New 36 Lot SubDivision Proposed For Beulah Road

February 20, 2024

A new 36 lot subdivision is being proposed for Beulah Road north of Nine Mile Road, according to an application filed with the Escambia County Development Reviwe Committee.

Ledgestoe Developers, LLC has filed plans for a single family residential subdivision known as the Ledgestone Subdivision on 14.34 acrses.

The Escambia County Development Reviwe Committee is set to consider the appication dring a meeting at 1 p.m. on February 21 at the Escambia County Central Complex Building at 3363 West Park Place.


9 Responses to “New 36 Lot SubDivision Proposed For Beulah Road”

  1. Give me a break on February 21st, 2024 3:27 pm

    The money has found us. The recent Wall Street Journal story on the explosion of million dollar homes in the area, along with the increase in median home prices, plus the mad race to develop means the horse is already out of the barn. Lots of old timers and lower income folks are going to be pushed out of the area–it’s inevitable.

    Y’all didn’t want zoning and reasonable land use statutes to try and control this–it was “it’s muh property and I can do what I want!”; “If you don’t want a Dollar General there, YOU should have bought the property!”;

    Now you want folks who struggle to pay taxes and maintain family acreages to hold onto them so YOUR quality of life isn’t harmed. I don’t want to get rid of the family land, but when this old $500/acre property is now worth $30,000/acre…that’s a lot of extra zeroes.
    I have the right to sell to whom I please, and when the time is right for my family, I will.

  2. Bonnie Exner on February 21st, 2024 3:16 pm

    The latest Escambia County school built cost the taxpayers $140,000,000+…Will the Develope /Builder build the much needed school in Beulah for free? I think not!!

  3. Double DD on February 21st, 2024 12:32 pm

    Show up today at 1 o’clock and demand concurrency instead of just complaining on the Facebook

  4. Jlb on February 21st, 2024 12:30 pm

    Typical Escambia County build…get the $$$..then worry about infrastructure. Its time for new elected officials…I know I won’t be voting for the incumbent…VOTE THEM OUT! Richard an Olinda I totally agree with you.

  5. Not You on February 21st, 2024 10:54 am

    Tell your neighbors to stop selling their land to developers.

  6. Megan charles on February 21st, 2024 8:42 am

    The infrastructure can not handle this. Leave the land. Try selling the homes that are there now before putting up new ones!

  7. Fields of Dreams on February 21st, 2024 2:17 am

    This 1950’s infrastructure y’all relying on to support this growth is going to collapse one day…. Build/upgrade the roadways. How about a bypass around the area…

  8. Richard Arnold on February 20th, 2024 11:43 am

    Listen, instead of stripping the land of all the trees and forest. Locate clear areas and build there instead!! Your taking away all the animals, deer, coyotes, and etc., places to live. I know what county commissiners are up to! The more taxes they can bring in the bigger their purses and wallets get filled!!! There are better thing to use the money for than building more housing!!! Time to vote out current county commissioners!! Bring in new brains!!! Instead of old brains!!!

  9. Olin Schultz on February 20th, 2024 10:20 am

    The BOCC keeps stacking with no way to steer traffic and our little community is going to bust! Can’t wait to vote these yahoos out of office!