Charges Dropped Against Atmore Journalists Accused Of Revealing Grand Jury Secrets

April 21, 2024

ll criminal charges against two Atmore journalists and school board members have been dropped.

The move came at the request of Alabama Assistant Attorney General Thomas Govan Jr., who had taken over the Escambia County, Alabama, bases after the local district attorney recused himself. The dismissals were granted Friday by Judge Ben Fuller.

All charges related to criminally revealing of grand jury secrets were dismissed against Escambia County (AL) School Board member and Atmore News Publisher Sherry Digmon, Atmore News reporter Don Fletcher Escambia County (AL) School Board vice-president Cindy Jackson and Veronica Fore, the school district’s bookkeeper. An additional charge against Digmon for using her position for personal gain was also dropped.

The cases garnered national attention and calls of violations of the First Amendment principles of freedom the press. The charges were filed after an October 2023 article in the Atmore News written by Fletcher allegedly revealed details about grand jury proceedings that should have remained secret under Alabama law.

The cases came about after a school board voted not to renew the contract former former School Superintendent Michele McClung.


6 Responses to “Charges Dropped Against Atmore Journalists Accused Of Revealing Grand Jury Secrets”

  1. Truth Rules on April 21st, 2024 4:17 pm

    As a public citizen it disgusts me to see elected officials use their position for malicious acts. It is embarrassing to have our community make headlines for having government leaders trump up false charges and attempt to smear the names of outstanding community members. I hope that corrupt leaders will be held accountable by the same law they tried to twist, but most importantly be held accountable by their constituents. Public accountability and shame are long overdue. On behalf of your community members, we apologize to Ms Digmon, Mrs Jackson, and the others who were falsely charged. God cannot be mocked and we will all reap what we sow. It is clear those exonerated are reaping their integrity, now let’s see what the others will reap.

  2. Just Asking on April 21st, 2024 12:08 pm

    Can a DA be charged for this type of behavior? Suspended, disbarred, anything.
    All 4 individuals have a case but Sherry Digmon has the biggest one. She was arrested multiple times. Did they ever get their cell phones back?

  3. EMD on April 21st, 2024 10:54 am

    What John said.

  4. Sedition on April 21st, 2024 10:40 am

    If you lie and keep secrets from government, it’s a crime.
    If government lies to you and keeps secrets from you, it’s just politics.
    Go figure.

  5. JustMe on April 21st, 2024 9:25 am

    If the local DA recused himself then how did the charges come about?

  6. John on April 21st, 2024 5:56 am

    What a mess! Charges dropped AFTER smearing these people all over social media. It’s defamatory, disgusting, and severe consequences should be sought with legal/civil action! Lawyers, get ready!