School Board Looks To Make Leonard Permanent Superintendent

October 13, 2023

The Escambia County School Board is heading toward extending Keith Leonard’s contract as permanent superintendent.

Leonard was hired as interim superintendent effective June 1 after the board fired former superintendent Tim Smith.

“I believe our interim superintendent has been doing an admirable job,” Hightower said as she brought up the discussion during a Thursday afternoon workshop session.

“Come January, any superintendent in the state is going to have to start thinking about roles and responsibilities preparing for the coming school year,” she said. “I just feel like it’s just a disservice not only to the person sitting in that seat, but also to our employees if we don’t say something earlier than June about what is going to happen.”

She said that if the board is ready, she would like to have a conversation in December about making Leonard the permanent superintendent.

“Mr. Leonard has come into this job, has hit the ground running,” Hightower said. “In order for us to create some stability and consistency, I would like for us to decide how we want to move forward.”

“I see excitement in our employees and in my schools,” board member Kevin Adams said. “I appreciate the job he’s doing, and right now he’s my guy.”

“It gives our employees a feeling of we are not guessing what the future looks like,” Bill Slayton said. “The board seems to be moving in a direction that we can have a permanent superintendent…that puts a lot of relaxation I think to all of our employees, and students and parents.”

Leonard mentioned a possible  18-month rolling contact.

“Right now, out teachers have a year to year contract. That’s what I think Keith Leonard should have,” Leonard said, adding the board should tell the superintendent each December if the contract will be continued. “In December, you are going to tell somebody something so they know that they have the authority and the responsibility, more than that, to get things done.”

Leonard was in the top four when the board last conducted a national search before hiring Smith. Leonard’s current interim contract ends June 30, 2024, if it’s not renewed.


15 Responses to “School Board Looks To Make Leonard Permanent Superintendent”

  1. Sharon McHarris on October 16th, 2023 9:14 pm

    The second in command, Ms. Sheena Payne, should be one of the candidates considered for this position as well. Especially since she was overlooked for the position when Smith was let go. The way this all occurred was not fair to her.

  2. Trish on October 16th, 2023 10:51 am

    I have always believed that a local should hold this position and it should be an elected by the people not an appointed by the board position.

  3. Robert on October 14th, 2023 3:59 am

    My Nana always said “Being the best of a sorry lot ain’t nothing to be proud of”.

  4. Bob Crabtree on October 13th, 2023 4:26 pm

    So the plan was to bring in a Fall Guy – Tim Smith – to take the blame for Warrington Middle School’s eventual, inevitable, irrevocable demise and then use that as a pretense to fire the scape goat and to put in the guy they wanted from the get-go, a one Mr. Keith Leonard.

    It may not have been my plan, but I do love it when a (corrupt) plan comes together!

  5. Jlb on October 13th, 2023 1:33 pm

    The voters of Escambia County should NEVER given up the right to vote for a superintendent. I totally support Keith Leonard for this job. Bill Slayton not sure what your problem is , with Mr.. Leonard,
    but the voters of district 5 are watching. Mr. Slayton should enjoy retirement..

  6. Debby Dorough on October 13th, 2023 1:12 pm

    Great news! Mr. Leonard is a good man. He has always supported all stakeholders: distr in ct employees, parents, and students. He has a strong work ethic and is invested in our district and community. We are blessed to have him at the helm.

  7. VoteTHEMout on October 13th, 2023 12:39 pm

    Vote the board out. When you OVERRIDE VOTERS, you are not representing them!

  8. Bonnie Exner on October 13th, 2023 11:14 am

    Praises for the Escambia County School Board and Prayers for SUPERINTENDENT KEITH LEONARD

  9. Frank on October 13th, 2023 8:31 am

    We need to petition to get our vote back. I don’t like five people deciding who leads this system. They need to answer to the people. And I want those five to hear from us come November. Wish our Rep was back up for renewal, we could end his contract.

  10. RWA on October 13th, 2023 8:20 am

    Sounds like the best way to go. Mr. Leonard seems to be out working and not just sitting behind a desk. He gets along with the board and folks in the schools. The board has made a wise decision to keep a local person in that position. And, Mr. Leonard has given a great idea with the rolling contract. Win, win all around.

  11. Bob on October 13th, 2023 7:56 am

    The entire school board should be replaced. Everyone on the board is corrupt and dishonest. The good Ole boy system is in full force.

    This is why the Escambia County School system is constantly ranked at the bottom of the list !!!


    Current school district employee

  12. JTV on October 13th, 2023 7:02 am

    He’d have won by a landslide if the folks in Escambia County wouldn’t have given up their vote for this position. This should go back on the ballot.

  13. Anne on October 13th, 2023 6:49 am

    FINALLY ….We fully support Mr. Leonard as Supt of Escambia County Schools.

    That idea of an ‘appointed’ supt was wrong from the git-go.
    SO Pleased the School Board is in support of Mr. Leonard, Thank You.

  14. Jason on October 13th, 2023 2:19 am

    Now if voters will just say goodbye to Patty Hightower and Bill Slayton. These two have never met a tax or a tax increase they wouldnt approve. They just love to dig deeper into your wallet.

    Hightower is now in her fifth term — 20+ years —- on the school board. There should be term limits and she should go find new employment.

    Slayton is in his 4th term on the board —- another poster child for term limits. Its time for the tax and spend , spend, spend representative to find new employment. Really its time for him to enjoy the retirement days.

  15. Mommatas on October 13th, 2023 1:28 am

    I like Mr Leonard’s idea of a rolling contract. If it is good enough for the teachers and other staff why not him.