Schedule, Video Links: High School Graduations Thursday And Friday

May 22, 2024

Escambia County Public Schools will hold graduation ceremonies Thursday and Friday  at the Pensacola Bay Center.

The schedule is below; each school name has a clickable link to a live YouTube stream. The videos will be archived for future viewing.

Thursday, May 23
9:00 a.m. — West Florida High School
12:15 p.m. –Pine Forest High School
2:30 p.m. –  Northview High School
5:30 p.m. — Tate High School

Friday, May 24
9:00 a.m. — Pensacola High School
12:15 p.m. — Escambia High School
2:30 p.m.– EVA/Success Academy/George Stone/Acceleration Academy/Achieve Academy
5:30 pm. — Washington High School

For Pensacola Bay Center security procedures, click here.

The Escambia Westgate graduation was held May 17 [read more...]. The District extended program graduation is at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, May 22 at the Hall Center.


5 Responses to “Schedule, Video Links: High School Graduations Thursday And Friday”

  1. ProudArmyParent on May 23rd, 2024 9:51 am

    Frankly……so it is so much better to put all those people times 3 and put them in cars in the same area of the Bay Center? (3Xs, as there about is about 3 schools in the same time, which is a crazy and disaster of a mess.)
    I graduated from a much larger school than anything we have here in Pensacola. My graduation was on the football field. All Escambia schools have one!
    I realize the Escambia School Board wants to take the inconvenience out of graduation off themselves, but they need to think of the people they serve. The Bay Center is NOT the answer and it hasn’t been for

  2. ProudArmyParent on May 23rd, 2024 8:16 am

    With traffic as bad as it is in Pensacola, and even worse at the Bay Center it is time to bring individual high school graduations back to their own schools. It is ridiculous to put so many people in jeopardy by making then converge into single area. There is NO reason for this, each school has their own football field. It isn’t like it is the middle of August and everyone is going to melt.
    I realize that the Bay Center maybe the best option when the School Board does not want to inconvenience themselves and travel from school to school. When you are talking about the potential dangers, individual school graduations at their home schools is the safer option!

  3. Frankly on May 22nd, 2024 10:48 pm

    Mike J. ;…500 students + 2 parents + 2 aunts and uncles + any friends? not many Schools have facilities to handle 3 or four thousand people. Several years back it rained, and families were denied their loved ones graduation, when they were moved into small venues. NOW they can…That is why

  4. Dollar Bill on May 22nd, 2024 1:17 pm

    @ Mike J. It’s a financial boom for the City of Pensacola and the restaurants. All about the money.

  5. Mike J. on May 22nd, 2024 11:08 am

    Ok, I’m curious as to why the all the high schools are having their ceremonies at the Bay Center. I’m sure it’s costing the school district a lot of money. Why can’t the schools have the ceremony at their own locations? Football field if good weather or school gym if bad weather. I don’t know all the facilities, though. My daughter’s private high school graduation is the same night at a local church.