Gilman Throws Northview Softball Shut Out Of Baker; Northview Baseball Beats Neal

April 16, 2024

Northview 12, Baker 0

The Northview Lady Chiefs shut out Baker 12-0 Monday night in Baker.

In a game that ended at five innings under the mercy rule, Jamison Gilman earned the win for Northview, giving up no hits and no runsĀ  while striking out six and walking two.

K Langham went 2-2 with one RBI for the Lady Chiefs while Avery Stuckey was 1-4 with three RBIs. Gilman was 2-3 with an RBI, and Chloe Ragsdale went 2-4.

Next, Northview will host Jay at 6 p.m. Thursday and Crestview on Friday.

Northview 8, W.S. Neal 1

The Northview Chiefs beat W.S. Neal 9-1 Monday night in East Brewton.

Jackson Bridges earned the win for the Northview Chiefs, giving up one hit and one run in four innings, walking one and striking out two. Jase Portwood threw three innings with no runs in relief. Portwood surrendered one hit, striking out six and walking two.

Brady Smith went 2-4 at the plate for the Chiefs with three RBIs. Grayden Sheffield was 2-4 with one RBI, and Wyatt Scruggs was 3-4 with an RBI. Jayden White, Portwood and Bridges also added hits.

Northview will travel to L.E.A.D. Academy in Pace at 6 p.m. on Tuesday. file photo, click to enlarge.


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