Century Does Not Conduct Employee Background Checks, But They Want To Start

December 18, 2023

From a parks and recreation employee that may work near children, to a street department worker to a town manager, the Town of Century does not conduct background checks on new hires, NorthEscambia.com has learned.

Last week, when the town council voted to hire Howard Brown and the Local Government Consulting Group of West Palm Beach as a city manager, council members were told that complete background checks are not conducted on job applicants with the town.

“It is odd that there is no policy,” council member Alicia Johnson said.

“You would think in this day and age, that’s something that’s procedural,” council president Dynette Lewis said, “In the hiring process, a background check is something that’s performed.”

“We’re talking about employees across the board, you know, contractors, that we might want to develop a policy to address in the future,” Johnson added.

“You have nothing in place for a background check in hiring? That’s neanderthal. Everyone you go to they are going to do a background check. We are back in the Stone Ages, ” a citizen told the council.

The council agreed that a more concise policy requiring background checks is needed and should soon be developed, perhaps with Brown’s help.

As for Brown, the new city manager, Mayor Luis Gomez, Jr.  said he thoroughly checked his background and references prior to bringing him to the council for approval.

“I have vetted these candidates, because I don’t want to look like a clown,” Gomez said.


20 Responses to “Century Does Not Conduct Employee Background Checks, But They Want To Start”

  1. CJ Lewis on December 19th, 2023 1:34 pm

    Mr. Brown previously worked in Indiantown. In one report I found several disturbing sentences: “They did not interview Indiantown’s then-manager Howard W. Brown Jr., who ran his own consulting firm with separate financial records and correspondence not subject to Florida’s public records laws. Investigators asked Brown for the village’s public records, including meeting videos, pertaining to West while unaware that many of the public records regarding West had disappeared. Brown also told FDLE that the Citrus Landing project was a non-issue, because the development application was defunct, according to FDLE reports. It was not. FDLE also was unaware that council members had lied under oath to investigators during their April 2021 interviews.” NorthEscambia.com is the last line of defense for the people in North County. Please find out and report if Mr. Brown is subject to Florida’s Public Records Law or can he circumvent them using personal or corporate social media accounts and claiming that stuff just disappeared? By the way, Mr. Brown is not listed on the town’s directory of town employees. (One councilmember uses her BellSouth account for town business. Is that legal?)

  2. Hmmm on December 18th, 2023 11:59 pm


    What I got from that article is that the council members made a WHOLE lot more money, benefits, etc. with Brown around, so they were his biggest fans and approved anything he wanted. I’m sure that won’t be the case with the fine upstanding Century council. They’ll keep a tight rein on him.

  3. Thomas Paine on December 18th, 2023 11:55 pm

    Perhaps run a criminal background check on some of your city leaders…amazing what you might find buried in the green green GRASS of the past.

  4. Soapbox Sally on December 18th, 2023 10:36 pm

    ” I have vetted these candidates, because I don’t want to look like a clown,” Gomez said.

    Well, it’s a little too late for that last part, Mr. Gomez. Now what about keeping the town from looking like a clown show. Care as much about how others view our town as you do how others view you. Then we might get somewhere.

  5. Concerned citizen on December 18th, 2023 10:09 pm

    The employees are not the problem with the town its the management. They need to do background checks on the city council. They are the problem. They are pitiful they should remove themselves from office. Century has become the laughing stock of Escambia County. The city council is a joke. They want to spend thousands of dollars a month to hire someone to manage the town. It’s apparent that the city council can’t do the job. They Blocked every effort the mayor tried. Until he had enough and left. You keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the true meaning of idiot. That is the city council.

  6. BIG JOHN on December 18th, 2023 6:35 pm


  7. Snowman on December 18th, 2023 4:08 pm

    Since Mr Gomez has stated ge has vetted and did a background check on Mr Brown, please provide the documentation over conversation to the council members and TOC residents ASAP before signing any contract with Mr Brown due to his past employment…”INTEGRITY ISSUES”

  8. Not again on December 18th, 2023 12:16 pm

    It would be interesting to know if similar-sized panhandle municipalities (Esto, Noma, Laurel Hill, Paxton, Ponce de Leon) conduct background checks on employees, or if Century is truly alone in this.

    My bet: Most others don’t, either.

  9. sherriff Andy on December 18th, 2023 12:04 pm

    “…if you’re trying to step up into the 21st Century…”

    21st Century?

    That’s funny…

  10. Mullet Man on December 18th, 2023 11:37 am

    The Century Circus is now complete they now have a ” RINGER MASTER” I agree with everyone else check the web site provided by Jim and Tam

  11. tg on December 18th, 2023 10:52 am

    Why did Gomez run for a job he could not fulfill. I have not filled out a job application as a Neuclear Scientist.

  12. BWvr on December 18th, 2023 10:38 am

    Is there a random drug testing program for employees? Probably not. It might be something to consider, along with a background check, if you’re trying to step up into the 21st Century.

  13. Oversight on December 18th, 2023 9:29 am

    For new hires only, right? Otherwise, there could be a massive job fair in Century for replacements. LOL!

  14. Jim on December 18th, 2023 9:07 am

    Gomez must have checked a different Howard Brown than the one he hired. It didn’t take but a few seconds to fine this information about Howard Brown. https://hobesoundcurrents.com/part3-cracks-show-in-howard-browns-indiantown-pedestal/

  15. SW on December 18th, 2023 8:22 am

    Can’t say it enough.
    Century is a failed town. The charter should be revoked, the town government disbanded, and assets sold off.

  16. TAM on December 18th, 2023 7:56 am

    Gomez did a lousy job of the background check. https://talkaboutmartin.com/2021/04/27/howard-brown-the-fbi-opa-locka-florida/
    They should call and and with the Mayor of Indiantown. I think they would have learned a bit. Howard was run out f town on a rail. They could not get rid of him fast enough. He is trouble.

  17. same ol same ol on December 18th, 2023 7:20 am

    Gomez, “I don’t want to look like a clown”….too late. You accepted your “position” by saying you are in way over your head…clown! Most non-clowns would stop digging.

  18. Whisper on December 18th, 2023 5:31 am

    This should be the standard in our society. Thorough background checks will eliminate any possible fraudulent acts within the community and deceptive decisions enforced by coercion and manipulation. We have a duty to God who sent us here to make a change and to be disciples to the community. Put him first and the Town of Century will thrive!

  19. mnon on December 18th, 2023 2:28 am

    This doesn’t surprise me… The people running Century are a joke, I wouldn’t let them run bathwater. They all need to be fired.

  20. READER on December 18th, 2023 1:34 am

    I agree. Nneanderthal. Do the hire a sex offender to work in the parks? A secon offender with the gas department that may enter someone’s home?

    Start with a Sheriff’s Office background check and credit checkk on the council, the mayor and the new town manager.