Failed Urban Development Center Program Wants More Time To Finish Repaying Unsecured Loan From Century

April 4, 2024

The CEO of the Urban Development Center says she wants more time to finish repaying what started as an unsecured $61,925 loan for the YouthFirst Century program that suffered a complete funding cut by the Escambia County Children’s Trust (ECT).

At this week’s Century Town Council meeting, Mayor Luis Gomez, Jr. read an April 2 letter from Dr. Jessica Griffen acknowledging UDC still owes the town $21,295 of an original interest-free $61,925 loan.

Last year, Escambia Children’s Trust (ECT) awarded a contract to the Pensacola non-profit Urban Development Center for “YouthFirst Century” to serve 750 youth ages 11-18 over a three-year period at a total cost of $1.2 million. In reality, they only reached 30 children in their targeted ages of 11-18. They requested to lower their target age group to just 5-years old, but that was also denied by ECT.

The Town of Century fronted an unsecured $61,925 loan to UDC to purchase items like computers and workbooks. The loan was to be repaid by December 31, 2023, but the town council previously approved an extension to March 31, 2024.

Griffen requested another extension to pay until May 31, 2024, “citing continual slow financial receivables for delay”. A email to Griffen the afternoon of April 3 requesting more clarification was not immediately answered.

She did not specifically mention the Children’s Trust in her letter.

“The Urban Development Center, Incorporated is committed to meeting its obligation of repayment to the Town of Century,” she wrote. “In our view, it is critical to maintain clear communication and transparency throughout this process.”

According to ECT documentation, ECT’s contract for the year period prior to March 1 was $397,556, of which $264,058.03 was paid as of February 29, and $133,497.97 was “surrendered” because it was part of the awarded but not spent by the contract end date.

“It was use it or lose it,” ECT Executive Director Lindsey Cannon told Wednesday afternoon regarding the surrendered funding. “It’s rolled back into (other) programs, because they (UDC) didn’t use it.”

The town council voted 5-0 to approve the loan payment extension. file photo.


12 Responses to “Failed Urban Development Center Program Wants More Time To Finish Repaying Unsecured Loan From Century”

  1. CLO on April 19th, 2024 1:00 am

    It need to be investigated. It’s taxpayer monies.

  2. Thomas Paine on April 6th, 2024 7:03 pm

    Certain people and groups lack accountability….its Just that simple.

  3. Let me hold a dollar! on April 5th, 2024 4:21 pm

    Wanna bet that pay back ain’t gonna happen. Maybe Joe Biden will forgive the loan for them. LOL!

  4. Not True Kate on April 4th, 2024 2:17 pm

    I take exception with your statements “Let me see anyone else willing to do that in Century” and “negative people live in Century”. Several area churches give of their own money and time and the Pensacola Children’s Chorus is available in Century. Everyone is not negative in Century. Taxpayers just want to know how their money is being used, and holding someone accountable is not being negative its being prudent!

  5. TaxPayer on April 4th, 2024 12:23 pm

    @Kate…this is the comments section. People are using it for its intended purpose. You have your opinion and others have theirs. Unless you manage the North website, you don’t get a vote on what people say or even how they say it.

  6. tg on April 4th, 2024 10:29 am

    She wants more time to keep drawing salary.

  7. Lou on April 4th, 2024 8:41 am

    Put the ECT (Esc Childrens Trust) back on the ballot! I can decide for myself where I want to “donate” my money to and I don’t need a Director with a $100K salary on my payroll.

  8. RW on April 4th, 2024 8:39 am


  9. OhYouKnow on April 4th, 2024 8:17 am

    Of course they did…

    We should see a complete financial breakdown of where those monies went.

  10. Chris on April 4th, 2024 8:16 am

    Observe the scammer, scamming another scammer.

  11. JTV on April 4th, 2024 8:02 am

    Century is Escambia County’s trashy, drug addicted cousin.

  12. Kate on April 4th, 2024 7:47 am

    Leave her alone. She worked hard to get the program up and running. Let me see anyone else willing to do that in Century. the negative people live in this area. I am ashamed of the crap you people say. Watch your mouths.
