$189K In Taxpayer Reimbursement Requested From Escambia Children’s Trust For YouthFirst Century Program That Missed Goals

November 22, 2023

A children’s services provider in Century funded by Escambia Children’s Trust has failed to meet goals while requesting over $189,000 in taxpayer funding, according to organizers.

The Escambia Children’s Trust (ECT) awarded a contract to the Pensacola non-profit Urban Development Center for “YouthFirst Century” to serve 750 youth ages 11-18 over a three-year period at a total cost of $1.2 million. Of the 19 awards by ECT, it was the fourth-highest scoring program during the application proesss.

UDC CEO Dr. Jessica A. Griffen appeared before the ECT board last week, asking to lower her focus age group from 11-18 to ages 5-18. The program serves children from Bratt Elementary, Byrneville Elementary, Ernest Ward Middle and Northview High schools.

Griffen said the program has served the younger age group, but has experienced great difficulty in reaching the targeted middle and high school age groups. The UDC originally proposed to serve 750 youth ages 11-18 in the Century area, a number that does not exist in the entire Century zip code, according to U.S. Census data.

UDC has requested a $189,256.70 reimbursement despite reaching just 56 children, with less than 30 of those in the target age range. That equals $6,308 per targeted child in the 11-18 age group.

UDC’s reimbursement request from ECT included about $60,000 for personnel, $6,212 in travel, $2,692 for advertising, $37,000 for program supplies, $1,201 for field trips, $59,000 in “sub-grants to partners”, and $21,000 for professional services for 56 children, 29 of which are not in the program’s target group.

According to documentation presented to the ECT board, the Urban Development Center stated:

  • We underestimated the need and desire for children outside of our proposed program age range to want to play an active role in the center activities.
  • We underestimated the challenge that the children and youth of The Town of Century faced by not having a community-based school culture, which creates proximity and family participation issues.
  • We overestimated the desire for youth in our proposed program age range to participate in program activities initially and consistently.
  • We overestimated the commitment of parents to actively pursue out of school time (OST) and summer program educational activities for their children and youth.

In their application to ECT, UDC acknowledged that they did not have the cash on hand to operate under a cost reimbursement model.  UDC approached the Century Town Council for help in early 2023. The town has provided the Century Business Center at 150 East Pond Street as meeting space, with upgrades such as lighting and an ice machine.

The Town of Century fronted $61,925 to The Urban Development Center to purchase items like computers and workbooks. The 500 workbooks at $52.75 per workbook were to be purchased from UDC for $26,375. UDC said they would reimburse the town after they received the ECT funding, but no specific deadline was established. At least $20,000 was recently repaid to the town.

The Escambia Children’s Trust tabled any action on Griffen’s request to lowet the focus age group.

Pictured: The Urban Development League’s Dr. Jessica Griffen introduces YouthFirst Century to a group at the Pilgrim Lodge Baptist Church in Century In February 2023. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


34 Responses to “$189K In Taxpayer Reimbursement Requested From Escambia Children’s Trust For YouthFirst Century Program That Missed Goals”

  1. Ryan Clark on November 26th, 2023 8:48 pm

    Imagine being angry at services provided to underprivileged children when your conservative friends sit in power because of the wealthy donors that cheat the tax system and bankroll those “leaders” candidacies (rolls eyes)

  2. I've Been There on November 25th, 2023 11:22 pm

    It’s funny how people want to just assume they know what’s going on without even seeing things for themselves. I’ve had the privilege of being there with the kids on many occasions and what they’re doing with the children is exceptional. Dr. Griffen is there everyday working with the children. It hurts me to see her get attacked for trying to offer services for the younger kids because they desire to be there with their siblings. Isn’t it better to have them in a safe environment where they can learn and experience different things to help better them for the future? Why must we always point out what a person is wearing instead of the positive that they’re doing? If you want to dress nice or casual, it’s your prerogative to do so.
    Has anyone considered the fact that the program only gets paid for the ages that were approved on the grant? The children that are underage are attending for free and I applaud Dr. Griffen and her team for not turning them away because they can’t get paid for them. Why don’t you go and check it out for yourself instead of bashing what you have no knowledge of!

  3. Stumpknocker on November 25th, 2023 11:16 pm

    @Just Saying, I believe that’s the point being made, high level of income and from where.

  4. LaFayette on November 24th, 2023 11:24 pm

    Notice she’s giving this presentation at the same “church” that the ruling cabal of Century attends.

  5. derek on November 24th, 2023 1:55 pm

    $37,000dollars for supplies???

  6. Just Saying on November 24th, 2023 11:57 am

    @OhYouKnow and Alison,

    Her clothing and accessories are signs of her PERSONAL tastes, not her professional integrity. Being a doctor (whether medical or otherwise) would tend to indicate a rather high level of income. If she wants expensive clothes and jewelry, she should be able to easily afford them.

    That said, I’d consider it a huge waste of money for myself (like Coach handbags, etc), but it’s her decision what she does with her own money.

  7. Alison on November 23rd, 2023 11:20 pm

    Zoom in on Dr Jessica Griffen’s photo. Tiffany & Co necklace, designer watch, designer glasses, tailored jacket, bracelets, rings. That’s all I need to say.

  8. Not again on November 23rd, 2023 8:16 pm

    “ We underestimated the need and desire for children outside of our proposed program age range to want to play an active role in the center activities.”

    Can it be assumed that the greatest need is daycare/VPK/Headstart for those under 5? If that is the case, the ECT needs to regroup and refocus in that direction or North Escambia County will struggle to have a well prepared workforce for decades to come.

  9. Anne on November 23rd, 2023 9:29 am

    Need an outside Forensic Accountant to do a line-by-line AUDIT of this Bogus Program that is funded by OUR Taxes.
    Find out Where the Money Went and Goes…..sounds crooked as a snake to me.
    Remembering back in early days of Charter Schools when the Directors set their own salaries and hired Family Members to staff the offices at Big Salaries then produced Very Little Progress for the kids. This sounds like a re-do of that corruption.
    Put this program back on the ballot.
    Viewing the ECT Meetings on tv they seem directionless and flustered, what a joke.

  10. Rusty Shakelferd on November 22nd, 2023 11:59 pm

    Come on y’all it’s almost Christmas and someone needs a new shiny watch wink wink.

  11. Ben on November 22nd, 2023 10:08 pm

    $6k in travel? If you want to some good reading, take a look at some of these organizations starting out of nowhere that are getting taxpayer money. City of Pensacola asked for millions from the fund to buy property. This needs to get back on the ballot…fast.

  12. Thomas Paine on November 22nd, 2023 8:30 pm

    Big Block is right…the Founders intended for property owners to vote…responsible citizens with skin in the game. This whole thing looks shady.

  13. Well on November 22nd, 2023 7:04 pm

    Which one of y’all voted for this tax to be wasted away so nicely?

  14. Bigblock345 on November 22nd, 2023 7:00 pm

    Non property “owners”. Stupid auto correct and fat fingers.

  15. Bigblock345 on November 22nd, 2023 6:50 pm

    Been saying this for years. Only property owners should be allowed to vote when it comes to anything that affects property values or taxes. Non property values Enders have no skin on the game when it comes to land or business owners.

  16. How much is a child worth on November 22nd, 2023 6:47 pm

    Remember Malcolm Thomas wanting to close the century school because it was losing money when did schools become a business I thought they were non profit. How much is a child worth.

  17. BIG JOHN on November 22nd, 2023 6:38 pm


  18. Sug on November 22nd, 2023 3:22 pm

    This entire program NEEDS to GO AWAY!. Can’t believe property owners fell for this BS. And looking at all the costs angers me – very little actually went to help any children. What’s even more telling is the lack of parent participation. If you ask me, THAT is the number one cause o all juvenile misconduct and criminal activity. So, is Escambia County now going to propose a program at taxpayer expense to get parents to participate? To parent better? Force absent fathers to man up? And you know what? Since only property owners pay into this, renters should not be allowed to vote on any property tax increasing amendments!

  19. James on November 22nd, 2023 1:49 pm

    This sounds shady. However, the schools that are being served are outside of the Century city limits, so the reference to Century city children is misleading. On the other hand, serving 56 children when funding was estimated for 750 children suggests a gross mishandling of funding.

  20. Kane on November 22nd, 2023 1:26 pm

    The children’s trust needs to either be repealed or those in charge need oversite badly. The town of Century not making good decisions with tax money is not new or surprising. What is surprising is the Childrens Trust giving out money without the due diligence needed to make sure that said money is being used wisely and, in a manner, consistent with its main goals. It is obvious the leadership it has now is woefully inadequate for the task at hand.

  21. jocky moves on November 22nd, 2023 1:22 pm

    FIRST – THANK YOU N. E. for telling us this. have not heard a damm word about this on our tv3. WILL remind all again ECT $ FROM PROPERTY TAXES ADDED BY COUNTY WIDE ALL VOTERS!!

  22. Kane on November 22nd, 2023 1:17 pm

    This is very interesting and quite disturbing. Anything to do with tax money and Century is doomed to fail in that town’s current political fiasco no surprises there, plenty of corruption though.

    The real surprise is that the Childrens Trust is giving out tax money with no oversite, no limits, no hope of reimbursement either this trust needs to be repealed or those in charge need to be held accountable. Measures need to be put in place and background checks ran before money is given out to every circus that comes to town.

  23. JTV on November 22nd, 2023 10:29 am

    Urban development usually means stuffing pockets. Urban development in Century, always means fraud.

  24. FL_Girl on November 22nd, 2023 10:17 am

    If an individual applied for a grant or assistance, received the funds the funds, and it is later found they did not qualify due to false information on application. They would get prosecuted for fraud and have to pay back what they received and they would be banned from receiving grants or assistance in future. How is it Century keeps getting tax payer grants for things they do not have, are not qualified for, or the funds are used for unintended purposes. When will they be audited and face the consequences of their shady running of this town.

  25. retired on November 22nd, 2023 9:42 am

    @ Oh You Know

    You hit the nail on the head. SCAM SCAM SCAM

  26. Ashley on November 22nd, 2023 9:39 am

    And what exactly do they provide each child that cost $6,308 dollars. They said $52.75 was for a workbook so where is the other $6,225 for each child.

  27. Oversight on November 22nd, 2023 9:22 am

    E-scam-bia County, where taxpayers get duped again, again, and again. LOL! But this scam of a tax is no laughing matter. And this type of stuff will continue until the tax is repealed. Where’s the petition to get it on the ballot?

  28. Tina Freeman on November 22nd, 2023 8:50 am

    Century has been given so much money over these past few years,the mill which never got done,moneys to repair bridges out,money for old school which it will probably get done for certain reasons.Century is just existing,we can’t even get another grocery store as we are forced to use Food Giant for those who have no means to travel,or we can always shop at one of our 4Dollar Stores between here and Flomaton Come on people of Century let’s start filling the council room and exercise our rights,don’t just talk and complain

  29. David Greene on November 22nd, 2023 8:50 am

    You all (property owners) can thank Quint Studer for this goat rodeo.

  30. bob c on November 22nd, 2023 7:43 am

    Whole program is a failure and WE the Taxpayers are roped into paying for this mess. Hope one day to see this on the ballot again so we can “Dispose of Properly” this boondoggle on the public payroll.

  31. Concerd citizen on November 22nd, 2023 6:59 am

    Here we go again someone bring the popcorn

  32. Chris on November 22nd, 2023 6:50 am

    Anything involved with Century generally means SCAM!

  33. Redfish on November 22nd, 2023 6:37 am

    Sounds like a scam to use taxpayer dollars that could go to schools to help failing kids stay in school! This program needs to get divorced from County taxpayer funds!

  34. OhYouKnow on November 22nd, 2023 6:24 am

    Nope, now way reimburse this. Dr. Jessica A. Griffen sure dresses well, nice jewelry….. Is there a disclosure of salaries? What is her doctorate in?

    This should of never been funded, obviously was not vetted. The county should get a court order for its original expenditure to this..organization.

    “The UDC originally proposed to serve 750 youth ages 11-18 in the Century area, a number that does not exist in the entire Century zip code, according to U.S. Census data.”

    “UDC has requested a $189,256.70 reimbursement despite reaching just 56 children, with less than 30 of those in the target age range. That equals $6,308 per targeted child in the 11-18 age group.”