Escambia River Cooperative Issues ‘Peak Alert’ For Wednesday Morning

January 16, 2024

Escambia River Electric Cooperative has issued a “Peak Alert” for Wednesday morning.

Peak alerts are not a notice of a power shortage or impending outages, EREC said.

“They are simply a load-management effort used to reduce the demand for electricity and keep members’ cost of power as low as possible. Members should try to do things that conserve energy during a peak alert.”

EREC asked that members:

  • Limit the use of large appliances (dishwashers, washer/dryer, etc.).
  • Unplug devices that are not in use.
  • Turn off any unnecessary lights.


3 Responses to “Escambia River Cooperative Issues ‘Peak Alert’ For Wednesday Morning”

  1. Sharon E on January 17th, 2024 2:47 pm

    I turned off all I could including heaters. As of now 3 hours later the best I can get for temp inside 2 rooms is 64 degrees. The recovery from 69 degrees drop to 58 degrees in that 2 hour time frame. I charge a large battery pack to run wifi and charge electronics in my truck as it needs to be ran/started too ( diesle).
    $219.00 for last month…I need to have my electric bill averaged to pay a ” averaged” amount related to oh yes Fixeed income SSA and Disabled Veterans Benefits.

  2. OhYouKnow on January 17th, 2024 9:22 am

    @Bill T – It follows the more you use the more you pay. Having electricity is not a right. I do believe the rates charged are excessive. The only thing we can do is find other ways to produce our own electricity or cutback by cutting off /unplugging everything not in use.

  3. Bill T on January 17th, 2024 12:21 am

    This is interesting because my power company wants you to use as much as you can so they can and will charge you double sometimes triple !!! They are no help at reducing anything except the money in your pocket or bank account !!! Constantly wanting more money at every turn !! The profit is never enough and you can’t pay enough no matter what you do !!!!!!