Public Hearing Set On Devine Farm Area Development Bringing ‘Wildwood Estates’ To 1,067 Lots

March 5, 2024

A final Escambia County Development Review Committee hearing will be held Wednesday on hundreds of new single family lots in a Cantonment subdivision.

Additional phases with 215 news lots would bring a development in the area of Devine Road and South Country Road 97 to a total of 1,067 lots, on 777 acres, according to county applications.

The first three phases with 451 lots — Bookhaven 1 and 2, and Iron Rock 1 — are completed. The next three phases, Bookhaven 3 and 4, and Iron Rock 2 are under construction with 401 additional lots.

The remaining phases of Wildwood Estates are currently undeveloped, according to filings with the Escambia County Development Review Committee. Phase 7 will include 13 lots. There are 43 lots proposed for Phase 8 and 159 for Phase 9 in the plans filed by Devine Farms, LLC/Rodney Sutton.

An amended development between Escambia County and Devine Farms, Inc allows up to 1,200 lots.

The Escambia County Development Review Committee hearing will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Escambia County Central Complex Building at 3363 West Park Place.


12 Responses to “Public Hearing Set On Devine Farm Area Development Bringing ‘Wildwood Estates’ To 1,067 Lots”

  1. John on March 10th, 2024 10:43 pm

    Don’t bother to go, seems they just rubber stamp building request! What is there real purpose anyway? That is the development review committee!

  2. Charky on March 6th, 2024 12:15 pm

    I’ve got my house. I bought property on Devine Farm Road. I don’t think anyone else should have a house. I should be the only one with a house. I don’t want anyone else near me so I’m against the subdivision. Go somewhere else. And I don’t like navy helicopters flying over my house. Wonder if a part fell off the helicopter and crashed on my house? They should stop flying over my house. I got what I want now, but no one else should be able to move in here.

  3. Kane on March 6th, 2024 11:24 am

    Well, they will have a great view of old “Garbage Mountain” (it’s covered with sod now bot we all know it’s rotten to its core) the first thing you see when entering Florida from our western most border.

    Talk about growth!! We’re about to get 600 new homes in my neighborhood which has just one entrance and exit we already have somewhere around 200 homes (over half just built this year) so you know I’m looking forward to the next hurricane to trap us all here God forbid we have a fire we’d all be doomed.

  4. W Ward on March 6th, 2024 8:45 am

    Don’t worry folks, the Escambia County Development Review Committee is going to have hearing. Of course the hearing is scheduled at 1pm and that’s the opportune time for those who don’t work for a living, the committee members & developers. But for all of you who do work for a living & have to sit in traffic at bottlenecked intersections trying to get to work each day, forget attending or having a say. Of course everyday workers traveling these bottlenecked area roads are not the ones contributing to campaigns or committee appointments so what you have to say really doesn’t matter. It appears as though the committee doesn’t want to hear from public but of course they don’t represent the public do they?

  5. Carola on March 6th, 2024 1:21 am

    Mike J, you nailed it! Well done!

  6. Bonnie Exner on March 5th, 2024 6:22 pm


  7. Mike J. on March 5th, 2024 3:31 pm

    Greed, Greed, Greed. Let’s carve out as many homes as possible on as small of a lot as possible and sell at the same prices as a few years ago in order to sell as many homes as possible and make as much profit as possible. Then the new residents will complain about the smell from the landfill, the noise from the interstate, and the traffic congestion on the small highway that was not designed for that much traffic.

  8. Thomas Tidwell on March 5th, 2024 12:10 pm

    If you like the interstate road noise this is great place to live

  9. Steven on March 5th, 2024 11:50 am

    How about we build an interchange for exit 2/3 before we start expanding? The 97/297A junction is already a huge bottleneck.

  10. DLo on March 5th, 2024 10:20 am

    If you’re interested in a home here make sure you check it out with a Northwest wind first, I hope you like the smell of rotting garbage and methane.

  11. dave lamb on March 5th, 2024 9:02 am


  12. In about ten years on March 5th, 2024 8:11 am

    In about ten years, residents will be asking why on earth the county placed a landfill in a neighborhood.