‘Real Life Grinch’ Destroys Business Windows Across Block of Downtown Atmore

December 11, 2023

The Atmore Community joined together Sunday in a recovery effort after a man described as a “Grinch’ shattered or busted out the glass windows and doors of numerous downtown South Main Street businesses just hours before the town’s Christmas parade.

Shawn Edward Brown was quickly developed as a suspect and booked into the Escambia County (AL) Detention Center in Brewton without bond early Sunday afternoon.He was charged with 11 counts of first degree criminal mischief and third degree burglary.

Officers learned he was in a vacant building in the 200 block of West Louisville Avenue. Police said Brown broke a window pane to the front door, unlocked the door and entered the building. He then damaged several walls.

According to the non-profit Main Street Atmore organization, windows or doors were damaged at a list of locations on South Main Street:

  • We Care Thrift Store
  • Lance’s Outlet
  • Hawt Mess Boutique
  • Strand Theatre
  • Encore
  • Atmore News
  • Tot Shop
  • Atmore Flower Shop
  • Williams Station Embroidery
  • building owners John Kipper and Andy Anderson

Many of the downtown storefront windows were decorated with Christmas displays.

The Pride of Atmore group canceled a Sunday afternoon showing of “The Grinch” due to safety concerns over shattered glass. A group of citizens worked to organize an effort to cover boarded up windows with Christmas wrapping paper prior to the Christmas parade.

“We are sorry for any inconvenience. A real life grinch of a fit decided to hurt every business and business owner on the south west corner of downtown Atmore,” the group said.

Main Street Atmore made an immediate offer of $500 for each business to help with repair efforts with the possibility of additional grants or funds to come in the future. The non-profit was also soliciting tax-deductible donations mailed to Main Street Atmore, 201 Louisville Avenue, Atmore, AL 36502.


20 Responses to “‘Real Life Grinch’ Destroys Business Windows Across Block of Downtown Atmore”

  1. Sam on December 20th, 2023 7:07 pm

    Looks like he targeted these businesses, I saw him homeless walking the streets these people probably never asked him if he needed a hot meal or a warm bed

  2. Jj on December 14th, 2023 8:58 pm

    Windy hudson.Hudson.. sounds like you need to move to California you’ll fit right in with them..

  3. windy hudson on December 14th, 2023 5:45 am

    You guys want to observe something worth ridiculing why don’t you watch the people being lost in Escambia county jail. People sitting in jail with no bond, never seeing a judge, no new charges, no lawyer, letters from a court official so they don’t have a judge to write, nothing. Just sitting in there waiting for someone to notice. They are arrested on “holds” for other counties or cities, but no one ever notifies the other court of their capture. So human beings are sitting in jail for up to 9 months in the wrong jail on charges they could only be sentenced to 30 days for all because they hire anyone off the street to work in our jail systems. Thats why there are more drugs inside the jail than MLK drive.

  4. windy hudson on December 14th, 2023 5:31 am

    It’s easy to ridicule, berate, call for violence, or the loss of freedom when it’s not you or a loved one. So, few of you so called Christians actually act Christ like. This HUMAN BEING is obviously struggling, and America did abandon their responsibilities to citizens that cannot contribute to taxes back in the 60’s. Is it no surprise the mentally/behaviorally ill humans now encompass your streets? Poverty begets Poverty, trauma begets trauma, Violence begets Violence. WHY because people spend time on their high horse instead of on the ground, soapbox or in a public service building. I do find humor in the fact so many of the ones who spend time belittling others wind up with children or grandchildren with the same problems. NO one is above mental illness, substance abuse, violence, trauma or getting locked up. Every day people are being exonerated after decades behind bars for something they didn’t do. So, it might be you or your loved ones tomorrow. Be Kind, MR. Brown has a reputation for kindness, DO you?

  5. Not again on December 12th, 2023 4:07 pm

    At least it was not a mass shooting. Glass can be replaced. People’s lives cannot.

  6. Sherriff Andy on December 12th, 2023 9:51 am

    “It’s me It’s me, It’s Ernest Tee…”

  7. np630ss on December 12th, 2023 12:53 am

    This individual is walking proof of federal government over reach. Instead of banning mental institutions, legislation should have been passed requiring states to set up/ maintain and monitor such institutions. Simply unleashing mentally ill individuals onto an unsuspecting public is denying treatment and irresponsible. I would also recommend states mandating a required internship at these facilities for those seeking a degree, doctorate or certification in the health care field.

  8. Gene Couch on December 11th, 2023 6:42 pm

    My DW works at Piggly Wiggly. She says that he’s a regular there and has NEVER shown that side of him. He’s always polite and respectful. She’s shocked to see that.

    You just never know about folks. Something certainly got into him. Why we who do, carry.

  9. mike on December 11th, 2023 6:31 pm

    What a immature punk. A grown man busting out windows.

  10. bob c. on December 11th, 2023 2:32 pm

    Mental Institutions were closed too many years ago by the Federal Government and it’s Liberal politics. This put many persons on OUR streets who were unable to care for themselves, work or make good decisions.
    Yep, this Grinch and others living on our streets need to be institutionalized but the Govt has seen to it there’s no place for them for treatment or keeping.
    Jails and Prisons are for Criminals. Mental Institutions are for those like this guy.

  11. David Huie Green on December 11th, 2023 2:25 pm

    He is certainly a perfect example of why some people should not be bonded out. Too easy to do destruction if that’s what he enjoys.

    David for better people,
    scum-proof windows

  12. Bag on December 11th, 2023 12:27 pm

    Gonna cost the business a lot of money. And what does he have to lose. Worst thing is 3 meals a day and a dry place to sleep.

  13. Bill T on December 11th, 2023 11:44 am

    The solution to this is simple !!! Take this person who obviously is nutty as a fruitcake behind the building and teach him the lesson of what happens when you destroy others property!!! Afterwards he will not attempt this again because he won’t be able to do it !!! Continue process!!!!!

  14. TB on December 11th, 2023 11:11 am

    Why work for a living when you can be a pain in everyone’s back side.
    Apparently his actions seem to always work out in his favor, maybe that needs to change. It used to be incarceration was something people wanted to avoid but now it’s turned into a 5 star hotel…

  15. ses319 on December 11th, 2023 10:55 am

    This kind of person shows he’s a bum, takes and never gives! If he worked and paid taxes, he would know how hard it is to have your things destroyed by people like him. Worse than the Grinch. I wouldn’t let him lick the bottom of my shoe.

  16. Buford T on December 11th, 2023 9:15 am

    A real life Earnest T Bass.

  17. mike on December 11th, 2023 5:43 am

    Look Shawn, there’s no need for all this destruction. Next time just get a little petty theft charge, they will put you up with 3 hots and a cot and suit of Lincoln green for a few weeks. :)

  18. Tiger on December 11th, 2023 5:11 am

    Brown has been arrested for busting out windows before. Now he is really showing again that he needs to be locked up. Let’s see what the District Attorney does this time.

  19. Jim on December 11th, 2023 4:22 am

    He was probably cold , hungry , and people had been treating him rudly, and he must have wanted some company a warm meal and a bed to lay on..

  20. Stephanie on December 11th, 2023 3:50 am

    Pretty messed up he broke our store window that we literally just replaced but I’m glad they caught him