Pensacola Council Approves Red Light Cameras For These Intersections

January 20, 2024

Thursday night, the Pensacola City Council officially improved the installation of red light cameras to several intersections to monitor for violations.

The cameras will be installed at:

  • 9th and Bayou on the north, south, east and west approaches.
  • 9th and Airport on the north, south, east, and west approaches.
  • 9th and Fairfield on the east and west bound approaches.
  • 9th and Gregory on the west bound approach.
  • Davis and Fairfield on the east and west bound approaches.

These intersections were selected based on crash data collected over the past 10 years.

The infractions that will be enforced will be traveling straight through a red light and making a left turn on a red light.


21 Responses to “Pensacola Council Approves Red Light Cameras For These Intersections”

  1. Bewildered on January 22nd, 2024 10:02 am

    Infrastructure in our area has stayed the same while population has increased dramatically. Instead of holding the big developers of new subdivisions responsible for many needed upgrades they come up with all kinds of ideas to squeeze money out of every citizen. Politicians owe big business paybacks- they are not beholden to the little man

  2. George on January 21st, 2024 3:46 pm

    Camera will not effect me because I do not run red lights.

  3. Don cooper on January 21st, 2024 11:02 am

    I do not see a problem if people would only obey traffic laws.

  4. TelymanBwS on January 20th, 2024 11:56 pm

    Get ready for shorter yellow lights. That’s what Tennessee did to increase revenue.

  5. bill l on January 20th, 2024 9:06 pm

    Insurance rates are high because of greedy lawyers wanting to file suit for a little fender bender and get the 30-40% commission from the payout.

  6. Dhg on January 20th, 2024 7:50 pm

    Get ready for the revenue generating measure to take hold. Those who think they can’t enforce thcitations look at laws changed to allow them. No due process or ability to face your accuser allowed. Most places won’t allow a hearing unless you pay the fine first. It’s all about the money. Remember the camera doesn’t stop the red light running to prevent the danger. It’s just a fine in the mail.

  7. Solution on January 20th, 2024 6:42 pm

    Do away with all traffic signals and no one will run a red light.
    Problem solved.

  8. David Huie Green on January 20th, 2024 6:21 pm

    Put cameras on the buses that record vehicles that run stop arms. Cite the owner of the vehicle a $100 civil fine for every time his or her vehicle runs a stop arm. You’ll be able to pay for all the buses quickly you might even save the lives for a few children of these people run over. Unless you report the vehicle stolen, you are responsible for whatever it did.

    David for safe children

  9. Tyler D. on January 20th, 2024 6:02 pm

    The rise in insurance isn’t just due to increased accidents: it’s due to average age of car on the road, population density, and consistency in car accidents for an area (which is why they want to know your zip bc it affects your rate).

    If you want people to slow down, you need better solutions and tech than these rise and repeat photo enforcement campaigns; the only problem is money and better tech.

    I hope ppl slow down and pay attention to traffic patterns fr. It’s seriously tragic to see the number of ppl who have lost their lives in the past six months alone here just due to traffic. Insane.

  10. Gallene on January 20th, 2024 4:28 pm

    If we think that a photo of a car will warrant a ticket and save lives, if you get a “photo generated ticket” 1) lay out the cash due to pay the ticket on a flat surface, 2) photograph the cash due, 3) print a nice 8×10 print, 4) mail the print and the ticket to the gutless agency issuing the ticket, and 5) you have just done to them what they did to you. Pic for pic.

  11. Lisa on January 20th, 2024 4:27 pm

    Molino Resident, that’s why we should be careful on who we loan our stuff too. Word of advice, don’t lend your stuff to your crazy uncle.

  12. Lisa on January 20th, 2024 4:24 pm

    Beach boy, our insurance went up as well and that’s the exact reason I was given from Geico.

  13. George on January 20th, 2024 4:23 pm

    The cameras may not stop people from running red lights, but it may hit them in the wallet and make them pay something out of pocket for endangering so many innocent people.

  14. Beach Boy on January 20th, 2024 4:00 pm

    Has your automobile insurance rates increased??? Well mine has. So I called the Company and asked why it had increased. Was told “due to the number of accidents in your area.” “The number of accidents in your area has significantly increased over the last years, and that’s why the increase.” I’ve seen a lot of cars blatantly run red lights because they’re in a hurry, or, not paying attention due to being on the phone, or someone in front at the red light wasn’t paying attention so that made everyone else impatient and decided to run the red light. So get over it!! The cameras may work out for our good and insurance rates will “decrease.”

  15. Molino resident on January 20th, 2024 3:01 pm

    Unless people are just idiots and admit to running the light there is no way they can enforce those citations and make them stick. The cameras do not have enough clarity to precisely make out a face that is inside a vehicle moving at a distance. You could’ve let your crazy uncle borrow your car and he runs a light then you get a ticket because all they have is a license plate. If the camera can make that out. People shouldn’t be running the lights anyway but if you do just summon your inner Shaggy and simply say “It wasn’t me.”

  16. matt on January 20th, 2024 1:27 pm

    Wo der how much the company of these cameras will make or how much they donate to the councils campaign to get these approved google red light cameras and read some of the stories. I would love to see who is making the money from this. While yes I do think people need to slow down but does it have to big brother doing it. Next will be CCTV in downtown. This is a tip of a very dangerous iceberg.

  17. seth on January 20th, 2024 12:56 pm

    so how much does it cost the city to pay out of state firm to collect any fees and how much does the city?

  18. JTV on January 20th, 2024 12:23 pm

    Pensacola used to be such a great place to live. Now it’s a loony liberal land. Thanks Quint Studer.

  19. just me on January 20th, 2024 12:13 pm

    Thought cameras were tried some years ago and some liberal judge ruled it was entrapment.

  20. brianh on January 20th, 2024 11:44 am

    Study after study have shown these cameras do not reduce accidents but do make lots of money. So glad that Milton studied this and removed theirs years ago. I guess Pensacola must be smarter?

  21. SW on January 20th, 2024 9:04 am

    Generating revenue.