Florida’s Minimum Wage Goes Up $1 To $12 An Hour

October 1, 2023

Florida’s minimum wage increased by $1 — from $11 to $12 per hour — on Saturday.

It’s part of  the initiative known as Amendment 2 that  was approved by voters in 2020. The $1 raises will continue each year until minimum wage reaches $15 per hour in 2026.

The dollar increase this year will net a minimum wage worker an extra $2,080. A minimum wage worker putting in 40 hours a week without a day off for a year will make $24,960.

The required cash wage for tipped employees increased to $8.98 on October 1.

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.


4 Responses to “Florida’s Minimum Wage Goes Up $1 To $12 An Hour”

  1. Positive Difference on October 2nd, 2023 1:45 pm

    The Escambia County Public School District’s minimum starting wage is $15.00 per hour plus health insurance, plus 8 hours sick leave per month, plus 8 hours annual leave per month, plus off two weeks at Christmas with pay, plus off most holidays with pay, plus employee gym, plus employee health and wellness center, plus Florida Retirement System (FRS). plus, plus, plus. All types of positions available in Maintenance, Transportation and Custodial.

  2. Charlotte Bates on October 2nd, 2023 12:54 am

    I’m happy they are getting a minimum pay raise, but in a sense, they will be right back where they started from, as the employer will have to raise his prices, or cut hours to off set the increase in pay. It’s a catch 22 anyway you look at it.

  3. John Locke on October 1st, 2023 10:30 am

    @Duke of Wawbeek

    Don’t know if you’re aware, but prices have been increasing without the wage increase.

  4. Duke of Wawbeek on October 1st, 2023 7:27 am

    The price increas resulting from this raise, this inflation will affect everyone; especially the lower income bracket.