Another Cantonment Business Burglary Reported At Back To The Rack Thrift Store

December 1, 2023

Another Cantonment business burglary is under investigation.

Someone forced their way into the Back to the Rack Thrift Store in the 400 block of Highway 29. A door to the business was pried open.

Wednesday, we reported about burglaries at Pittman’s Cantonment Building Materials in Cantonment.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 850-433-STOP or the ECSO at 850-436-9620.


16 Responses to “Another Cantonment Business Burglary Reported At Back To The Rack Thrift Store”

  1. Stumpknocker on December 3rd, 2023 10:13 pm

    Don’t know how many of you have ever been behind the place, but it has a wooden privacy fence in the back, which gives a person plenty of hiding for doing something like this. No a vehicle wasn’t used couldn’t get it inside the fence area and too close to tracks. Having said all that, it wouldn’t matter about a patrol unit rolling by because they wouldn’t have seen anything at all. I’m just wondering why this place what was so valuable to do this?

  2. David Huie Green on December 2nd, 2023 9:15 pm

    “Yes, it took a great force to open that door. I’m thinking they attached a chain to their trailer hitch on a vehicle and drove away. That would definitely snatch a heavy metal door from the building.”

    Possibly, but the door isn’t obviously very strong. I could possibly open one with a crowbar unless it was a LOT stronger than it looks. Lazy as I’ve gotten these last few decades, I might use a winch but nearly any old scissors jack could also be used once it was sprung a few inches. I would have never done it but the challenge doesn’t look that great.(After all, even morons managed it.)

    David for better people

  3. SW on December 2nd, 2023 9:09 am



    All that traffic group knows is funeral escorts and parades.

  4. Cb on December 1st, 2023 11:05 pm

    Escambia county sheriff needs to get it together. I’ve been trying for over a week to get ahold of someone who can tell me anything about the breakin investigation of my home recently. Cant get nobody to give me any answers or call backs. Even need a copy of a paper they have I gave them

  5. Give me a break on December 1st, 2023 10:36 pm

    I came here for the Sherlock Holmes contingent, and I was not disappointed. Lol

  6. J Fowler on December 1st, 2023 6:06 pm

    The two units they have used to be a hardware store and one was a gun shop. That’s probably the reason for the ‘reinforced’ door. Some of the best people and kindest businesses in the area…. smh.

  7. Joni on December 1st, 2023 2:42 pm

    @OhYouKnow, that space used to be a hardware store. The previous owners probably put that door on, so they just kept it.

  8. M M on December 1st, 2023 2:03 pm

    Stealing from a business that helps the poor, homeless and really anyone that asks for help. So Sad!

    Yes, it took a great force to open that door. I’m thinking they attached a chain to their trailer hitch on a vehicle and drove away. That would definitely snatch a heavy metal door from the building. Thieves do it all the time snatching ATM’s.

    According to Tracey Santor, a Manager for Travelers, criminals continue to use stolen equipment in smash-and-grab ATM thefts. She said lately thieves are often using a crowbar to pry the cover off of an ATM machine and a hook and chain to yank the apparatus out of the wall it is attached to. Sometimes earning $20,000.

    Prayers that these thieves will be found along with the thieves that stole from Pittman Lumber.

    @ Matthew Windham – in my opinion I hope you have the best security system and a few other items to bring them down if they enter your home again. Keep a watchful eye on the thief.

  9. Barlow on December 1st, 2023 11:51 am

    W.Ward…. they gotta pass a drug test and at most places a background check to get a job, not to mention actually work and be told what to do. Most people under 30 cry too loudly to hear what anyone is telling them and WILL NOT do manual labor because “it’s just too hard”

  10. tax payer on December 1st, 2023 11:20 am

    @ SW

    Do you really want ECSO to go the extra mile and be pro active????????????????

    To do that they could send their beloved traffic div. to the school zones!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Fred on December 1st, 2023 10:41 am

    This makes me wonder if something was donated that contained something the burglars wanted back. The most obvious answer is drugs that were hidden in a donated item. Just speculation, but it seems to fit the facts.

  12. Dee on December 1st, 2023 10:18 am

    This thrift store has helped so many people in need.
    If only the thief’s had “asked” for help…they would have been helped by the same people they stole from.

    So sorry Dan…How can I help?


  13. Mattthew Windham on December 1st, 2023 9:48 am

    I am that resident who got everything stole from me and now it has been since 21 since I have heard anything from Ecso and I found that person who stole all my stuff the next day and now it is almost 24 and nothing has been done about it. Will it be another day that that will just pass and nothing done about it like my personal belongings

  14. OhYouKnow on December 1st, 2023 8:55 am

    W. Ward- I agree with you on most of your statement. It took a tremendous amount of strength or power to tear that reinforced door open. My question is what was in the store that was worth that effort? Was there something other than thrift store items? I’ve seen drug house doors with less reinforcement. Im not saying…Im just saying… something aint right.

  15. SW on December 1st, 2023 8:41 am

    Looks like the SO needs to get up off their butts and patrol the businesses.

    It’ll be residences, next.

  16. W. Ward on December 1st, 2023 7:57 am

    Folks need to take a look at that picture. It took a lot of determination to do the damage to that door. Now there’s a big difference between determination & IQ but just think about it for a moment. When I was at my peak in health & strength I wouldn’t have tackled that task unless it was to save someone’s life & then I would exhausted all other possibilities. It took time & effort, a lot of effort & I’m sure it made noise, for what? It’s obvious that the E.C.Sheriff’s Office is not looking for a highly intelligent perp. Someone that will work that hard, standing to gain very little, & go to jail as a result is not on the top of the food chain. Just think what they could do if they got a job & went to work.