New 440 Lot Development Proposed Off Highway 29 Near Neal Road

January 14, 2024

A new 440-lot residential development named Bella Terra is proposed for the Cantonment area.

Mullins, LLC has submitted plans to the Escambia County Development Review Committee for the multiphase development at the southwest corner of Cedartree Lane and Highway 29. The southernmost boundary of the project area extends to Neal Road.

The project is proposed in three phases, the earliest starting construction in the Fall of 2024 with completion in the Fall of 2025. The later phase is proposed to begin in the Summer of 2025 with completion by the Summer of 2026.

The plans are currently in an initial application status with the Escambia County Development Review Committee and are set for staff internal review. Public meetings have not yet been scheduled. graphics, click to enlarge.


32 Responses to “New 440 Lot Development Proposed Off Highway 29 Near Neal Road”

  1. brianh on January 18th, 2024 7:44 am

    Same story over here in Santa Rosa. Term limits are needed badly. The developers are the ONLY ones our so called leaders listen to. The developers only care that they get to make more millions and if we have to skin off their back.

  2. Name (required) on January 17th, 2024 1:41 am

    Can anyone tell if these will be apartments or single family homes? I can’t seem to zoom in well enough to see.

  3. Joe on January 16th, 2024 7:06 pm

    The “MADNESS” is messing up our way of life; “I can’t believe it!” and “Roads are crowded”! Get over yourselves and stop whining like a bunch of infants. People need places to live and raise a family. Same old song and dance every time a subdivision goes up. Be the first ones to colonize Mars, and you can have the quiet zero-people oasis you keep fantasizing about.

  4. JOHN on January 16th, 2024 6:10 pm

    Tell Commissioner Barry that you don’t want Escambia County to become Palm Beach County.

  5. Jlb on January 16th, 2024 4:00 pm


  6. Cantonment Mom on January 16th, 2024 11:04 am

    OMG! What is happening in the north end. We bought our houses up here to be away from the city and now I step out of my front door and all I see is construction for apartment buildings. I’m sick of this! Within a 3 mile radius of my house there are now 3 different apt complexes going up now counting this one. I’m done!!! I may as well move southward and go back to the exhausting traffic and idiot drivers of Pensacola! Thanks for ruining all of our lives north of Nine Mile Road-hope you all are real happy with taking everything from us while filling your pockets! How do you sleep at night?? Absolutely ridiculous! My house will be going up for sale as well as my land-I’m done!

  7. OhYouKnow on January 16th, 2024 10:55 am

    Doom and gloom. Jimbo has it right. If you want rural you best buy all the land you can and live in the middle of it.
    Maybe the government will settle 1000 of the “Immigrants” in the new development, there’s an idea, we should see if Governor De Santis can help flesh out the empty land in the north of the county and bring in a large labor pool.

  8. jimbo on January 15th, 2024 4:37 pm

    I have said it before and I will say it again. Those of you complaining about your rural life changing only have been afforded to live a rural life because your neighbors own land that they do not develop. You dont pay the taxes or upkeep on that property, you just reap the benefits. If you really wish to live in “the country” you need to buy yourself as much land as possible and live in the middle of it. Quit complaining when your neighbors sell their property as it is theirs to do with as they please. You were just a freeloader enjoying the country life on their dime.

  9. David Huie Green on January 15th, 2024 2:52 pm

    “Because Hwy 29 is the only north/ south evacuation route, there was a massive traffic jam trying to get on HWY 29 to go north to HWY 65 to go north to Montgomery, AL…we were trapped in that exodus and prayed that we would escape the oncoming Hurricane Opal…”

    YEP. It was bad. 29 necked down to two-lane in McDavid. Pensacola drivers were going 70 mph when they got to us in the McDavid Volunteer Fire Department (at the time) and didn’t like to slow down. Since then Florida paid to four-lane through Alabama all the way to I-65. We should be in better shape now on that account anyhow.

    David for I-110 going to I-65

  10. Quintette on January 15th, 2024 12:35 pm

    So are the developer(s) of these areas the same developer(s) who pulled their “application” to develop the area? The one who had a massive 550+ unit area with medical office and park? The one that everybody was against so they pulled it as a whole? So now they will just develop it individually

  11. Daniel Hart on January 15th, 2024 10:58 am

    Look at it this way people I inherited 20 acres off of WellLine Road from my parents that will shortly be up for sale. You have to keep power and water you have to pay property tax , keep the grass cut in the yard in pristine condition because if you don’t the neighbors a call, somebody and complain . I already have a Homestead in Molino with all of this on it. I’m 65 years old still go to work every day people cannot afford to keep up two places and I do not choose to rent my parents house and 20 acres and keep it up for people that just don’t care. So yes, I will be selling not by choice but because it’s necessary.

  12. Ann Crawford on January 14th, 2024 11:03 pm

    To Willis who says stop selling your land. This subdivision nearly surrounds the area where I live. Most of the land involved to the best of my knowledge was owned by people who purchased it many, many years ago and have now passed away and the kids don’t want the land. They want the MONEY!

  13. matt on January 14th, 2024 10:02 pm

    Oh they coming from California New York Chicago you know the place people are fleeing and 9h they are bring their politics with them this was planned when some did their second term to break up these blue strongholds and spread them out.
    They are trying hard to turn red blue and out county commissioner is lining his pocket oh we will never see it but I promise it’s their. So 8f you don’t want 440 something homes in your area best get out and vote. I don’t know if he is even got someone running against him or not but we need new representation on the north end.

  14. Bonnie Exner on January 14th, 2024 9:36 pm

    One additional thought comes to mind…If you were living here in 1994 we had 2 major hurricanes that came through..Erin in August and Opal in October. Because Hwy 29 is the only north/ south evacuation route, there was a massive traffic jam trying to get on HWY 29 to go north to HWY 65 to go north to Montgomery, AL…we were trapped in that exodus and prayed that we would escape the oncoming Hurricane Opal…this was 20 years ago and how many more folks have moved into our area with how many more cars on the road.??.THIS IS A DISASTER WAITING TO HAPPEN!!

  15. Willis on January 14th, 2024 9:33 pm

    Stop selling them your land silly wabbits.

  16. Bonnie Exner on January 14th, 2024 8:56 pm

    @ Woody…I addressed the Escambia County School Board in November with your same concern..over capacity of students in the north end schools…as of May,2023 Tate High has over 2100+..Ransom Middle 1200+ Kingsfield Elementary is over 40 pass capacit[ 919 actual in attendance]… It seems that the county commissioners removed School and Road Concurrency [ developers are not allowed to build unless there are services available to handle additional population]
    Our only was to slow down growth is to elect new county commissioners.

  17. Neal Road Resident on January 14th, 2024 7:53 pm

    District 5 Commissioner Barry has got to be voted out.
    Show up at your poll and vote.

  18. dave lamb on January 14th, 2024 1:38 pm

    Quintette, McKenzie Rd, 95A & Cedartree Lane, all the proposed developments that have been reported in North ESC, what a nightmare!

  19. Grady Smith on January 14th, 2024 1:33 pm

    @JJ, as I pull onto 29 from Cooley Road, I feel as though I am playing Russian Roulette.

    You never know when a car will come over that blind hill at 75 or 80 mph.


  20. Dawn Vose on January 14th, 2024 1:21 pm

    Emergency services are already at the breaking point! Work on the infrastructure BEFORE you start adding!!

  21. Bill T on January 14th, 2024 1:01 pm

    People you don’t know even half of what is coming !!! It’s just getting started !! It’s gonna be terrible and guess who has to deal with it !! Me and you as it goes and the worst we hate it the more is pushed down your throat!!! And if you complain you are a disruptive citizen and should be ignored or blackballed!!! They think oh it’s better well news flash it ain’t and as time goes we all will see the chaos it causes!!!

  22. Mr Bear on January 14th, 2024 12:47 pm

    How long are we going to put up with these county commissioners who care not a bit for how they mess up our place? Is there nothing they won’t approve?

  23. David Huie Green on January 14th, 2024 12:22 pm

    Life is good.

  24. Woody on January 14th, 2024 11:26 am

    Has anyone considered the over crowded school classrooms. Will another school be built? Teachers can only handle so much.

  25. Not again on January 14th, 2024 11:12 am

    70% of the US population lives within 70 miles of the Atlantic, Gulf, Pacific, or the Great Lakes.

    With no point in Florida more than 65 miles from the Atlantic or Gulf and 20 million, no, 21 million, wait, 22 million people, another location might be considered for rural living.

  26. JJ on January 14th, 2024 11:05 am

    Another 440 garbage cans to be picked up by the overtaxed ECUA crew. Water supply???
    A traffic light at 29 &NEAL RD. i still remember the dollar store employee kill there!!!
    Idiot state has that intersection at 65MPH both ways.
    Common sence says to lower it to 55 or less.

  27. anne on January 14th, 2024 9:52 am

    Let me guess. They are going to put in a new road or a bridge over Hwy 29 to handle the extra traffic. More houses should be forbidden until the traffic issue is addressed.

  28. Moni Williams on January 14th, 2024 8:43 am

    They already did everything you all are complaining about to Beulah. They’re moving north and don’t care what any of us think about it. Sorry guys, it’s coming and they aren’t going to wait for the infrastructure to catch up first.

  29. J Larry Seale on January 14th, 2024 7:04 am

    This madness has got to STOP !!!!!
    with all the new development has already has
    stretch the police, fire protection
    and considers this…..the already over
    crowed road will ONLY get worse.
    Plus, the people who move in will not
    have the good paying jobs that support
    the area needs. …
    The county need to pull in the development
    until the basic support groups are given time to
    catch up….

  30. Duke of Wawbeek on January 14th, 2024 5:45 am

    When they (u kno who) made that deal with the devil, they should have included infrastructure.

    Thousands from that one project alone, tens to hundreds of thousands when you total all that are popping up.

  31. Grady Smith on January 14th, 2024 5:38 am

    It would be interesting to know where they are fleeing from, also the socioeconomic stats of these new arrivals/home owners, as there are only so many career/job slots to provide for these mortages?

    Another spit to the house next door distance subdivision.

    As Steely Dan said “turn up the Eagles, the neighbors are listening.”

  32. dave lamb on January 14th, 2024 3:48 am

    Here we go again! 440septic tanks, 440 water connections, 440 houses/lots for police, fire, rescue issues, 440 driveways with boats, vehicles, all sorts of recreational equip. There goes the tranquility of rural living.