State Senator Suggests De-Chartering Century, Letting Escambia County Take Over The Town

October 26, 2023

Thursday night, Florida State Sen. Doug Broxson told interim Century Mayor Luis Gomez, Jr. that the town may need to to consider de-chartering and letting Escambia County take over.

Broxson’s comments came during a meeting of the Escambia County Legislative Delegation — Sen. Doug Broxson, State Rep. Alex Andrade and State Rep. Michelle Salzman — Thursday night in Pensacola. Gomez had addressed the delegation, thanking them for millions in state funding that has gone to projects in Century, including a bridge replacement, wastewater treatment plant repairs and repairs to a failed water well serving the state prison.

‘I’ve been dealing with Century for 14 years,” Broxson told Gomez. “I know you’ve had tremendous challenges there. Your tax base is very low, and your needs are very great. I can tell you this delegation has doubled down on trying to help Century.”

“We are praying for you, we know you have a big challenge, we want you to do well,” Broxson continued. “But we know you are in tough circumstances. I would hope that at some point if things continue where it’s a challenge to meet your budget, that you would consider de-chartering Century so you could come under the umbrella of Escambia County and let them take their resources and help you with some of your major problems. I’ve watched it, “I know you’ve tried, but we really need a bigger hand to help you get to where you need to be. file photo.


35 Responses to “State Senator Suggests De-Chartering Century, Letting Escambia County Take Over The Town”

  1. CJ Lewis on October 31st, 2023 8:49 am

    The correct term as described in Section 165.051, Florida Statutes, is “dissolution.” Does anyone know the last time the Florida Legislature unilaterally dissolved a municipality? Someone in Tallahassee must know. Section 165.061 describes the dissolution standards. Century meets them. One of the claims made is that if Century was dissolved then Escambia County would invest in the town. Nothing now prohibits Escambia County from spending county money “in” Century. Down in Pensacola, Escambia County gave about $1.8 million of public money to support the for-profit, private membership Roger Scott Tennis Center. The land is owned by the city but leased to a for-profit corporation that serves alcoholic beverages and holds wild parties almost directly across the street from an elementary school. Perhaps it might have been better if Escambia County spend that money in Century to build recreation facilities? Ask Barry what he has done for Century lately. Lots of “talk” about dissolving Century but no one interested enough to take action. Any three Town Council members can vote to put the question to voters right away. Don’t need to wait until November 2024. Century can hold a special election to decide the issue. To maximize voter participation, municipal elections can be held using the vote-by-mail method if no one is being elected. If the Town Council thinks that everything is so great in Century, then they should be glad to let the dissolution vote take place. If everyone is happy, Century will vote to keep the status quo. Another idea would be to fix the town’s very dysfunction charter. Drive over to Jay and see how they do things. Jay has the best operating government in its county, Gulf Breeze a close second. The key? Both have Leadership Mayors who lead the council. Pensacola, Milton and Century do “not” have Leadership Mayors. If you look at successful municipalities to include large ones like Orlando and Charleston (SC), they all have Leadership Mayors. Century once called South Flomaton can also change its name again to get a fresh start. Century is a nice place with friendly people. It has great potential but no one seems willing to lead.

  2. David Huie Green on October 29th, 2023 4:52 pm

    “I moved here two years ago thinking this town had potential because of all the drive through traffic. Yet we have even a Burger King shut down”

    I just wish to point out that Burger King was already shut down 2 years ago. I was there the afternoon that they shut it down. Many places have shut down over the years all over the country. Some have been taken over by others for other purposes. Some have been ignored and torn down. Everybody is free to make an offer.

    “Free Mason lodges while they claim to be churches of the Christian God but are more concerned with Masonic Lodge membership”

    I have no idea who’s making what claims. I don’t see where what Masons do is any of my business unless I wish to join them nor that they have to do whatever I think they should do. But it’s always interesting to see somebody who has advice about what everybody ELSE should do.

    Thank you for your service in trying to straighten out the rest of us.

    David for better people

  3. Carola on October 29th, 2023 3:13 pm

    So, do they get new decorations for Christmas or not?

  4. Mike Ashmore on October 28th, 2023 12:08 pm

    If you have to raise taxes 290%, 100% even, to meet minimum budget requirements, Mr Mayor, it’s not OK. You can’t keep coming to the taxpayers to bailout government’s poor spending decisions. It’s one reason that our country’s national debt is nearly $34 trillion. Irresponsible spending by government at any level is no excuse to increase taxes.

  5. TB on October 28th, 2023 11:53 am

    I would like to see Century cleaned up and repaired, maybe put an extension of a State College there, bring in some large businesses to offer employment opportunities, Healthcare facilities etc. I would like to see Century prosper.
    But the only way is to have decisions made with local involvement and input but not by local entrenched politicians.

  6. Beach Boy on October 28th, 2023 9:35 am

    @ NOT AGAIN….I’ve been a lifelong resident of Escambia County for over 60 years.
    YOU need to run for a political office that will right the wrong that has been going on for so long. I like your approach on issues that need to be addressed not only in Century but entire Escambia County. I’ll be glad to help you anyway I can. Thank you for your input.

  7. IMHO on October 27th, 2023 9:31 pm

    @notagain You hit the nail on the head! Well said

  8. Christian, Quartermaster, Paratrooper Sargent Rose Edward J former USA Army on October 27th, 2023 9:05 pm

    I moved here two years ago thinking this town had potential because of all the drive through traffic. Yet we have even a Burger King shut down, no secured reliable internet service connections which a educated person would spend money on, meantaly I’ll homeless and drug and alcohol abusers roaming the streets, 7 different churches claiming to be food banks but not one shelter to get the homeless off the streets, nor do they gather, all of them claiming to be Christian yet they are segregated, divided and some secretly claim to actually be Free Mason lodges while they claim to be churches of the Christian God but are more concerned with Masonic Lodge membership not obeying God’s word. They can’t grow as a town because they are prejudice.

  9. BIG JOHN on October 27th, 2023 8:22 pm


  10. Not again on October 27th, 2023 7:52 pm

    Essentially, numerous state legislators and governors have kept Century going for decades with grants and subsidies that far overvalue the contribution of Century back to the local and state communities as a whole. Senator Broxson and Representative Salzman may say de-chartering is up to Century, but as long as they keep caving in by writing state checks, they are part of the problem of what essentially is a municipality on welfare.

    As a lifelong resident of Florida and resident of Escambia County for forty years, I’m tired of seeing millions of dollars spent on infrastructure that benefits only a few dozen people, if that, in Century. The subsidy for the Freedom Road bridge is a classic example.

    When legislators (including those at the table) constantly “win” special appropriations for Century, they only exacerbate wasteful spending they promise to cut in their campaigns.

    To me, the delegation is greatly responsible for keeping Century’s government alive with state taxpayer subsidies with no accountability as to how these funds contribute back to benefitting all Floridians. Many commenters on this website have called for the de-chartering of Century for years. Senator Broxson did not come up with this idea on his own.

  11. KM on October 27th, 2023 7:25 pm

    This would be a mercy to citizens of Century.

  12. Yellarhammer on October 27th, 2023 6:51 pm

    Amen finally.

  13. JJ on October 27th, 2023 5:12 pm

    Should have state audit all monies in last 5 years.
    Hang all thiefs

  14. Sherriff Andy on October 27th, 2023 12:59 pm

    Can we just give Century to Alabama?

  15. Victoria Carroll on October 27th, 2023 12:50 pm

    It’s about time Amen !!!!

  16. Jeremy on October 27th, 2023 12:42 pm

    Florida could save a lot on taxes altogether if you de-charter the whole state. Think about it states rights no federal interference. Or maybe go try living on a deserted island for a whole too lol…

  17. DoBe on October 27th, 2023 12:40 pm

    if they do this they should ballot all voters of escambia county to approve 1-2 cent sales tax to fund century. like should have been with childens trust not just property payers then whole county can put in. !!

  18. kane on October 27th, 2023 12:24 pm

    Well, they have messed up long enough for the state senators to notice that says a lot.
    I like how Broxson tried to give them a way out citing “low tax bse” and “difficult challenges” when clearly it was nothing but bad leadership from the mayor that was spending taxpayer money on airline tickets or the newly minted “interim mayor” trying to get his buddies a paycheck instead of doing one damn thing to help the CITIZENS of Century.

    Escambia county will gladly incorporate the town. This is good for the citizens of both Century and Escambia cty. Century residents will get the funding and attention they deserve and those of us in Esc won’t have to worry about bailing out a failing neighbor.

    As far as the “century politicians” they won’t have much of a choice when their town runs out of money, they will be DE-chartered and absorbed. You’ll know that day is here when the interim mayor starts saying “yeah DE-chartering was always my plan.”

    @Eddie why would we give Century to Alabama? It’s Century, FL. not AL. We Floridians love our small communities and hate to see them doing poorly. This is not the fault of the citizens just God-awful leadership.

  19. IMHO on October 27th, 2023 12:08 pm

    “Thanks for the millions of dollars y’all gave us.” “You should de-charter.” Wow! Thank you Doug Broxson!! At least someone is paying attention.

  20. Beach Boy on October 27th, 2023 10:49 am

    The Century politicians will go out screaming and yelling if they de-charter and let Escambia County take over. BUT….don’t come crying and screaming to me that MY TAXES will increase to support Century!!!! Senior Citizens are already on fixed incomes. Our income is already stretched to the limit with increase in property taxes, increased School Board taxes, higher groceries, gas, you name it. Just how far do you think our measly social security will stretch?

  21. Senor Exasperated on October 27th, 2023 9:57 am

    Broxston didn’t mention which Escambia Coumty. He’s sneaky good.

  22. Eddie on October 27th, 2023 9:36 am

    Give century to ala Escambia cty residents bail out these dishonest crook s

  23. M in Bratt on October 27th, 2023 9:33 am

    The action that Broxon suggests will probably have to be taken on by the legislature because all the big fish in the little pond politicians that now run Century will never relinquish their power voluntarily. Knowing this, Sen. Broxon needs to take the lead in this and get it done.

  24. EMD on October 27th, 2023 8:54 am

    Please Century. Do it. You need help. So, do those in charge care more about how they can prosper financially, or do they care more about the citizens that are at their mercy? I do not know. I do know that I cringe whenever i see the name Centruy on here or TV as I am always embarrassed for that town. “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Please let go of your pride or whatever it is that keeps the nightmare going.

  25. J-THE-G on October 27th, 2023 8:48 am

    Glad to know that people can actually see just how bad things are. Time to end the clown show that is Century.

  26. tg on October 27th, 2023 8:24 am

    All i can say is AMEN!

  27. Common Sense on October 27th, 2023 7:59 am

    The only way to end this mockery of good
    Government is to disincorporate…this is usually the
    End result of politicians who try to pack councils and
    Other governmental bodies.

  28. MNB on October 27th, 2023 7:51 am

    The writing on the wall…take heed, Century. The town is not only financially strained but saddled with incompetent leadership.

  29. Johnny on October 27th, 2023 6:51 am

    I’m all for that maybe century will get back like it should be

  30. SW on October 27th, 2023 6:37 am

    Finally, the legislators have seen the inevitable!

    Now, Century…do it!

  31. mnon on October 27th, 2023 4:36 am

    14 years pfft.. Century has been the way it is for as long as I’ve been alive going all the way back to the mid-60s. Do you think it’s going to get better now? That’s laughable.

  32. Tc on October 27th, 2023 3:50 am

    This idea is long overdue . The incompetent clown show in Century needs replaced yesterday

  33. Won’t happen on October 26th, 2023 11:50 pm

    A sane sensible recommendation.

    Won’t happen.

    Those in power will never relinquish power.

  34. dave lamb on October 26th, 2023 11:38 pm

    Sounds like a better plan than what seems to be an ongoing comedy of errors.
    Residents would be better off!

  35. D. Flowers on October 26th, 2023 11:18 pm

    Sounds like a kind & merciful proposal from Sen. Broxson.