Confessed Home Depot Killer Appeals Conviction And Life Sentence

December 27, 2023

A man that confessed last week and was convicted in an Escambia County Home Depot murder and sentenced to life in prison last week has already filed an appeal.

Keith Agee, 20, filed a notice of appeal on December 21 to the District Court of Appeals, First District, State of Florida, the day after he confessed and was sentenced by Judge Coleman Robinson.

The basis for the appeal is not mentioned in a filed notice in court records.

Agee took the stand and confessed to the murder, saying it was his intent. He said he tested positive for a sexually transmitted disease after becoming intimate with Sims. He testified that he was angry, hurt and felt betrayed. In reality, prosecutors said she did not have an STD.

Agee’s mother Sheila is also facing a first degree accessory to premeditated murder charge because, according to authorities, she knew of Agee’s plan and aided him. She will go to trial in February.


16 Responses to “Confessed Home Depot Killer Appeals Conviction And Life Sentence”

  1. Me on December 31st, 2023 9:10 pm

    Can’t believe just how dumb these killers are. Open and shut case before the shot was fired. That woman/monster needs to watch the ID Channel.

  2. Susie on December 30th, 2023 12:13 pm

    Which one is “Dumb” and which one is “Dumber”?

  3. J.R. Smith on December 29th, 2023 4:36 pm

    Can we bring back public executions?

  4. Lawyers...sheeesh on December 28th, 2023 5:58 pm

    His lawyers are the PD’s…they get paid regardless of appeal or not…he’s probably going to say he didn’t get a fair trial because of the media coverage. He also had a speedy trial. This trial should have been held in another county IMO.

  5. Matchbox on December 27th, 2023 2:21 pm

    This is what you call the consequences of your own actions..something your own mom should have taught you ..but we all know she failed miserably in all areas..

  6. Steve on December 27th, 2023 1:29 pm

    Alan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, There is no reason to allow the appeal process to go on 30 years.. 1 year in cases like this were the suspect was 100% guilty.
    In other cases 4 years max.. Cost to appeal should be included in the cost to defend. That way lawyers are not doing this for money and truly believe a persons innocence..
    Also very few people sentenced to death are innocent. Those arguments come after a person been on death row for 30 years and the evidence and witnesses and victims are all gone.
    Also death sentence carried out, is 100% guaranteed to stop all future crimes by that person.

  7. Stephen on December 27th, 2023 1:07 pm


    You admitted to doing it.

  8. tg on December 27th, 2023 12:53 pm

    Consuming more tax payer money. Give death penalty for it.

  9. J-THE-G on December 27th, 2023 12:47 pm

    Appeals in this type of case are bull. Hope the judge puts an end to it quickly or changes the sentence to death.

  10. Alan on December 27th, 2023 12:09 pm

    @JJ, that Death Penalty looks good until you realize as a citizen of the State of Florida, YOU pay for all his legal expenses, which can run over a million dollars, and last 30 years. Put them in prision for life without chance for parole and they pay for all of them.

  11. Emjay on December 27th, 2023 11:19 am

    My impression of his reasoning: “Yeah, I did it” (almost proud and sounding tough) followed by “but it wasn’t my fault” (hence the appeal). Victim blaming.

  12. Steve on December 27th, 2023 10:43 am

    Yeah the lawyers only get paid as long as there is a legal action being performed.

    Yes every case like this should be reviewed. And once all the challenges placed at time of appeal are ruled out. Your sentence starts..

    He is 100% guilty and the part played by his mother HIS MOTHER of all people, well she will rot in prison longer. His rage could have been averted that day. His evil could have been at least dulled by a MOTHERS words to he child. But her evil allowed his to take someone away from her family FOREVER.

  13. Bill T on December 27th, 2023 10:41 am

    What a laugh !!! Appeal I think not !! You are convicted of murder do your sentence and remember you won’t be getting out !! But also remember your accomplice is right behind you

  14. JJ on December 27th, 2023 10:31 am

    At 20, lucky I wasnt the one on sentence.
    Murder 1 should have been -DEATH

  15. OhYouKnow on December 27th, 2023 9:53 am

    Capital punishment is what he and dear old mom deserve. Why pay to keep people like this alive?

  16. Lou on December 27th, 2023 9:11 am

    Appeal….get real, time to start serving your sentence. No need to wait!