As ‘Acting Superintendent’ Century Council Member Reports Four Sewage Spills To State

March 13, 2024

The Town of Century has reported four separate sewage spills that occurred over the past week.

The spills were reported to the Florida Department of Environmental (DEP) by council woman Alicia Johnson as “acting superintendent” of the town’s wastewater facilities.

According to the DEP, the town reported:

  • On March 8, a sewage lift station at the town’s wastewater treatment facility of Jefferson Avenue spilled an unknown quantity of treated wastewater, of which 50 gallons was recovered.  The pump “failed due to incorrect maintenance”.
  • On March 9, an unknown volume of sewage was spilled at the town’s wastewater treatment plant on Jefferson Avenue because a “bypass pump was unable to keep up with heavy flow due to collapsed influent piping. None of the spill was recovered, but the area was washed down.
  • On March 11, the wastewater treatment plant lift station that failed on March 8 overflowed “several times during the repair process”. (The town actually reported the spill began March 11 and ended March 9 but named the incident “Effluent spill 3-11-2″)
  • On March 10, an unknown volume of untreated wastewater was spilled at the Century Correctional Institution on Tedder Road due to pumps that failed because they were clogged with debris. None of the spillage was recovered, and lime was applied.

Pictured: The Century Wastewater Treatment Plant. file photos, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “As ‘Acting Superintendent’ Century Council Member Reports Four Sewage Spills To State”

  1. Caveman 32565 on March 13th, 2024 8:46 pm

    Well none of y’all never go past the prison that place over flows all the time

  2. Well that’s a crappy situation on March 13th, 2024 8:05 pm

    Why is a Council member, who certainly isn’t qualified, acting as the superintendent?
    I can’t believe the County and State aren’t doing anything to help the residents of this town, especially where the prison is involved. They have a generator pumping water to the prison AND a sewage spill? I sure won’t be fishing at Stone Lake!!

  3. Century State Line Resident on March 13th, 2024 12:34 pm

    So glad we live uphill, upstream from that at the stateline.

    If the state and county and ECUA, elected D5 commissioner arent going to do their job and provide oversite we figure it can just spill all over the ground. It happens.

    We personally can get a well permit and a well drilled for drinking water, but they won’t allow one for every residence punched into the aquifer. Plus they won’t allow new septic tanks. So we have our plan.

    Seems the D5 commissioner would get involved since the state prison is in the district.

    Guess he’s too busy trying to get half his paycheck above and beyond his state approved salary in his bank account to actually do his job.

    He could get it on the ballot to disincorporate and get ECUA to take over. They could apply for Triumph grants to modernize the waste plant.

    Even the employees could do that and maintain equipment and lobby the council,for grants but I guess they just ride around with their heads up their butt.

    Gonna smell real nice next to the new community center next door.

  4. Greg Stewart on March 13th, 2024 9:52 am

    Just another metric with regards to Century’s failed government. Dear State of Florida, put this community out of its misery. Unincorporate.

  5. SW on March 13th, 2024 9:41 am

    For Pete’s sake….

    The jokes write themselves.

  6. Pull The Charter NOW on March 13th, 2024 9:27 am

    There seems to be a theme between the sewage system, the gas system, the water system, and other hardware the City needs to provide servivces and that is lack of maintenance and oversight. My guess is little of either is being provided.

  7. Chris on March 13th, 2024 8:59 am

    “Failed due to incorrect maintenance ” could describe many aspects of Century government.

  8. bob c. on March 13th, 2024 7:55 am

    Century is rapidly falling apart at the seams and yet the county and state seem unable to do anything except throw more and more TAXPAYER Money into the mess.
    Pumps failing and “unknown” amounts of sewage spilled are unacceptable anywhere. It is indeed fact that there is something stinking at the Town of Century and much is on the Council…..

  9. Oversight on March 13th, 2024 6:57 am

    How much was spilled? Response, “…unknown amount.” Well, it must
    be Century for sure because at every turn they don’t know much about anything.