia County staff will host a joint meeting to discuss the Beulah Master Plan and Frank Reeder Road improvements on Thursday at 6 p.m. at Beulah Middle School, 6001 West Nine Mile Road.

This joint meeting will showcase the Frank Reeder Road design improvements and findings from previous Beulah Master Plan public outreach efforts. Sigma Consulting Group will also present the first draft of the Beulah Master Plan. Representatives from Consor Engineers and Sigma Consulting Group will hold a question-and-answer session following the presentations, and county staff will be in attendance to answer any additional questions from residents.

The Beulah Master Plan is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Treasury under the RESTORE Act program.


3 Responses to “Joint Beulah Master Plan, Frank Reeder Road Improvements Meeting Is Thursday”

  1. Henry Coe on May 23rd, 2024 10:03 pm

    Well that was kind of interesting and kind of useless.
    The first part was about the long term vision for Beulah over the next 20+ years. (yawn)
    The second part was about the intersection of Beulah Rd & Frank Reeder Rd. They have plans for turn lanes but no plan for a light. We need both and we need them 5 years ago.
    The other problem for after they fix the intersection of Beulah Rd & Frank Reeder, with either improvement or both, is that 7am traffic is going to end up backing up from 9 Mile Rd all the way to Frank Reeder.
    There is a lot that needs improved by the County, the State and DOT with the I-10 Interchange, Beulah Rd, Frank Reeder and 9 Mile Rd. It all needs to happen 5 years ago. It looks like those of us who use these routes on the daily are going to be screwed for the next 5 to 10 years IMO.
    Some audience members were hating on Jeff Bergosh because he isn’t acting like an authoritarian over lord, waving his hands and magically just fixing everything the way the audience members would have done it. Government doesn’t work that way. It is disorganized, messy and slow.

  2. dave lamb on May 22nd, 2024 12:33 am

    @John, I would say that they are stuck in quicksand and trying to dig out of a boondoggle! Nothing to tie a rope to to pull themselves out

  3. John on May 21st, 2024 5:29 pm

    Man the county is sure pouring a lot of funds towards Beulah/ Navy Federal!