Century Moving Forward With Gomez’s Recommendation To Hire Town Manager

November 10, 2023

The Town of Century is moving forward with negotiations to hire a town manager.

Howard Brown, Jr., principal of the Local Government Consulting Group of West Palm Beach was one of four that responded to the town’s request for proposals for a town manager months ago.

The town accepted the proposals after newly appointed Century interim Mayor Luis Gomez, Jr. told the council that he would need help to properly run the town.

“I know that I am in over my head, but I don’t want the town of Century to suffer due to my lack of experience in this position,” Gomez told his town council a few minutes after he was sworn in in late August.

Howard’s proposal states that he “has served as a City Manager with a national perspective, having successfully managed municipalities across the country.” and “My municipal government experience spans a diverse range of communities, including urban, rural, and suburban areas,”. His experience included village manager in Indiantown, Florida, city manager in Bell, CA, Muscokogee, OK, and of Opa-Locka, FL.

Brown told the council that he is a native of Escambia County, Florida.

Months ago, Gomez asked the town council to consider contracting with consultant Robert Thompson of DeFuniak Springs, who he said was recommended by the Florida League of Cities. However, Thompson later accepted a job in Arkansas.

Gomez introduced Brown during a council meeting Tuesday night, telling the council that it was critical that quick action be taken to bring a town manager on board. He then pushed for Thursday night’s fast special meeting, less than 48 hours later, in order to hire Brown.

Florida’s Sunshine Law states “special meetings should have no less than 24 and preferably at least 72 hours reasonable notice to the public”. Otherwise, “except in the case of emergency or special meetings, notice should be provided at least 7 days prior to the meeting”.

The town was set to post the notice at town hall and on the town’s website.

The Sunshine Law also states, “The use of press releases, faxes, e-mails, and/or phone calls to the local news media is highly effective in providing notice of upcoming meetings.” The town on Wednesday provided NorthEscambia.com with a notice concerning a street closure upcoming on Saturday, but did not provide any notice of the special council meeting.

During Thursday’s special meeting, the council gave no consideration to any of the other applicants.

The council voted to allow Gomez and the town attorney to enter into negotiations with Brown.


30 Responses to “Century Moving Forward With Gomez’s Recommendation To Hire Town Manager”

  1. Susie on November 11th, 2023 10:20 pm

    Gomez’s buddy Howard used to be a Code Enforcement officer with Escambia County. I wonder why he didn’t mention that?????

  2. Dave on November 11th, 2023 10:46 am

    Why hire anyone? This bunch will continue to block anything that does not benefit them directly. I feel sorry for the person they end up hiring, I wish it could be mandatory for them to read all past North Escambia articles before accepting the job. Who in their right minds would take this position? No doubt it will be a blight on any future job possibilities.

  3. tg on November 11th, 2023 10:11 am

    Jim Stanton your due dilligence says it all thanks.

  4. Ron on November 11th, 2023 9:55 am

    Just when you think Century’s government could not do any worse, they do!

  5. sam on November 11th, 2023 8:13 am

    I live in century. it’s food giant and whataburger and a 4 lane going thru it. we don’t need a mayor.

  6. Yellarhammer on November 11th, 2023 12:34 am

    Another loser

  7. Needtogo Gomez on November 10th, 2023 11:14 pm

    Gomez is padding his pockets and these people he’s wanting to hire are happy to split the pot with him before Century gives in to the county.

  8. Do something on November 10th, 2023 10:55 pm

    You can make a difference without leaving your house. Send an email or make a phone call. I did and I’ll make it easy for you!

  9. M in bratt on November 10th, 2023 10:14 pm

    Every time I start thinking that TOC cannot come up with any more idiotic plans, they top the last one. Mayor Gomez’s hurry up plan to hire Mr. Brown without any due diligence to check on his past history shows a total lack of responsibility on the part of the Mayor and Council. Mayor Gomez bringing this guy forth shows that either he is completely ignorant of this guys track record, or that he is complicit in whatever plans are afoot to finish bankrupting the TOC. The legislative delegation and the Governor should step in and shut this mess down while there are at least some assets left to settle some of the debt.

  10. Jim Stanton on November 10th, 2023 2:56 pm

    Good article about Howard Brown Jr. here, about how much money he has cost other places.


  11. There is more on November 10th, 2023 1:33 pm


    What I don’t get is why doesn’t the state hold the municipality in check.

  12. simon on November 10th, 2023 12:50 pm

    I have been watching this play out over some time now and never seen such a complete lack of competence. It seems like the people of that community are either asleep, lazy, mentally inapt or are part of the problem and benefit in some form or another from this clown show of a town. Everyone that has had anything to do with Century local government should be under some sort of investigation or at least have their personal affairs and public service obligations looked over. This is sad and is part of what is eating away at the fabric of our society. Local government in our small towns and cities are where we actually still have a voice and can make a difference for ourselves and fellow neighbors quality of life. The town of Century has slept on that opportunity and proved that they can not govern themselves in a proper way. Its insane that not a single person from that town is willing to do the hard work or the right thing to the point that a community as small and allegedly tight knit as Century is looking at possible having to out source the management of their town. Just another example of our lack of integrity, work ethic, and lack of sound morals. Somebody that lives there please hold people accountable and as a whole Century learn how to take care of your community.

  13. Taylon on November 10th, 2023 12:30 pm

    It’s funny, Earle, Arkansas has the youngest mayor in the nation with 19 year old Jaylen Smith, and based on the 2020 census is about 100 people larger than Century.

    I tried to find any info about this young man being “in over his head” as mayor for a town that size and needing a “town manager” with suspect credentials, but so far I’m turning up blank. As far as I can tell he’s learning on the job and is not turning his town into a circus (admittedly I have not done a deep dive).

    Then again if Century was ran well these articles would be very boring, heh.

  14. Old Skinny on November 10th, 2023 12:18 pm

    New signs are being erected … one from Flomaton coming into Century the other leaving McDavid going into Century .. WELCOME TO CENTURY HOME OF THE PROUD TO BE DUMB!

    This standing on the outside looking at Century and getting a big laugh used to be funny to me… now it makes me angry that such a small group of people have been able to TAKE OVER a community while the rest of the community sits on the sidelines and complains, but says, “It’s not my job to fix it” … Century, what a waste!

  15. connie on November 10th, 2023 11:22 am

    If you hire a Town Manager, why do we need a mayor? Is Century just trying to spend money? We need a Businessperson to be in charge, keep going people and there will not be a city government at all. I have never seen so much mismanagement in my life. I have tried to be nothing but positive, I had high hopes that things would turn around. Century will never have a chance to change with the same people making the decisions, we need NEW blood and ideas.

  16. tg on November 10th, 2023 10:18 am

    Another Empty Suit!

  17. tg on November 10th, 2023 10:14 am

    Just ask yourself What would he Manage.

  18. Greg Stewart on November 10th, 2023 9:41 am

    It’s becoming more obvious every day that the inmates are in charge of the asylum. Century is in a doom loop and the state needs to step in and save the residents from this incompetence.

  19. Tom on November 10th, 2023 9:38 am

    Agree with Jim, if you can’t do the job step aside and let’s get someone that can instead of doubling the cost and still get nothing!!!

  20. Mike Honcho on November 10th, 2023 9:22 am

    It’s nothing more than a clown show. Bring in more clowns to see how bad things can get before someone has to step in and do something. Gomez is the biggest clown of all. Have a conversation with him and you will probably come to the same conclusion. The bad thing is these clowns get to write their own checks. Bad mojo

  21. Oversight on November 10th, 2023 9:21 am

    Century, when you want it real bad, you’re gonna get it just the way asked for it – real bad. Do your due diligence with an extensive background check on your candidate. Town council has been stung before by king Gomez with his rapid fire decisions. When he’s for something, council should be highly skeptical and quick with a vote to slow him down. But, Century is, well, Century. The place where being stuck on stupid is everyday business.

  22. Jim Stanton on November 10th, 2023 9:14 am

    So, the mayor is wanting to hire a town manager. Century isn’t big enough to have a town manager and a mayor. The mayor has already admitted he can’t do the job, so we need to eliminate the mayor’s position.

  23. rad on November 10th, 2023 9:13 am

    So, the City of Century is going to hire someone whose salary will likely be north of $100K a year, plus benefits, while it can barely keep its head above water? Reading the story that was linked, one of the things I noted was he got the wages and benefits of council members dramatically increased on coming aboard (along with his own) and their annual budget more than doubled.
    Mr. Brown’s contract needs to be published by William Reynolds if he is hired because that is going to be interesting reading. One item that needs to be in it is a requirement for residency in the City of Century limits.

  24. Thomas Paine on November 10th, 2023 8:31 am

    Like any banana republics, once the old leader (Boutwell) was removed in a soft coup, the new junta puts their own troops into power. Gomez has packed the council and can do whatever he wants. If you think it’s bad in this carnival of the absurd now, the town will be “past the point of no return” as the Indian Town link article by another contributor cited. Someone needs to call the AG and put a legal end to this tomfoolery. Of course, those removed will cry the now tired and thread bare retort “it’s racism to take us from office” in a forlorn effort to hide their own incompetence. It’s time to dissolve this town. The only ones these politicians are fooling are themselves.

  25. SW on November 10th, 2023 8:25 am

    Wow! The link is an eye-opener.

    Why does the good mayor want to hire these shadowy characters? Does he just not know how to pick good people…or does he intentionally pick shadowy ones?

    He obviously is right-he’s in over his head.

    A couple of weeks ago, it was recommended that Century break up and dissolve the charter.by two of our state leaders. Now would be a good time, obviously the town is failed and the current government is about as inept as it gets.

    Just dissolve it, sell off assets, and close the doors.

  26. JJ on November 10th, 2023 8:05 am

    Check the progress in his previous places and a year or two after he LEFT. what reasons for him leaving each???!!!!
    Check if Brown has any previous ties with council. Seeing he says Esc.Co. Fl is his native of our county

  27. JJ on November 10th, 2023 8:01 am

    Check the progress in his previous places and a year or two after he LEFT. what reasons for him leaving each???!!!!

  28. jimmycricket on November 10th, 2023 6:21 am
  29. Yikes on November 10th, 2023 2:08 am
  30. IMHO on November 10th, 2023 12:41 am

    Same games, different day. I sure hope someone did some research on Mr. Brown. One Google search revealed interesting information.