Falling Back This Weekend: Why Not Keep Daylight Saving Time Year Round In Florida?

November 3, 2023

Why are we still falling back and off Daylight Savings Time?

During their 2018 session, the Florida Legislature passed a bill to keep daylight saving time year round that was signed into law by then-governor Rick Scott. But the change ultimately required Congressional approval, which has not happened yet.

Sen. Marco Rubio introduced the Sunshine Protection Act which would make daylight saving time permanent across the entire country.

The legislation, if enacted, would apply to those states who currently participate in DST, which most states observe for eight months out of the year. Standard Time, from November to March, is only observed for four months out of the year. The bill would simply negate the need for Americans to change their clocks twice a year. Many studies have shown that making DST permanent could benefit the economy and the country, according to Rubio.

“The practice of changing our clocks has outlived its purpose. Yet, we continue to fall back and spring forward. My Sunshine Protection Act would end this biannual and confusing practice. It is time to Lock the Clock.”, “Rubio said.

Alabamians have overwhelmingly expressed their support for the Sunshine Protection Act, and I promised them I’d continue pushing to do away with the outdated practice of adjusting our clocks twice a year. It’s time for America to move forward and stop falling back. Congress should listen to the people and make Daylight Saving Time permanent.” , Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville said.

“Permanent daylight saving means more time in the sunshine and that’s something everybody should support. Changing the clock twice a year is outdated and unnecessary. I’m proud to be leading this bipartisan legislation with Senator Rubio that makes a much-needed change and benefits so many in Florida and across the nation. When I was governor of Florida, I was proud to sign this bill into law on the state level, and I will continue this effort in Congress. We need to get it all the way over the finish line this time. It’s time for Congress to act and pass this good bill today.” , Sen. Rick Scott said.


23 Responses to “Falling Back This Weekend: Why Not Keep Daylight Saving Time Year Round In Florida?”

  1. TLC on November 8th, 2023 6:55 pm

    AZ is allowed to stay on Standard Time. Congress already allows year round Standard time. But Florida uniquely wants year round Savings time and needs Congressional permission. It makes sense with our semi-tropical location because we do not have the extreme reduction in sunlight hours the more northerly states experience. It’s not about farmers or school busses. But shortened hours or sunlight does affect mental health and commerce.

  2. Snowbird on November 7th, 2023 10:06 pm

    Leave the clocks alone! Kids at the bus stop? Really? Students in Alaska catch the bus in the cold and dark. They get off the bus in the cold and dark too. Schools do not adjust times for the dark. Let’s get back to discussions about education—teacher shortages & discipline, and attendance issues would be great start!

  3. George on November 7th, 2023 4:09 pm

    Wonder what would happen if we set the clocks back 12 hours. Would we then have 24 hours of daylight?

  4. do the right thing on November 7th, 2023 9:15 am

    look outside (7am), look at all that sun light for my kids to catch the school bus. Standard TIME

  5. Set the time on November 5th, 2023 9:42 pm

    Set the time to whatever and then just leave it
    there. It does not change the hours of sunlight in the day. as far as kids standing in the dark waiting for the school bus all the schools have to do is adjust The Times school is in Session and that will ever happen.

  6. do the right thing on November 5th, 2023 7:09 pm

    It”s DST that puts kids in the dark for the school bus, not standard time.

  7. D.B. on November 5th, 2023 5:41 pm

    Ask to stop DST and ur children will be standing at the bus stops in the dark, part of the year. Is that what y’all want?

    And @EMD u r 120% right!
    Need I say more?

  8. Molino Resident on November 5th, 2023 12:14 pm

    Standard time is the best thing about this time of year. Daylight savings time is just a scam. It’s only purpose is to keep shoppers out longer in the evening to put more money into corporations pockets. The BS they try to feed you about benefiting farmers just isn’t true. Most farmers prefer standard time. We need to go to standard and stay there.

  9. Bewildered on November 5th, 2023 11:15 am

    The majority of countries no longer have daylight savings time. It’s mainly Europe and America that still observe it. Puzzling… we don’t change the clocks at the same day and time as Europe. They are a week or two ahead of us switching back or forth. Looks to me that causes even more problems for plane schedules, etc.

  10. do the right thing on November 5th, 2023 10:23 am

    why have daylight saving time at all? adjust store and work hours according to your state sunlight, simply?
    no blaming others

  11. Steve on November 5th, 2023 10:21 am

    I hate the time change.. Set it and FORGET IT>.. Doing this change puts a lot of people in the dark going home. And requires getting up earlier to avoid the dawn (hunters)..

  12. hackmam on November 5th, 2023 9:37 am

    back to the future
    wow how easy time travel is just set your watch ahead one hour
    Gov time travel DST
    DST gives me a SDT that i would DEI for thanks for the BLM and a cup of lgbtqurfuked+2-4xxx
    so setting your clock ahead one hour one year and then setting it back the next year
    does that cancel the time travel proxy

  13. Just saying on November 4th, 2023 8:21 pm

    Let’s just do it no since on waiting on them crooks in congress did get anything accomplished unless we can say its for Ukraine then we might have a chance.

  14. John Connor on November 4th, 2023 4:28 pm

    The major issue with ending daylight savings time in Florida is our area. If they eliminate it as soon as you cross into Alabama is an hr difference. How are you going to like having to deal with that 6 months out of a year. So be glad they don’t unless Alabama goes a long with it.

  15. Tilt on November 4th, 2023 2:07 pm

    If only the Earth didn’t have a tilt to its axis.

  16. Not again on November 4th, 2023 1:50 pm

    Permanent daylight savings time and ousting communism from Cuba are tne only issues Senator Rubio is know for.

    Neither has occurred. And I don’t expect them to occur at all.

  17. James on November 4th, 2023 12:56 pm

    The senators knew when they presented the national proposal that it wouldn’t pass, yet they fulfilled their obligation under the Florida vote. It was purely a political move. Note no other proposal has since been submitted simply asking the will of Florida alone be changed. As for the 30-minute suggestion mentioned by other comments, this would be a nightmare for transit schedules, and both national and international considerations.

  18. EMD on November 4th, 2023 11:08 am

    Niknak50 has the right idea. It IS no longer what the citizens want. It is what the Marxists want. THEY are the ones running the country now, as much as they can get away with, in case we all have not noticed. When they TOTALLY engulf us all of us, ALL will notice, and it will be TOO LATE ! ! ! The “Woke” are the ones that need to wake up. Those that are sleeping need to WAKE UP. It is not just the time change. It is our way of life. We are not the land of the free. We are owned, deceived and cheated, from all I can tell.

  19. Helene rayborn on November 4th, 2023 8:31 am

    End it

  20. Niknak50 on November 4th, 2023 8:28 am

    @Gman, you are so right, I understand a couple of countries have done this and everyone’s happy. However, our politicians no longer represent the interests of the voters, just their own.

  21. do the right thing on November 4th, 2023 7:56 am

    Go back to Standard and keep it. No changing back
    and forth.

  22. GMan on November 4th, 2023 6:47 am

    Why not split the difference and move it 30 mins and leave it alone.

  23. Jeff Howard on November 4th, 2023 12:30 am

    The Howards are for it!