Century Approves Design For New $3.255 Million Carver Community Center

March 7, 2024

The Century Town Council has approved the design for a new $3.255 million community center.

The town received a state grant in April 2022 to renovate the historic Carver Community Center at 7040 Jefferson Avenue. The former school building was constructed in 1945. Due to advanced termite damage and deterioration, it will be razed and replaced with a new structure.

For more images and building layout plans, click here.

Architect Ben Townes will now go to work on a final design and plans for the building.

The original grant also included the Century Ag Building, more commonly known as the Century Community Center, on West Highway 4 at Industrial Boulevard. However, the town does not plan to do any work at the Century Community Center. Instead, the full grant will be diverted to the Carver Community Center due to unanticipated and drastic increases in construction costs.

The new Carver Community Center will pay homage to the existing structure with both the design of the building and an historical display area in the lobby.  It will be exactly the same size at about 6,600 square feet.

The new building will include a 1,058 square foot multipurpose room, three meeting rooms totaling 1,668 square feet, offices, and a kitchen area. Two restrooms will have outside access near a playground.

NorthEscambia.com graphics/photos, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “Century Approves Design For New $3.255 Million Carver Community Center”

  1. The Jeffersons on March 10th, 2024 5:52 pm

    “Moving on up.. to the east side to a DELUXE apt — in the sky…”

  2. Century on March 9th, 2024 3:05 pm

    We know where the drug addicted will be at. Giving drugs to small kids.

  3. Baseball Grandparent on March 8th, 2024 12:17 pm

    I agree with Baseball mom

  4. Dave on March 8th, 2024 9:48 am

    WOW! The Town of Century really does not need to spend millions to replace this old building, we have other places to use. Obviously whoever looks at the applications for such grants has no idea what is going on in said town. It is someone in a office a long way from here who looks at the application and has no idea about the state of the town or how politics work here. I would call this a joke but it is to sad to laugh at. Based on the history of our town leaders they will only give them more money to fulfill their own agendas which rarely benefit the people of this community.
    If they do go forward with replacing this building Century residents need to show up and every town meeting to voice their opinions on this and demand we build a new building that will truly benefit the community. No disrespect to the historic community where the building is currently located but I personally think we need to relocate it to a location on the main highway along with 2 or 3 acres of land so the community could use it for events and show some kind of progress to the residents and people passing through our town. Out of 3.25 million dollars I think they could find some property and still build a nice center for us. We have plenty of road front property not in use and in disrepair. Surely some of the owners would take a reasonable offer for something around here.
    Please pray for our city leaders to do the right thing with this blessing of funds.

  5. SW on March 8th, 2024 9:35 am

    If the grant was for two projects, wouldn’t it be prudent to apply the monies to those two projects?
    Changing the plan after the money was granted might be of interest to the benefactor, don’t you think? They might be ok, and they might not.

    But go ahead, Century…you do you.

    Where’s that state inspector?

  6. boo on March 7th, 2024 10:33 pm

    kiss that 3.3 million goody bye, all you gona get is a lean-too and a outhouse…

  7. IMHO on March 7th, 2024 7:53 pm

    A 3 million dollar building in that area is a joke. I guess that’s a good way to make sure it’s only used by locals.

  8. M in Bratt on March 7th, 2024 7:06 pm

    Voters in Century need to ask themselves; Does Escambia County Let their parks get into this condition? It’s just one more justification for revoking the charter.

  9. Blackcat Mom on March 7th, 2024 5:52 pm

    The mayor wants NOTHING to do with the youth of Century as evidence by his actions towards the parks and so what exactly do we need this “community center” for? Why not help with park maintenance? Park improvements? Pay some registration fees for kids that need it? You can be against a lot of things but being against your own towns youth programs and against helping them succeed? Get out of here.

  10. Eddie on March 7th, 2024 4:45 pm

    Tony Simpson you are right nothing wrong with the center they are building.But there are things this town needs.The bridge that has been closed for 4 years roads that crumbling water unsafe there are numerous thingthat Gomez and his puppet show needs to take care of.Stop hiring idiots from south Florida for thousands of dollars to run Century. Most of the blame is the citizens that keep voting for these clowns let’s sta
    rt a group of citizens to stand up and for change

  11. Hill Billy on March 7th, 2024 4:18 pm

    Looks nice but give it 5 years and it’ll look just like the old one. What a waste.

  12. Bamajeffrey on March 7th, 2024 4:09 pm

    George won comment of the day!

  13. Mike on March 7th, 2024 3:34 pm

    The thugs in Century will only break into it – you can’t have anything nice in Century because of that mentality

  14. Toney Simpson on March 7th, 2024 12:53 pm

    There’s nothing wrong with having a community center but Showalter Park definitely deserves some attention as Baseball Mom said so well. Century baseball has 15 teams this year serving the kids of this community. Without a concession stand it really diminishes the ability to raise money to help all those kids. Not to mention it’s a drawing card because people come to the games and spend money in the town. There’s not a lot of common sense being used in the decision making in Century right now.

  15. Wow on March 7th, 2024 12:22 pm


  16. SMW on March 7th, 2024 10:55 am

    I am sorry but we need roads paved and better water before we need this!!!!! Why can’t the one on Hwy 4 be used?

  17. Rasheed on March 7th, 2024 10:41 am

    WHY? Century already has a community center, and a city park. Why not use the money to maintain these facilities.

  18. George on March 7th, 2024 9:35 am

    But will there be midget rassling?

  19. Baseball Mom on March 7th, 2024 9:11 am

    But from what I’m told, the hood vent system in the concession stand at Showalter Park has been broken and failed inspection for 5 years now, the mayor won’t let them fix any of the field lights and has clearly stated he isn’t spending NO money on that park. 190 kids playing at century this year ( most in years) and we have no support from the mayor. Let’s build a multi million dollar community center though. Way to show your support for the youth of Century Mayor Gomez!