FFA Week: Drive Your Tractor To School Day (With Photo Gallery)

February 23, 2024

Jay High School held their annual “Drive Your Tractor To School Day!” on Thursday.

It’s an annual part of the Jay FFA’s celebration of National FFA Week.

For more photos, click here.

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “FFA Week: Drive Your Tractor To School Day (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. Shay on February 23rd, 2024 3:27 pm

    How fun!!! I love it!!

  2. st on February 23rd, 2024 10:32 am

    that looks like a good doggo in that pic!

  3. Thomas Paine on February 23rd, 2024 8:53 am

    A great activity, celebrating some of the things that have made America great! Way to go Jay FFA! Keep up the good work!