Century Moves Up To $36K To Make Gas Safety Relocation Project Loan Payment

April 5, 2024

The Century Town Council voted this week to transfer up to $36,000 in order to make a loan payment.

The council voted to transfer an amount not to exceed $36,000 in Local Option Sales Tax Funds to make a payment on USDA Rural Development loan for a gas relocation project.

The non-specific “up to” amount approved because the council’s agenda package had two different payments amounts — $36,000 and $32,082 — listed due to a scrivener’s error.

If the full $36,000, the payment would leave a LOST balance of $814,284.87.

Work began on the project in August 20114 on a leaking section of natural gas pipe under Highway 29 in Century, three and a half years since the leak was publicly revealed as a “major public safety issue”. In April 2012, Century signed off on a $1.4 million USDA Rural Development loan to cover the cost of replacing the pipe.


4 Responses to “Century Moves Up To $36K To Make Gas Safety Relocation Project Loan Payment”

  1. Willie Dortch on April 8th, 2024 12:21 am

    The City Clerk is responsible for the Agenda $34k $36k Sounds to me like she can’t get it right. One of the Council members are taking on the job at the WWTP. I don’t feel bad for the employees wanting to leave that place. Their spending all this unnecessary money on all these unnecessary projects yet refuse to grant their workers a raise. We got Supervisor Street workers riding around in city trucks getting paid to do absolutely nothing while making the new comers do it all. Look at the pot holes in the streets of Century look at the ditches that needs cleaning I mean what is going on. Chamber of Commerce Representative is always talking trips on our hard earned tax money what does she do or better yet what have she done for the Town?

  2. Hey Gomez on April 5th, 2024 9:50 pm

    With this being brought up about Century and the gas, I have a question. Now that the person who has been doing the gas superintendent job has resigned, last day was yesterday, who is going to do the job. No one else there has the gas certifications that are required. There is another employee but he does not have certications nor does he know gas procedures, no offense to him, he was put in this position with no knowledge of the job. Hope no gas leaks occur, relocations needed or new gas installs need to be done anytime soon.

  3. SW on April 5th, 2024 6:45 am

    Where is that state inspector?

  4. Resident on April 5th, 2024 2:47 am

    So someone can’t get an agenda right? Do they owe $32K or $36K. There are just numbers. We can change ‘em and put money in pocket.

    Escambia County uses LOST Money for what it was intended by the voters — extras like parks, roads, community centers.

    Century uses LOST to pay loans cause they broke.