West Fraser McDavid Mill Proposes Construction Of Two New Kilns

February 5, 2024

West Fraser is proposing to add two continuous dry kilns at their existing sawmill at 401 Champion Drive in McDavid.

Three existing batch kilns will be decommissioned in phases, according to the company’s application with the Escambia County Development Review Committee.

The proposed development occupies an area of approximately 5.83 acres at the eastern side of the current 170.5 acre parcel.

The total area of construction is about 5.831 acres. Of that, approximately 4.170 acres is new impervious with new pavement accounting for 3.354 acres, leaving 0.816 acres in buildings and other structures.

In addition to the two new kilns, the proposed project includes a motor control center (MCC) for the kilns, a fuel storage/reclaimer building and MCC, energy system building, electrical building, transformer/generator building, breeching system building, a conveyor from the existing facility, and other conveyors for moving material through the new facilities. The new area pavement will be concrete.

There will be no impacts to wetlands, according to the company.

The project is currently in the pre-application stage with the Escambia County Development Review Committee and is set for public meeting at 2:25 p.m. on February 7 at the Escambia County Central Complex Building at 3363 West Park Place.


5 Responses to “West Fraser McDavid Mill Proposes Construction Of Two New Kilns”

  1. Old Puppy on February 7th, 2024 5:59 am

    @neal. It’s actually in bogia.

  2. Neal on February 6th, 2024 7:25 pm

    This is a problem. Why do they have to ask the county permission to do industrial stuff on industrial land? It isn’t even different, just new.

    And West-Fraser, your mill is in Pine Barren, not McDavid. Proud home of sawmills for nearly 200 years…without county permission.

  3. Whattt on February 5th, 2024 3:36 pm

    @old shinny bro leave the chickens out if this …
    And those wild kangaroos is what I’m worried about.

  4. Chuck W. on February 5th, 2024 10:50 am

    Wait. Isn’t a kiln an oven? Doesn’t an oven warm the air? Could these kilns possibly contribute to global warming? LOL. Just kidding, of course….

  5. Old Skinny on February 5th, 2024 8:34 am

    Oh noooo.. what about the wild bunnies, baby deer and free-range chickens in the area??? Hahaha… thought I would be the first to post a ridiculous claim or concern because a business is wanting to invest more money into the area. Sounds like a great project!