AG: Escambia Man Stole $17K From Escambia Senior, Used On Netflix, Amazon And Doordash

April 14, 2024

Florida Attorney General has announced the arrest of an Escambia County man for financially exploiting an elderly Escambia resident.

Attorney General Ashley Moody’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit said Ira M. Roberts systematically took more than $17,000 from the senior’s bank account over an 18-month period, spending the funds on personal bills and purchases from DoorDash, Netflix, Amazon, and other stores.

“This man, while serving in a position of trust as a power of attorney, stole more than $17,000 from a senior victim’s bank account to use on himself. It is shameful that instead of faithfully fulfilling the role of power of attorney, he stole thousands of dollars to pay his own utilities and bills from DoorDash, Netflix, Amazon and other stores. I am thankful for our Medicaid Fraud Control Unit for stopping this exploitation,” Moody said Thursday.

According to the investigation, Roberts, while in a position of trust with the 82-year-old victim, transferred more than $44,000 from the victim’s account into his own account between June 2021 and December 2022. Based on witness accounts, facility records and bank records, Roberts spent more than $17,000 of those transferred funds on personal expenses—not for the use or benefit of the victim.

Roberts faces one count of exploitation of an elderly person or disabled adult, less than $50,000—a second-degree felony. He was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $10,000 bond.


8 Responses to “AG: Escambia Man Stole $17K From Escambia Senior, Used On Netflix, Amazon And Doordash”

  1. Jenn on April 15th, 2024 6:17 am

    Look at the smirk on his face…..hopefully he doesn’t just get a slap on the wrist. And should have to do a hard labor job to pay all the money back.

  2. Bewildered on April 14th, 2024 5:53 pm

    happening all the time – legal if you know how to manipulate an old person. I have a perfect example right across the street. The lady never had any children, so nieces and nephews are next in line. One niece took over, sold the senior‘s house, moved her into a small travel travel in her own backyard, sold the woman’s car to keep her totally dependent. by the time the rest of the family catches on all the senior‘s assets will no longer be in her name

  3. tg on April 14th, 2024 4:32 pm

    This is about as low as a person can get!

  4. Bill T on April 14th, 2024 4:18 pm

    This thief needs to be held accountable for what he did!!! If nothing else he should spend at least 1 year for every dollar he stole from this man !! Do the math !!! Goodbye!!!!

  5. Soapbox Sally on April 14th, 2024 12:06 pm

    Cantonment….. Here’s the link for the Senior Protection Team. It’s the same group that caught this guy.

  6. Susie on April 14th, 2024 10:24 am

    These people are so selfish they think they deserve these benefits when our precious seniors worked almost a lifetime for what they have. This pitiful excuse for a human being will have to pay for the inhumane things he’s done from here to his own death and beyond, wherever that may be. I know where it won’t be.

  7. Concerned citizen on April 14th, 2024 9:59 am

    Call adult protection service let them investigate the situation and that way you don’t get in trouble. They will put a stop to what he’s doing I will be praying for you and your Dad

  8. Cantonment on April 14th, 2024 6:14 am

    How can I get some help with the same thing my brother has taken my home and my parents land and evicting me after 35 years of living besides my parent’s he’s spending my dad’s money on evething and making my dad sell so he can put him in a nursing home cause in almost 4 years after he sold his house he still haven’t even started a house he a correction office too that’s what makes it do bad he was supposed to do it like my mom said but his words was I don’t care what momma said but he’s totally taking advantage over my dad trying to get a house build my dad gave him 30 thousand to finish a shop seems I would of got a house first and not use my dad to lie and steal the man’s hard earned money