Woman Gets Six Years For Defrauding About $400K From Her Employer

January 4, 2024

A woman has been sentenced for stealing from her employer.

Escambia Circuit Judge Nobles sentenced Maria Del Carmen Williams to six years in state prison followed by 10 years of probation with $397,515.92 ordered in restitution for the crime of organized fraud and six counts of illegal use of personal identification information.

From April of 2019 through December 2021, Williams worked as the bookkeeper for Performance Personnel Services, LLC, a staffing company. Prosecutors said she engaged in a scheme to defraud by generating fraudulent payroll statements using the personal identification information of six victims. Shewould generate fake statement of earnings with the victims’ personal identification information indicating payment to workers. The money would instead be deposited into her bank account. Through these misrepresentations Williams was able to obtain just under $400,000 from her employer and hide her fraud for years. The state said she used the fraudulently obtained money to fund a plot of land, a 2011 Jaguar luxury car, shopping, restaurants, and other living expenses.


6 Responses to “Woman Gets Six Years For Defrauding About $400K From Her Employer”

  1. Justin on January 4th, 2024 10:41 pm

    Amazing how this woman is condemned for the same crimes as illegal immigrants and politicians, and the Feds, who “steal” money from the hard working taxpayers, and will never get the same sentence. Absurdities…

  2. Mike Honcho on January 4th, 2024 4:04 pm

    So now your identity is in jeopardy when you apply for a job. This is why I raise hell with employers when they ask for a little to much info. Where dose this information go,who looks at it how secure is it. Guess I know now

  3. Bill T on January 4th, 2024 10:15 am

    I think she was ordered to pay back about 400.000 dollars well you will never see a penny of that money ever!!! And when she get out it’ll probably start all over again somewhere!!! This is a nice little break for this girl !!! I say take from her like she took from others starting now and make it permanent!!!!!!

  4. Loretta P on January 4th, 2024 10:12 am

    Amy Jo, excuse me? She had to feed her babies??? Haters??? You must be kin to this woman who committed a crime of Stealing and purchased a luxury car and Land! She didn’t intend to only feed her babies she committed a crime and now needs to pay all of the money back and spend 30 years in PRISON!!! Shame on her for being a thief!! SMH!!

  5. ane on January 4th, 2024 10:06 am

    As long as she pays the money back with no chance of getting a position allowing her near money, we should forgive in 6 years. Good Luck.

  6. Amy Jo on January 4th, 2024 1:00 am

    Do y’all haters not recognize she had to feed her babies!? SMH.