18 Shot, Three Dead In North Baldwin County

May 13, 2024

Eighteen people were shot and three are dead during a gathering Saturday night in north Baldwin County, Alabama.

About 9:30 p.m. Saturday, deputies with the Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office responded to reports of gunshots in the Stockton Community. The preliminary investigation revealed that local residents hosted a May Day event in an open field on Upper Bryant’s Landing Road. BCSO estimated that there were approximately 1,000 people attending this gathering.

According to witnesses, the event was peaceful until an argument took place, which led to at least one subject shooting multiple rounds into the large crowd. A total of 18 people were shot during this incident. Three of the victims succumbed to their wounds.

Investigators believe that there may have been more shooters and are following up.

“This is a tragic event that touches many lives in our community. We are working very hard to bring this case to a resolution, but we cannot make arrests or successfully prosecute the offenders without help,” BCSO said Sunday. Anyone with information is asked to contact the BCSO at (251) 972-8589, option 7.


28 Responses to “18 Shot, Three Dead In North Baldwin County”

  1. HonestyIsBrutal on May 16th, 2024 10:41 pm

    I have had gun violence take my family, and put them away. I have had guns put to my head. Guns are scary. BUT Mental ILLNESS,and substance abuse (self medication for the mentally ill) is the TRUE CRIME HERE and everywhere. Suicide killed 40k people last year, that is not the overdoses.

  2. Bill on May 16th, 2024 10:59 am


    We hear over and over that gun violence is the leading cause of death among children. (well its not) But they are counting 18 and 19 year olds in that statistic. Those aren’t children, they are adults. That statistic also includes suicides which skews it even more. Of the “shootings” that remain many of them are in the inner cities and a result of gang violence and/or drug activity. We don’t have a gun problem in this country, what we have is cities poorly run (those cities have something in common, they are all run by democrats) and officials not addressing the issues like gang violence, drugs and the mental health crisis. They are too focused on gun CONTROL to actually solve the issues that are the real problem. Their solution is to disarm the law abiding citizens thinking that’s going to stop gun violence. It’s the most ridiculous approach ever, because anybody with a microcosm of intelligence would know there isn’t a law ANYWHERE that will stop a criminal from committing a crime. All it does is take away our ability to defend ourselves and family from one of those criminals.

  3. Pcolacapt on May 15th, 2024 6:50 pm

    According to the latest statistics 40,000 people have been killed by gun violence in 2023. The U.S. has had more than 39,000 gun violence deaths each year since 2014, but gun deaths have decreased from 2016, 2017, and 2018, when more than 50,000 people died from guns each year. In 2022, there were 44,310 gun violence deaths. Just saying.

  4. Bob on May 15th, 2024 12:09 am

    @John Smith

    “Good guy with a gun” is a myth for a reason. Plenty of studies have demonstrated that adding people with guns to an active shooting makes the event MORE dangerous, not less.

    The US has more shooting AND stabbings per capital than the UK. Maybe we should looked to them for how to prevent shooting deaths AND how to prevent stabbing deaths.

    “It’s not the fun, it’s the shooter that’s the problem” – agreed. So let’s pass legislation that keeps firearms out of the hands of crazy people that commit mass shootings.

  5. Jim on May 14th, 2024 11:15 am

    This isn’t “Gun Violence” (that’s a political term). It’s Criminal Violence.

  6. Pam on May 14th, 2024 12:19 am

    Guns don’t kill on their own. It’s the law abidding citizens that leave them in their unlocked cars for the evil to easily snatch or the trust-worthy parents that do not secure them for their bullied child to take to school.

    It’s not the firearm. It’s our must-have gun crazed society and lack of legislation that makes gun access so easy for the heartless to obtain and retain. Rights are one thing, but responsibility and accountability is another.

  7. Willis on May 13th, 2024 9:22 pm

    I’m with it.

    I bet there is a big tree close to this where those responsible could “hang out” as a reminder for others.

  8. Sedition on May 13th, 2024 8:17 pm

    @just a thought

    Take a look back at the story. Anyone with bad intentions could have injured far more than 18 people with a knife when the crowd is estimated to have been 1,000 people. No noise from the gunshot, the ability to hit and move quickly in such a mess could have been devastating.
    A bad actor with a plan will attempt to do as he pleases until a good guy puts him down.

  9. Ed Kessler on May 13th, 2024 7:53 pm

    @jack – Guns not allowed in cars?? Never heard of a Car-Jacking? Or a case where someone is robbed while travelling and their car breaks down?

    Leaving law abiding gun owners defenseless because they “might” get enraged and use a gun is a pretty poor plan. Unless you possess a crystal ball, you think it’s OK to render 99% of gun owners that carry a gun in their vehicles defenseless “in case” 1″ of them “MIGHT” commit a crime.

    Clearly you haven’t put much thought into what you posted.

  10. Bigblock345 on May 13th, 2024 7:11 pm

    Until we stand up and start holding these people accountable for their actions. And stop blaming inanimate objects. These type of events will continue to happen.

  11. Jack on May 13th, 2024 6:20 pm

    I think a lot of these. Parties,out door gatherings, and bar shooting could be cut in halve if guns were not lowed in cars. Most these shootings are temper raged in the moment IF those in raged people had to drive back home to get thier guns most would have to cool off and get thier thinking straight or someone at home can.talk.them.down and even stop.them. They still.will have thier gun at home to.protect home and fa.ily but it’s these short temper and drinking people that need more than a few steps to get to a gun.

  12. AC on May 13th, 2024 2:42 pm

    @just a thought:
    Actually he (they) could have injured many more people by driving through the crowd in an automobile. Should we ban those too?

  13. Edward Kessler on May 13th, 2024 1:15 pm

    @just a thought – The largest mass murders in US history didn’t involve guns –

    - 9/11 – Terrorists used two hijacked planes to crash into the WTC – killing 2,977

    4-19-95 – Oklahoma City Bombing – 168 killed, including 19 children – several hundred more injured

    1973 mass murder at a gay bar in New Orleans that killed 32: An ejected customer went down the street and bought a can of cigarette-lighter fluid.

    87 murdered in New York City in 1990: A guy upset with his ex-girlfriend bought $1 worth of gasoline.

    Got anything else to contribute”?

  14. Edward Kessler on May 13th, 2024 1:08 pm

    @just a thought –

    9-5-22 – 10 dead, 15 hospitalized in Canada mass stabbing attacks

    6-8-2001 – Osaka – 8 dead, 15 injured in mass stabbing at Ikeda Elementary School

    4-9-2014 – Murrysville PA – 20 students and a Security Guard slashed by 16YO

    4-2013 – Cy-Fair College, TX – 14 injured in stabbing attack on campus

    9-17-16 – St. Cloud, MN – 10 injured in mass stabbing at Crossroads Shopping Ctr

    Do you even think things through before you post based solely on your feelings?

  15. Jeannie on May 13th, 2024 1:07 pm

    I believe last year at carver park in Cantonment, At the May Day celebration there was a shooting where 3 people were shot. Look back on north Escambia.com and check it out.

  16. Evelyn Owen on May 13th, 2024 12:32 pm

    Evil does not come from a gun. Evil is in the heart of mankind.
    Evil is only overcome by the Son of God as we give God control.

  17. David on May 13th, 2024 12:26 pm

    My hat is off to all of you who rose up in defense of our firearms. You all are exactly correct that the fire arm is simply an inanimate object that does not plot and scheme to someday commit a vicious crime. No, it is the cold calculating heart and mind of a human being that that USES a firearm for whatever imagined reason they have to destroy another person that simply disagrees with them. And as another has stated, when firearms are banned or taken away, that cold calculating heart and mind will simply use whatever is available to bring hurt to another, so then clubs, knives, automobile’s, or a cast iron frying pan, will be the weapon of choice. Think about what you are saying who or what you are blaming for the crime.

  18. just a thought on May 13th, 2024 12:02 pm

    Just a thought, a guy with a knife would not injure 18 people. do yall even think an issue through past “I’m right, because one comparison” narrow thinking fosho

  19. tg on May 13th, 2024 11:01 am

    Social Media is able to bring these large crowds together in a short amount of time.

  20. bob on May 13th, 2024 10:46 am

    The problem are not the guns. The problem are the people pulling the trigger of the gun.

  21. Dutch on May 13th, 2024 10:38 am

    Concerned citizen, how will doing away with guns solve this? All it will do is make good people more vulnerable by taking away their defenses.

  22. Sedition on May 13th, 2024 10:36 am

    @Concerned Citizen
    It couldn’t possibly have been a PERSON that was responsible for the violence and not the tool, could it? Probably a person who has a history of not too nice behavior.
    I’m pretty sure the firearm didn’t excape the sporting goods store and go on a random rampage on it’s own.
    Start putting the bad guys in prison UNTIL THEY ARE REHABILITATED and this will slow to a crawl. The left over bad guys can be dealt with by the Stand Your Ground and the Castle Doctrine laws.

  23. Lisa Fuller on May 13th, 2024 10:29 am

    Concerned Citizen, are you suggesting that a gun, on its own, flew out of someone’s pocket and opened fire on a crowd of people while the human who owned the gun just stood by helplessly and watched? If you are, then by all means, let’s restrict the sale of guns and gun ownership. I’m fairly certain a person took that weapon in hand, aimed, and pulled the trigger because someone said something he or she didn’t like. No amount of gun restriction is going to stop that. A person with evil intentions will find a way to get a weapon. The only people affected by gun restrictions are law abiding citizens.

  24. John Smith on May 13th, 2024 10:09 am

    Always blame guns, never the shooter! England restricts guns, so what do the killers use: knives, machetes! If only one other person was armed to neutralize the shooter, it could have ended with one dead: the shooter. If guns are not available, some thing else would have been used. It is not the gun, it’s the shooter who is the problem.

  25. Edward Kessler on May 13th, 2024 9:39 am

    To Concerned Citizen – Would you feel better if they were stabbed or clubbed?
    Here’s a thought – let’s get back to a culture that places value on human life. One that teaches right and wrong, and how to respect authority and the rule of law.

    In the last 30 years, while private firearm ownership and lawful concealed carry have SKYROCKETED in the US – what do you suppose happened to the rates of firearm homicide and violent crime?

    Thet DECREASED steadily and significantly. In fact BOTH Rates decreased EVERY YEAR between 1993 and 2019 and didn’t begin INCREASING again until the “peaceful” riots, arson and attacks across the Country by the BLM and their supporters after a ruling they didn’t agree within the Ferguson shooting.

  26. Concerned Citizen on May 13th, 2024 8:28 am

    more guns. we need more guns. that will solve everything. let’s just make and sell more guns. more more more

  27. Jan on May 13th, 2024 8:16 am

    So tragic. There isn’t a day that goes by without at least one “disagreement “ leading to killing. Hatred dominates.

  28. Seth Carnley on May 13th, 2024 2:48 am

    R.I.P my friend ima miss you