Embattled Contractor Jesse LaCoste Indicted On Felony Fraud, Racketeering Charges

November 21, 2023

Embattled contractor Jesse Wayne LaCoste of Cantonment has been indicted by a sitting Escambia Count Grand Jury on one count of racketeering and two counts of organized fraud.

Both are first degree felonies punishable by a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison for each count.

The indictment was announced Tuesdayday by State Attorney for the 1st Judicial Circuit of Florida Ginger Bowden Madden

The indictment alleges that between June 2018 and August 2022, LaCoste unlawfully conducted LaCoste Construction Group, LLC and LaCoste General Contractors LLC, through a pattern of racketeering activity, involving forgery, perjury, false official statements, theft, and insurance fraud.

The charges resulted from investigation of complaints of homeowners, business owners, subcontractors, and material suppliers, who contracted with LaCoste to provide repairs, renovations, new construction, and building material and services.

According to investigators, LaCoste allegedly defrauded homeowners, their insurance companies, and subcontractors and suppliers of more than $2 million. LaCoste also allegedly forged and falsified applications to obtain his county and state contractor licenses.

Bowden-Madden, whose staff investigated and presented the case to the grand jury, said that she is committed to protect the rights of homeowners and business owners and bring those who victimize them to justice.

LaCoste remains in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $405,000.


7 Responses to “Embattled Contractor Jesse LaCoste Indicted On Felony Fraud, Racketeering Charges”

  1. Tempted on November 26th, 2023 11:38 am

    I say make him a commissioner he has the skill set to be a good one. He can listen to you steal from you take kick backs from dr Horton and other developers be a financial planner and specialize in self preservation. I’d vote for him.

  2. Give me a break on November 22nd, 2023 4:49 pm

    If you are tempted by money and susceptible to “pushing by others,” you lack moral fiber and integrity.
    This young man is a thief and predator. Lock him up!

  3. EMD on November 22nd, 2023 11:41 am

    I hope he is not turned loose again this time to hurt more people.

  4. Bill T on November 22nd, 2023 9:13 am

    No matter what anyone thinks about this situation it’s a sad situation for everybody involved!!! And regardless of what we think it can’t be changed at this point and unfortunately Jesse will face a court situation to resolve this !!! I know this young man and I understand how easily it is to be tempted by money and others who have pushed him into doing the wrong thing!!! Look the bottom line is I hope and pray for the best outcome in this horrible decision making situation !!!!

  5. BG2 on November 22nd, 2023 5:46 am

    Well well well…here you are again. We’ve been told in CHURCH that whatever’s done in the dark will always come into the light. You stole these hardworking people’s money right there in front of them and in broad daylight. You should be ashamed of yourself and I pray you repent and change your ways. Spewing out bible verses on your FB page won’t get you into HEAVEN or garner you forgiveness…not from the people you robbed or GOD. You have to WALK THAT TALK that you put out there. I really hope you do change your ways and you should have all of your possessions taken and sold to pay back all of these people that you stole from. How can you and/or your family live a life of leisure off this ill gotten money like y’all have for the last few year. I had hoped when they caught up with you that you would get a “no bond” just like that brother in law of yours…thick as thieves y’all were…THICK and THIEVES. I hope they make an example of you both and send y’all away for years…but first, I hope the Police seize every thing y’all have and pay these people y’all stole from all their monies back.

  6. David Greene on November 21st, 2023 5:39 pm


    His parole office.

  7. Curious on November 21st, 2023 5:24 pm

    I am curious as to where they found him since he has been on the run.