Ransom Middle Holds ‘My Favorite Things’ Mock Election

October 22, 2023

Last Week, Ransom Middle School held a “My Favorite Things Election”  using staff and equipment from the Escambia County Supervisor of Elections Office. “Students were able to get hands-on with the same equipment that is used in all official elections in Escambia County.

For their favorite  automaker, students picked Ford, 48-32 over Chevrolet, and FSU as the top college, 62-32 over West Florida. Chick-fil-A was hands down the favorite fast food among Ransom students with 120 votes to just 24 votes for second place Whataburger

Donald Trump was the favorite president among students, over Biden and historic contenders George Washington, Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln.

Dogs won favorite pet, with 139 votes to a distant 31 votes for cats.

Top sport was football, and top school subject was claimed by P.E.

Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Ransom Middle Holds ‘My Favorite Things’ Mock Election”

  1. Willene Bryan on October 24th, 2023 8:27 am

    Love this.