Escambia County EMS Chief Resigns

May 5, 2024

Escambia County EMS Chief David Torsell III has submitted his resignation.

Torsell’s last day will be August 1.

Torsell joined Escambia County EMS in June 2021, coming from a district chief position at Alachua County Fire Rescue.

In February, the local EMS union executed a vote of “no confidence” in Escambia County’s EMS leadership


7 Responses to “Escambia County EMS Chief Resigns”

  1. Karma Chameleon on May 7th, 2024 8:50 am

    Oh poor Rachelle…it seems as though the web of lies has been pulled over your eyes as well. You have fallen for the same delusions of grandeur that had befallen the county Commissioners, the “administration”, the once good guy Gilmore, and the supervisory puppets. You all drank the kool-aid, which has now left a very bitter taste in your mouths. This dictator was not a good person, evil, in fact. So many exemplary employees, also with impeccable records, were the casualties of his hostilities, his vengeful targeting, and his childish temper tantrums. He never was a leader, he managed. He managed a brainless assistant chief who was his “muscle”, he managed to have the biggest employee turnover rate in Escambia history, and he managed to talk so much about how wonderful he was. He MANAGED Escambia EMS into the ground. So, congratulations, you did accomplish something. The employees are the real heroes here. The employees finally fought back and everyone should be proud. The only thing Dave left at Escambia is his bulldog…go back, pick him up, and take him with you.

  2. ICDumbPpl on May 7th, 2024 8:05 am

    @Publix Recruiter – Those pesky rules, but that tells me you definitely
    don’t work at Publix, they don’t put up with BS either. Any respectable media outlet would check the state records to see how many ex-employees lost their state paramedic license and/or were fined for all of the “we’re innocent” crap some of you have done. I’m sure the families of the patients would agree with the Chief, there was no retaliation. Remember kids = accountability – good / breaking laws – bad.

  3. Publix Recruiter on May 7th, 2024 1:03 am

    Rachelle, please reach out to him and advise him that Publix is currently hiring. He will continue to be able to get off on time and we have excellent benefits. We have reached out to all the other employees who he was retaliating against when he terminated them, MANY WHO ALSO HAD FAMILIES, but they have moved on to greener pastures and less toxic sludge.

  4. Rachelle Belanger on May 6th, 2024 10:13 am

    Edler wins her wrongful termination and there is only 1 bank acct that has the money to pay her million+ and 1 guy who’s going to push back on the county taking his non taxpayer operation funds to pay off yet ANOTHER suit…and because he’s not into bending the knee to the BOCC and their buddies, he’s no longer needed…the timing…makes ya say, “Hmmm.” Poof – he “resigned”, on a Friday…because he has a wife and minor children to support and gets never ending praise and has never been reprimanded. Got it! Silly kids, tricks are for kids…it’s not over…

  5. Shay on May 5th, 2024 11:29 pm

    Goodbye, good riddance and on to better public service!! Let’s make better choices this time!!

  6. Insider/Outsider on May 5th, 2024 12:09 pm

    The “Good ol boys network” booted another one…. GOT’EM

  7. Me on May 5th, 2024 11:54 am

    Okay so now let’s find someone who actually wants the job and didn’t just accept it as a consolation prize for not getting the fire chief position. Maybe someone who doesn’t have a history of fraud and while we are at it, how about a deputy chief who doesn’t have a history of embezzlement. Get back to the primary mission of 911 service. A county agency who runs 80,000 plus calls a year should not be running the BLS inter facility transports. Sell that contract to the highest bidder and pocket that money to support 911 without having to actually run those calls and sacrifice 911 coverage. I’m sure Lifegaurd, Acadian, or Medstar would love to purchase the rights to run those transfers. Large municipal EMS agencies across the country don’t run BLS transfers. They employ a tiered response system in which the county agency runs the Emerency calls and a secondary or tertiary private ambulance is contracted to run the BLS and non emergency ALS inter facility transports.