Atmore Publisher, Reporter Indicted For Reavealing Grand Jury Secrets

December 2, 2023

An Escambia County, Alabama School Board member, who is a weekly newspaper owner and publisher, and one of her reporters have now officially been indicted by a a grand jury.

Atmore News Publisher Sherry Digmon, 72, and Don Fletcher, 69, were each indicted by an Escambia County Grand Jury on charges of “revealing evidence of the grand jury”.

Both were set to appear in court Monday for a preliminary hearing, but that hearing was canceled after the indictment was returned. They are no longer eligible for a preliminary hearing after being indicted.

Digmon is co-owner and publisher of The Atmore News which reported October 25 that the local district attorney was investigating COVID funds paid to school system employees. The paper also revealed that Digmon’s phone and that the phone of another school board member had been seized under a search warrant. Both had recently voted against renewing an employment contract with Superintendent of Education Michele McClung.


7 Responses to “Atmore Publisher, Reporter Indicted For Reavealing Grand Jury Secrets”

  1. Flomaton on December 4th, 2023 4:36 pm

    Agree. Numerous legal scholars have commented and disagree with the DA. His sudden interest in school board issues followed by these charges makes this exceptionally suspect. Optics are horrible and reeks of misuse of power in an attempt to sway a school board vote.

  2. b klein on December 4th, 2023 12:38 am

    Why was it a secret?

  3. on December 3rd, 2023 10:33 pm

    If she is being prosecuted selectively because the DA didn’t like her position on the superintendent that’s an abuse of power…if she’s being prosecuted as would anyone else in a similar position then she’s presumed innocent and let
    the process play out. The problem is the manner in which the charges were brought is perceived publicly as heavy handed and arbitrary by the public at large. As to the reporter, numerous legal scholars have spoken nationwide on the application of the law on this issue.

  4. Robert Mays on December 3rd, 2023 1:04 pm

    If she is guilty, don’t let politics décide the verdict. Convict her!

  5. Mickey Powell on December 2nd, 2023 10:27 pm

    Mickey Powell
    I would vote to convict them because “They knew better”

  6. DA abuse on December 2nd, 2023 12:23 pm

    This case should scare every resident, especially journalists. The charges are retaliation, plain and simple. The DA argued against renewing the superintendent’s contract; however, after failing to receive the votes, he sought anything to put a new person in and hoped to push for a recall.
    Every educator I have spoken with hopes this nonrenewal remains a better leader is found. Our schools have performed worse under her leadership; she has added several county higher-level positions; meanwhile, our student-to-teacher ratio has increased, and school scores have declined.
    With the desire to build a “mega school” in Flomaton, I fear money is the DA’s driving force, and if he is successful in his witch hunt, it will be interesting to follow the money. Either way, hopefully, the republican party leaders and citizens will remember this gross misuse of our justice system at our next election. It is genuinely frightening.

  7. Bill T on December 2nd, 2023 10:18 am

    So ya got to ask Did they know they broke the law ? Or was it intentional!!! If intentional lock them up !!! If it wasn’t intentional lock them up anyway if convicted because a judge will tell you ignorance of the law is no excuse!!!!!